Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide
Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.25, with 62 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 23 reviews, and has 167 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the application and importance of IT & software solutions to Project Monitoring & Evaluation so the implementation will be easy and interesting Learn how to study and analyze project plans and framework so the monitoring & evaluation process can be interpreted and integrated into the software design Learn how to design and develop data models and logic flow so the systems dataflow circle will be well structured Learn how to create MySQL database and connect it to your application Learn how to design and develop project monitoring and evaluation data entry and update forms and report pages so users can add, edit and manage field data’s Learn how to design and develop user login & logout forms so user access and privileges will be well managed Learn how to create user groups and assign users to these groups for better access management Learn how to write and read elementary CSS codes so user interface designs that need CSS skills will be easily handled Learn how to create a site in Dreamweaver Learn the importance and application of Database Normalization to software development This course is ideal for individuals who are An IT personal working for an organization involved in Monitoring & Evaluation activities or An independent web developer who wants to learn and expand their skills or A Monitoring & Evaluation Project officer who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method or IT and Project Consulting Freelancers who want to expand their services by providing web based project Monitoring & Evaluation systems to their clients. or A Project Manager who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method It is particularly useful for An IT personal working for an organization involved in Monitoring & Evaluation activities or An independent web developer who wants to learn and expand their skills or A Monitoring & Evaluation Project officer who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method or IT and Project Consulting Freelancers who want to expand their services by providing web based project Monitoring & Evaluation systems to their clients. or A Project Manager who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method.
Enroll now: Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide
Title: Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.25
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 53
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 69
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the application and importance of IT & software solutions to Project Monitoring & Evaluation so the implementation will be easy and interesting
- Learn how to study and analyze project plans and framework so the monitoring & evaluation process can be interpreted and integrated into the software design
- Learn how to design and develop data models and logic flow so the systems dataflow circle will be well structured
- Learn how to create MySQL database and connect it to your application
- Learn how to design and develop project monitoring and evaluation data entry and update forms and report pages so users can add, edit and manage field data’s
- Learn how to design and develop user login & logout forms so user access and privileges will be well managed
- Learn how to create user groups and assign users to these groups for better access management
- Learn how to write and read elementary CSS codes so user interface designs that need CSS skills will be easily handled
- Learn how to create a site in Dreamweaver
- Learn the importance and application of Database Normalization to software development
Who Should Attend
- An IT personal working for an organization involved in Monitoring & Evaluation activities
- An independent web developer who wants to learn and expand their skills
- A Monitoring & Evaluation Project officer who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method
- IT and Project Consulting Freelancers who want to expand their services by providing web based project Monitoring & Evaluation systems to their clients.
- A Project Manager who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method
Target Audiences
- An IT personal working for an organization involved in Monitoring & Evaluation activities
- An independent web developer who wants to learn and expand their skills
- A Monitoring & Evaluation Project officer who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method
- IT and Project Consulting Freelancers who want to expand their services by providing web based project Monitoring & Evaluation systems to their clients.
- A Project Manager who wants to make a positive shift from using the Paper and MS Excel based reporting method to using a web based data entry and reporting method
In this course, you will learn all the basic skills to design and deploy a comprehensive Web based Monitoring & Evaluation Software Solution for your organization.
Web based software solutions are helping organizations keep up with their daily projects. A number of organizations are not there yet due to the cost of implementation. But in this course, we are going to see how easy it is to actually design, develop and deploy a complete and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation software system.
Paper-based monitoring and evaluation process have a number of limitations, although they are very easy to create and organizations already have the skills and tools they need to create them. They don’t deliver as at when due.
Besides the Paper-based solution, the use of MS Excel has also been adopted and is widely used by development professionals. As a result, it’s easy for them to dive straight in without extra training.
As earlier mentioned, there are clear visible problems with these methods. Capturing data on paper and then collating various spreadsheets is time consuming and prone to error. Managers also don’t have clear oversight into what is happening in real-time. Monitoring & Evaluation indicators are only available after all the data has been entered, compiled and analyzed. This means that if there are any issues, management might not realize until they receive a 6 monthly report. It also means that decisions will be made by management based on outdated data.
But with the web based monitoring and evaluation solution, the reverse will be the case. Organizations will be able to
Collect their project monitoring data as close to source as possible.
Access real-time updates on specific projects, review and criticize incorrect data entries.
View overall and specific project summaries using dashboard charts and tables
•Convert an entire report with dashboard charts and tables to PDF with a single click of a button
Feedback useful information to staff, in a timely manner.
Enable management to make decisions in real time
Reduce cost on project field visits
Reduce cost on overall staff manpower
Increase project transparency and visibility
Increase trust and accountability
Do a lot more with less cost.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide
Lecture 1: Introduction to Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide
Lecture 2: Video overview of Software features included in this course
Lecture 3: Benefits of this course
Lecture 4: BONUS LECTURE SECTION – How to design a mobile version for Ipads and Tablets
Chapter 2: Project Plans and Framework
Lecture 1: Project Plans and Framework
Chapter 3: Data Model, Logic Flow and Database Normalization
Lecture 1: Importance and application of a Data Models
Lecture 2: Design a Data Models
Lecture 3: Importance and application of a Logic Flow
Lecture 4: Design a Logic Flow
Lecture 5: Database Normalization
Chapter 4: Upload project folder to server and create a site in Dreamweaver
Lecture 1: Upload project folder to server
Lecture 2: Create a new site in Dreamweaver
Chapter 5: MySQL Database Creation, Linking and Management
Lecture 1: Create MySQL Database and import database dump
Lecture 2: Link site to your project database
Chapter 6: User Login, Failed Login & Logout Pages
Lecture 1: Overview of user login form page
Lecture 2: Link Admin and Settings tables to Login page and add user authentication code
Lecture 3: Logout and Logout Successful pages
Chapter 7: Design Application Template
Lecture 1: Create a blank page and add bootstrap containers
Lecture 2: Add header background colour and insert logo
Lecture 3: Insert current user welcome text and user account area dropdown menu codes
Lecture 4: Insert accordion sidemenu
Lecture 5: Add footer background colour, copyright and developer details
Lecture 6: Add content editable region
Chapter 8: Data Entry & Update Forms
Lecture 1: Add links to pages using Sidemenu links
Lecture 2: Overview of project data entry form
Lecture 3: Design a simple project data entry and update forms
Lecture 4: Add currency plugin to data entry and update form textboxes
Lecture 5: Add item drop down to form select box
Lecture 6: Add select date plugin to form date textbox
Lecture 7: Add calculator plugin to sum multiple fields together
Lecture 8: Configuring CKEditor baseline URL links and global text area height
Lecture 9: Add CKEditor text editor plugin to your form textarea
Chapter 9: MySQL insert, select and update statements
Lecture 1: How to post (insert) data entry form content to database
Lecture 2: Generating our project data recordset using the Select SQL statement
Lecture 3: How to update project data stored in the database using the update form
Lecture 4: Using the update SQL Statement to update our project data in the database
Chapter 10: Project Details Page
Lecture 1: Overview of project details (read-only) page
Lecture 2: Design project detail page (read-only data page)
Chapter 11: Project Table
Lecture 1: Overview of project table
Lecture 2: Design Project Table – Adding table and generating SQL statement
Lecture 3: Design Project Table – Inserting SQL statement codes using PHP code snippets
Lecture 4: Add circular progress bar codes with CSS & JavaScript links
Lecture 5: Add project status indicator box
Lecture 6: Add project detail view icon
Lecture 7: Add project edit icon
Lecture 8: Add project delete icon
Lecture 9: Add project monitoring or evaluation button
Chapter 12: Project Dashboard and Features
Lecture 1: Overview of project dashboard and it features
Lecture 2: Design the framework of the project dashboard page using Bootstrap
Lecture 3: Generate the project dashboard details SQL statement
Lecture 4: Add Horizontal Progress Bar (covered extensively in our first course)
Lecture 5: Design side Project Menu column
Chapter 13: Bonus Project
Lecture 1: Develop multiple M&E projects for yourself using this project scripts
Michael Enyichi Nwuzor
Business Analyst, Web Application Developer & SaaS Provider
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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