Complete NodeJS course with express, socket io and MongoDB
Complete NodeJS course with express, socket io and MongoDB, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 98 lectures, based on 1517 reviews, and has 162617 subscribers.
You will learn about Build the backend with NodeJS for your website and mobile app Use Modern JavaScript es6 Implement CRUD operations Implement Authentication with JWT NodeJS Basic and Basic Core Modules Parsing requests and sending responses Using express js Building REST APIs Building a Realtime Node js App with Socket io Deploy Node JS Application This course is ideal for individuals who are Any developers who want to developer backend with JavaScript or Developers already develope frontend with JavaScript or Want to use one programming language to develope both frontend and backend It is particularly useful for Any developers who want to developer backend with JavaScript or Developers already develope frontend with JavaScript or Want to use one programming language to develope both frontend and backend.
Enroll now: Complete NodeJS course with express, socket io and MongoDB
Title: Complete NodeJS course with express, socket io and MongoDB
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 98
Number of Published Lectures: 98
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 98
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build the backend with NodeJS for your website and mobile app
- Use Modern JavaScript es6
- Implement CRUD operations
- Implement Authentication with JWT
- NodeJS Basic and Basic Core Modules
- Parsing requests and sending responses
- Using express js
- Building REST APIs
- Building a Realtime Node js App with Socket io
- Deploy Node JS Application
Who Should Attend
- Any developers who want to developer backend with JavaScript
- Developers already develope frontend with JavaScript
- Want to use one programming language to develope both frontend and backend
Target Audiences
- Any developers who want to developer backend with JavaScript
- Developers already develope frontend with JavaScript
- Want to use one programming language to develope both frontend and backend
What is NodeJS ?
Node.js is an open-source, cross-stage, back-end, JavaScript runtime climate that executes JavaScript code outside an internet browser. Node.js lets engineers use JavaScript to compose order line instruments and for worker side scripting—running contents worker side to create dynamic website page content before the page is shipped off the client’s internet browser. Subsequently, Node.js speaks to a “JavaScript all over the place” paradigm, bringing together web-application advancement around a solitary programming language, as opposed to various dialects for worker and customer side contents
But.. why learn NodeJS?
Node.js allows you to build complex and powerful applications without writing complex code
Node.js is well suited to building microservices
Node.js can be used for more than just web development
Node.js is a robust project that won’t be going anywhere
What will you learn from this course?
In this course, you will learn how to build a todo app with NodeJS, ExpressJS and also the template engine EJS.
You will also learn how to use nodeJS to build RESTful API and create a real time chat app with Socket io
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Install nodejs and vscode
Lecture 2: first node trial
Lecture 3: global object
Lecture 4: modules
Lecture 5: file system module
Lecture 6: buffer and stream
Chapter 2: Understand the basic
Lecture 1: Create a server
Lecture 2: How to use the req object in Node.js
Lecture 3: How to use res object in Node.js
Lecture 4: How to return html in Node.js
Lecture 5: Node.js routing without using Express.js
Lecture 6: Status Code
Lecture 7: Status code
Lecture 8: Redirect
Lecture 9: How to download and install a npm package globally in Node.js
Lecture 10: What is package.json and how to install a npm package locally in Node.js?
Chapter 3: Express basic
Lecture 1: What is Express?
Lecture 2: Express Basic
Chapter 4: Quick Overview – Build a Todo Application
Lecture 1: Create an express app
Lecture 2: Routing (html pages)
Lecture 3: Adding materializecss style
Lecture 4: Ejs template engine
Lecture 5: Generate dynamic content with ejs
Lecture 6: Create partial template with ejs
Lecture 7: Setup mongodb
Lecture 8: Mongoose
Lecture 9: Create model and schema
Lecture 10: Getting and saving data
Lecture 11: Rendering data from mongoDB
Lecture 12: Post request with mongoose
Lecture 13: Add the materializecss js to the add item page
Lecture 14: Route parameter
Lecture 15: Create Item detail page
Lecture 16: Create delete request
Lecture 17: Fix the redirect problem
Lecture 18: Create the edit form modal
Lecture 19: Create put request
Lecture 20: Add the edit function
Chapter 5: [Project] A simple MERN todo app
Lecture 1: Start the project and install necessary packages for client and server
Lecture 2: Create the Models, make create todo and read todo API
Lecture 3: Prepare the form for this MERN todos project
Lecture 4: Create "createTodo" and "ReadTodos" functions
Lecture 5: Create a new todo by using the form
Lecture 6: Apply the preloader and render the data to the list
Lecture 7: Update functionality (Adding functions to the form)
Lecture 8: Prepare the update functionality at backend
Lecture 9: Update functionality (client side)
Lecture 10: Delete functionality (server side)
Lecture 11: Delete functionality (client side)
Lecture 12: Deploy server to heroku
Lecture 13: Deploy client to Netlify
Chapter 6: [Project] Create a Chatroom with React,, Express and MongoDB
Lecture 1: Create project
Lecture 2: Create components and routes
Lecture 3: Create userContext
Lecture 4: Add a navbar
Lecture 5: Add a create room form
Lecture 6: Add the room list
Lecture 7: Prepare for the server side
Lecture 8: Add the submit function to the client side
Lecture 9: Receive the room name at the server side
Lecture 10: Pass the room name and id from home page to chat page
Lecture 11: Join the chatroom
Lecture 12: Create other helper functions
Lecture 13: Add send message function
Lecture 14: Receive message at the server side
Lecture 15: Receive messages by other clients
Lecture 16: Setup the mongoDB Atlas
Lecture 17: Connect to mongoDB with mongoose
Lecture 18: Create room model and save to mongoDB
Lecture 19: Listen create room event at client side
Lecture 20: Load the rooms data from MongoDB
Lecture 21: Save the message to mongoDB
Lecture 22: Pass the data to the message component
Lecture 23: Create message component
Lecture 24: Add css to message component
Lecture 25: Create Input Component
Lecture 26: Add css to messages component
Lecture 27: Add routes and controllers to server
Lecture 28: Apply the express middleware
Lecture 29: Sign up and create user
Lecture 30: Custom errors
Lecture 31: Get the values from the error object
Lecture 32: Deal with the duplicate account error
Lecture 33: Mongoose hook
Lecture 34: Hash the password
Lecture 35: Create route to Login and Signup page
Lecture 36: Detail the signup page
Lecture 37: Add the function and error messages to the signup page
Lecture 38: Set and get cookies with options
Lecture 39: Signup page: Call signup api from client
Lecture 40: Create JSON Web Token
Lecture 41: Display error message
Lecture 42: Redirect to homepage after signup
Lecture 43: Create the login page and login function
Kim Chen
Registered teacher, MSc in Computer Science, Statistics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 60 votes
- 2 stars: 70 votes
- 3 stars: 247 votes
- 4 stars: 501 votes
- 5 stars: 639 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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