Complete MongoDB Administration Guide
Complete MongoDB Administration Guide, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 225 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 1983 reviews, and has 17724 subscribers.
You will learn about Deeply understand how MongoDB works – cursor, batch size, iterator Launch production database on the Atlas MongoDB – managed cloud-based MongoDB database Install and configure production MongoDB on the dedicated or virtual private server Understand and use different MongoDB BSON types – ObjectId, ISODate, NumberInt etc. Learn how to use MongoDB Shell, Robo 3T (Robomongo), MongoDB Compass for database management Perform different kinds of update operations using operators $set, $rename, $addToSet, $push, $inc etc Use different kinds of queries and query operators like $in, $eq, $regex, $elemMatch etc. Easily combine different aggregation stages like $match, $group, $unwind Understand purpose of the indexes and create indexes Use backup and restore tools – mongoexport, mongoimport, mongodump and mongorestore This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who use or are planning to use MongoDB in their projects or Full-stack developers It is particularly useful for Developers who use or are planning to use MongoDB in their projects or Full-stack developers.
Enroll now: Complete MongoDB Administration Guide
Title: Complete MongoDB Administration Guide
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 225
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 225
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 231
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 231
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Deeply understand how MongoDB works – cursor, batch size, iterator
- Launch production database on the Atlas MongoDB – managed cloud-based MongoDB database
- Install and configure production MongoDB on the dedicated or virtual private server
- Understand and use different MongoDB BSON types – ObjectId, ISODate, NumberInt etc.
- Learn how to use MongoDB Shell, Robo 3T (Robomongo), MongoDB Compass for database management
- Perform different kinds of update operations using operators $set, $rename, $addToSet, $push, $inc etc
- Use different kinds of queries and query operators like $in, $eq, $regex, $elemMatch etc.
- Easily combine different aggregation stages like $match, $group, $unwind
- Understand purpose of the indexes and create indexes
- Use backup and restore tools – mongoexport, mongoimport, mongodump and mongorestore
Who Should Attend
- Developers who use or are planning to use MongoDB in their projects
- Full-stack developers
Target Audiences
- Developers who use or are planning to use MongoDB in their projects
- Full-stack developers
This course is all about MongoDB. You willlearn how MongoDB works behind the scenes. Course will be focused mainly on the MongoDB and MongoDB Shell. In such way you will understand MongoDB much better and learn its key features
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of MongoDB administration, focusing on actual administration tasks that DBAs perform on a day-to-day basis. Students will learn the fundamental concepts and tools necessary to effectively manage a MongoDB database, including installation, configuration, backup and recovery, monitoring and troubleshooting, and security.
The course begins with an overview of MongoDB and its architecture, including the components and processes that make up a MongoDB deployment. Students will then learn how to install and configure a MongoDB instance, including configuring storage, networking, and security settings.
Next, the course covers backup and recovery strategies for MongoDB, including performing regular backups and restoring data in case of failures. Students will also learn how to monitor MongoDB performance and troubleshoot common issues.
Finally, the course covers security concepts and practices for MongoDB, including authentication and authorization, data encryption, and network security.
Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience working with MongoDB through a series of practical exercises and labs. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of MongoDB administration and be prepared to manage MongoDB deployments in real-world scenarios.
Some of the course topics and practice activities:
1. You will start from the installation of the MongoDB.
Installation will be performed on the:
– Local computer Mac or PC
– Dedicated or VPS server
– MongoDB Atlas – Cloud MongoDB Software as a Service
You will also install graphical interfaces for MongoDB management:
– Robo 3T (previously Robomongo)
– MongoDB Compass
2. Learn how to work in MongoDB Shell. We will discuss and explore JavaScript Engine that is used in MongoDB.
3. Study primary MongoDB data types – Strings, Numbers, Arrays, Objects, Dates etc. We will talk about JSON and BSON data types and discuss difference between them.
4. Perform all sorts of CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations.
5. Study in-depth MongoDB queries and query language. Different query operators such as $or, $and, $lt, $gt, $type, $in will be deeply covered.
6. MongoDB Aggregation framework
7. MongoDB Indexes and Utilities
Join the course now to get complete knowledge about MongoDB. Gain valuable skills required for the proper MongoDB administration.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Let's get connected! Join the Learning Community
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Course Navigation
Lecture 3: LECTURE – Course Structure and Practice Tasks Overview
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – WINDOWS ONLY – Install "cmder"
Chapter 2: Introduction to MongoDB
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Introduction Module Overview
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Document Database Overview
Lecture 3: LECTURE – Understanding JSON
Lecture 4: LECTURE – BSON
Lecture 5: LECTURE – Conversion between JSON and BSON
Lecture 6: LECTURE – Extended JSON Modes
Lecture 7: LECTURE – MongoDB Structure
Lecture 8: LECTURE – MongoDB Architecture
Lecture 9: LECTURE – MongoDB Remote Management
Lecture 10: LECTURE – MongoDB Introduction Summary
Lecture 11: SLIDES – Introduction to MongoDB
Chapter 3: MongoDB Installation Options
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Installation Introduction
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Installation options
Lecture 3: SLIDES – Installation Options
Chapter 4: Installing MongoDB on the local computer (Mac or Windows)
Lecture 1: PRACTICE – Installing on the Mac
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Launch MongoDB as a service on the Mac
Lecture 3: PRACTICE – Installing on Windows
Chapter 5: Installing MongoDB on the Dedicated or VPS server
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Hosting Services Overview
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Launch Amazon EC2 server
Lecture 3: PRACTICE – Installing MongoDB on the Ubuntu Server
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Configure MongoDB network access
Lecture 5: PRACTICE – Allow external access to the server
Lecture 6: PRACTICE – Create MongoDB Admin user
Lecture 7: PRACTICE – Connecting to MongoDB
Chapter 6: Using MongoDB as a Service (Cloud MongoDB)
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Introduction to MongoDB Cloud
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Create MongoDB Atlas Cluster
Lecture 3: PRACTICE – Verify connection to the Cloud MongoDB Replica Set
Chapter 7: Installing GUI Tools for MongoDB Management
Lecture 1: LECTURE – GUI tools Overview
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Install and Configure MongoDB Compass
Lecture 3: PRACTICE – Install and Configure Robo 3T (Robomongo)
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Change Font size in "Robo 3T"
Chapter 8: Introduction to the MongoDB Shell
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Introduction to the MongoDB Shell
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Setup Overview
Lecture 3: LECTURE – MongoDB Shell JavaScript Engine
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Exploring MongoDB Server and Shell versions
Lecture 5: PRACTICE – Getting help in the MongoDB shell
Lecture 6: LECTURE – MongoDB Shell JavaScript Syntax
Lecture 7: LECTURE – Arguments in the MongoDB Method
Lecture 8: LECTURE – MongoDB Shell Module Summary
Lecture 9: SLIDES – MongoDB Shell
Chapter 9: Primary MongoDB Data Types
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Introduction to the MongoDB Types
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Most Common MongoDB BSON Types
Lecture 3: LECTURE – Types Syntax in Shell Mode
Lecture 4: LECTURE – BSON Type Identifiers
Lecture 5: LECTURE – _id
Lecture 6: LECTURE – ObjectId
Lecture 7: LECTURE – Date and ISODate
Lecture 8: LECTURE – Convert dates to ISODate Format
Lecture 9: LECTURE – Storing proper Number Types in BSON
Lecture 10: LECTURE – MongoDB Data Types Module Summary
Lecture 11: SLIDES – MongoDB Data Types
Chapter 10: Basic Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) Operations
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Introduction to the CRUD Module
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Introduction to the CRUD Operations
Lecture 3: PRACTICE – Exploring Databases and Collections
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Create and Delete Databases and Collections
Lecture 5: CHALLENGE – Create and delete databases and collections
Lecture 6: LECTURE – Insert Methods Overview
Lecture 7: PRACTICE – insert()
Lecture 8: PRACTICE – insertOne()
Lecture 9: PRACTICE – insertMany()
Lecture 10: PRACTICE – Insert Document with different Value Types
Lecture 11: CHALLENGE – Insert Document with different Value Types
Lecture 12: LECTURE – Duplicate _id Error
Lecture 13: LECTURE – Reading Documents Overview
Lecture 14: LECTURE – Cursor
Lecture 15: LECTURE – How Cursor works in find()
Lecture 16: PRACTICE – Generating Sample Set of Documents
Lecture 17: PRACTICE – Iterate Cursor in MongoDB Shell
Lecture 18: PRACTICE -Difference between Batch Size and Iterator Size
Lecture 19: PRACTICE – Change MondoDB Shell Iterator size
Lecture 20: PRACTICE – batchSize()
Lecture 21: PRACTICE – Cursor iteration using next() and hasNext()
Lecture 22: PRACTICE – forEach() and toArray()
Lecture 23: PRACTICE – count(), limit(), skip() and sort()
Lecture 24: PRACTICE – Chaining sort(), limit() and skip()
Lecture 25: CHALLENGE – Chaining sort(), limit() and skip()
Lecture 26: CHALLENGE – forEach() cursor iteration
Lecture 27: PRACTICE – findOne()
Lecture 28: LECTURE – CRUD Operations Module Summary
Lecture 29: SLIDES – CRUD Operations
Chapter 11: MongoDB Queries
Bogdan Stashchuk | Software Engineer, MBA, PhD
Just keep learning – stashchuk
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 27 votes
- 3 stars: 133 votes
- 4 stars: 717 votes
- 5 stars: 1099 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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