Complete Mysql tutorial + Learning 16 complex queries
Complete Mysql tutorial + Learning 16 complex queries, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 38 lectures, based on 1 reviews, and has 28 subscribers.
You will learn about You will how to work with mysql databases from scratch You will learn how to use structured query language for creating tables, columns and keys You will learn how to design a medium sized ecommerce database You will learn how to create different types of relationships You will learn how to create and execute 16 complex queries for extracting complex data This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who want learn about databases with no prior experience or Those who want to learn ecommerce based database structure or Those who are familiar with mysql but want to take their knowledge to higher levels or Those who have basic sql experience but want to learn advanced queries or Beginner and intermidiate developers It is particularly useful for Those who want learn about databases with no prior experience or Those who want to learn ecommerce based database structure or Those who are familiar with mysql but want to take their knowledge to higher levels or Those who have basic sql experience but want to learn advanced queries or Beginner and intermidiate developers.
Enroll now: Complete Mysql tutorial + Learning 16 complex queries
Title: Complete Mysql tutorial + Learning 16 complex queries
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will how to work with mysql databases from scratch
- You will learn how to use structured query language for creating tables, columns and keys
- You will learn how to design a medium sized ecommerce database
- You will learn how to create different types of relationships
- You will learn how to create and execute 16 complex queries for extracting complex data
Who Should Attend
- Those who want learn about databases with no prior experience
- Those who want to learn ecommerce based database structure
- Those who are familiar with mysql but want to take their knowledge to higher levels
- Those who have basic sql experience but want to learn advanced queries
- Beginner and intermidiate developers
Target Audiences
- Those who want learn about databases with no prior experience
- Those who want to learn ecommerce based database structure
- Those who are familiar with mysql but want to take their knowledge to higher levels
- Those who have basic sql experience but want to learn advanced queries
- Beginner and intermidiate developers
Purpose of this course is to teach you how to use Mysql database management system. This course is created
for complete beginner developers but as you progress you will become familiar with complicated matters,
increase your experience and automatically enhance your level of expertise and become proficient in using Mysql
and dealing with large databases. This course is made up of three sections.
In section one:
You will become familiar with Mysql database and get a simple and functional definition of database.
You will learn how to set up environment to start work with Mysql
You will create first database and table
You will learn how to analyze structure of created table
You will add unique key and columns to database table
You will learn how to retrieve simple data form database table
You will learn how to delete data from database table
You will learn how to use simple and complex update command to update your tables
You will learn concept of foreign key and how to establish connection between tables
You will learn how to join tables and get more complex data
You will learn about views and how to use them as sub queries in complex queries
In section two:
You will become familiar with a medium sized e-commerce application database
You will learn different relationships which can be created between database tables
You will create e-commerce database tables and execute simple queries on them
In section three:
You will prepare your e-commerce database with massive data
You will learn and execute 16 different and complex queries on database tables
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Introduction & Installation
Lecture 2: Create first database
Lecture 3: Create first table
Lecture 4: Analyse users table
Lecture 5: Add unique key and more columns to users table
Lecture 6: Retrieve data from users table with select command
Lecture 7: Learn how to delete users
Lecture 8: Learn simple and advanced ways of updating tables
Lecture 9: Learn foreign key and how to connect tables
Lecture 10: Learn how to join tables and get more complex data
Lecture 11: Learn how to use views for more complex queries
Chapter 2: Creating ecommerce database tables and relationships
Lecture 1: Create ecommerce database and countries table
Lecture 2: Create users table
Lecture 3: Learn one to many relationship
Lecture 4: Create categories table
Lecture 5: Create products table
Lecture 6: Create product_categories table
Lecture 7: Learn many to many relationship
Lecture 8: Create ratings table
Lecture 9: Create orders and order_items tables
Lecture 10: Create profiles table and learn one to one relationship
Chapter 3: Complex queries
Lecture 1: Prepare database with massive data
Lecture 2: Get total number of users for each country
Lecture 3: Get total number of users and total amount of orders for each country
Lecture 4: Get total number and total amount of orders for each user
Lecture 5: Get total quantity of ordered products for each user
Lecture 6: Get each user ordered products with total sold count and total amount of pur…
Lecture 7: Get each user with ordered categories along with total sold count and total a…
Lecture 8: Get total number of products for each category
Lecture 9: Get total number and total amount of orders for each country
Lecture 10: Get each user's ratings count, ratings total and ratings average
Lecture 11: Get ratings count, ratings total and ratings average given to each product
Lecture 12: Get total number and total amount of orders for each month
Lecture 13: Get ten most popular products
Lecture 14: Get most popular product for each month
Lecture 15: Get ten best seller products
Lecture 16: Get best seller product for each month
Lecture 17: Get best order of each user
Danial Mohamadnejad
Programmer and developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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