Complete Next.js with React & Node – Portfolio Apps [2023]
Complete Next.js with React & Node – Portfolio Apps [2023], available at $74.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 301 lectures, based on 1172 reviews, and has 10831 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop web applications with the latest Next JS & React Understand web concepts clearly by creating real-world applications Create SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Isomorphic Friendly Applications Establish yourself in field of the exciting Next and React web development environment This course is ideal for individuals who are Starting as well as experienced developers interested in modern frameworks as Next, React and Node. or This course is for everyone eager to understand how a javascript frameworks work. or Taking this course will enable you explain before difficult concepts to your fellow colleagues in simple way. It is particularly useful for Starting as well as experienced developers interested in modern frameworks as Next, React and Node. or This course is for everyone eager to understand how a javascript frameworks work. or Taking this course will enable you explain before difficult concepts to your fellow colleagues in simple way.
Enroll now: Complete Next.js with React & Node – Portfolio Apps [2023]
Title: Complete Next.js with React & Node – Portfolio Apps [2023]
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 301
Number of Published Lectures: 301
Number of Curriculum Items: 301
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 301
Original Price: €129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop web applications with the latest Next JS & React
- Understand web concepts clearly by creating real-world applications
- Create SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Isomorphic Friendly Applications
- Establish yourself in field of the exciting Next and React web development environment
Who Should Attend
- Starting as well as experienced developers interested in modern frameworks as Next, React and Node.
- This course is for everyone eager to understand how a javascript frameworks work.
- Taking this course will enable you explain before difficult concepts to your fellow colleagues in simple way.
Target Audiences
- Starting as well as experienced developers interested in modern frameworks as Next, React and Node.
- This course is for everyone eager to understand how a javascript frameworks work.
- Taking this course will enable you explain before difficult concepts to your fellow colleagues in simple way.
Is this course right for you?
If you plan to start your career as a developer or improve your programming skills, this course is right for you. Learn how to build a fantastic portfolio website you can share with your colleagues or future employers.
Get all you need to start web development in one course! Start with web development technologies and move to more advanced topics until your application is deployed to Heroku or Vercel and accessible online on the internet. This course covers the latest topics and React JS and Next JS versions.
Course Structure is the following:
[Project 1]: Resource Application (Beginners)
[Project 2]: Content Application (Beginners)
[Project 3]: Portfolio Application (Beginners/Intermediate)
What is Next.js?
Next.js is a React framework that provides infrastructure and simple development experience for server-side rendered(SSR) applications.
An intuitive page-based routing system (with support for dynamic routes)
Pre-rendering, both static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR), are supported on a per-page basis.
What are we going to work on?
Project 1 – Resource Project
This project is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts in web development.
You will grasp the concept of state, which represents the dynamic data within a React component, and learn how to manage it effectively.
Understanding props, which pass data from one component to another, is a key part of this project.
You will understand comprehensively what a component is in the context of React and how to create and use them in your applications.
The primary focus is on React and Next JS, two popular JavaScript libraries/frameworks for building modern web applications.
Project 2 – Content Application
Learn the latest Next.js 13’s “App Architecture.”
Explore recent changes in React and Next.js.
Build a content application for managing portfolios and blogs in markdown format.
Discover new API functions.
Understand project organization.
Gain insight into how these frameworks work.
Project 3 – Extensive Portfolio Project
Building the Layout:
Creating reusable components like navbar and portfolio cards.
Explaining server-side rendering and data fetching techniques.
Using Auth0 for authentication.
User registration, login, and access control.
Managing authentication state and making UI changes.
Portfolio Features:
Implementing create, update, and delete functionality.
Real-time updates and fast static pages with Next.js.
Creating blogs with a rich text editor.
Drafting and publishing blogs.
Managing user blogs and SEO.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
Basics of SEO and integrating it with Next.js.
Deploying Express API server to Heroku.
Deploying Next.js portfolio app to Vercel to be accessible on the internet.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Project Overview
Lecture 2: How to resolve issues + Project structure
Lecture 3: Update Announcement
Lecture 4: Page vs App Init
Chapter 2: [Project 1]: Init the Project
Lecture 1: Project Introduction
Lecture 2: Project initialisation
Lecture 3: Folder Structure
Lecture 4: _app Component
Lecture 5: Components
Lecture 6: Class components
Lecture 7: JSX
Lecture 8: Arrow Functions
Chapter 3: [Project 1]: State & Props
Lecture 1: State
Lecture 2: Increment state
Lecture 3: Change state
Lecture 4: Class state
Lecture 5: Props
Lecture 6: Use effect
Lecture 7: Class props
Lecture 8: How web apps work
Lecture 9: More about props
Chapter 4: [Project 1]: Layout
Lecture 1: Bulma css
Lecture 2: Separation into components
Lecture 3: Absolute path
Lecture 4: Layout
Lecture 5: Resource data
Lecture 6: Highlight list
Lecture 7: Resource list
Chapter 5: [Project 1]: Data fetching
Lecture 1: Api functions
Lecture 2: Get static props
Lecture 3: Get static vs get server side props
Lecture 4: [Server] Api app
Lecture 5: [Server] Api endpoints
Lecture 6: [Server] Get resources from API
Lecture 7: Get data from 3001
Lecture 8: Cors and Proxy
Chapter 6: [Project 1]: Forms & Create Resource
Lecture 1: Important! Next 13 Updates
Lecture 2: Resource new page
Lecture 3: Resource form
Lecture 4: More inputs
Lecture 5: Form values
Lecture 6: Form Submit
Lecture 7: Handle title change
Lecture 8: Handle all inputs change
Chapter 7: [Project 1]: Post Request
Lecture 1: Send a post request
Lecture 2: Attach data in the request
Lecture 3: Axios
Lecture 4: Validate data
Lecture 5: Catching error
Lecture 6: [Server] post endpoint
Lecture 7: [Server] finishing post endpoint
Lecture 8: Handling post request in API
Lecture 9: Redirect after create
Chapter 8: [Project 1]: Resource Details
Lecture 1: [Server] get resource by ID endpoint
Lecture 2: Resource detail page
Lecture 3: Resource page fetch data
Lecture 4: Link to detail page
Lecture 5: Get Initial Props
Lecture 6: Get static paths
Lecture 7: Fallback true
Lecture 8: Revalidate
Chapter 9: [Project 1]: Resource Edit
Lecture 1: Resource edit page
Lecture 2: Resource Form Component
Lecture 3: Resource Edit Form
Lecture 4: Resource Patch API endpoint
Lecture 5: [Server] Patch Endpoint
Chapter 10: [Project 1]: Active Resource
Lecture 1: Active resource component
Lecture 2: Active resource patch request
Lecture 3: [Server] Activate resource
Lecture 4: [Server] Active resource endpoint
Lecture 5: Fetch active resource in next
Lecture 6: Time to finish in seconds
Lecture 7: Seconds state
Chapter 11: [Project 1]: UX Improvements
Lecture 1: UX improvements
Lecture 2: Complete resource
Lecture 3: [Server] Forbid update of not complete resource
Lecture 4: Resource Status
Lecture 5: Resource status color
Lecture 6: Display buttons on inactive ones
Lecture 7: Env variables
Chapter 12: [Project 1]: Deployment
Lecture 1: Git & Heroku
Lecture 2: Pushing Code to Github
Lecture 3: Deploying to Heroku
Lecture 4: Production env file
Lecture 5: Deployment To Vercel
Chapter 13: [Project 2]: Init the Project
Lecture 1: Init the project
Lecture 2: File Removal
Filip Jerga
Software Engineer -
Eincode by Filip Jerga
Online Education
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 25 votes
- 2 stars: 42 votes
- 3 stars: 123 votes
- 4 stars: 340 votes
- 5 stars: 642 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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