Complete Python Programming 2020: Beginner to Advanced
Complete Python Programming 2020: Beginner to Advanced, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 164 lectures, based on 498 reviews, and has 25164 subscribers.
You will learn about All dimension of Python from variables, functions, loops and libraries to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Object Oriented Mapper (ORM) and Data science Complex features and topics of Python such as Comprehensions, Decorators, Literal Quarries and Magic codes Create games with Python such as Fizz-buzz game, dungeon game and guess word game Create apps with Python such as reminder app and shopping list app Do Data Mining, Image Processing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence(AI) projects with Python Do professional programming in professional teams and groups Work with SQL Alchemy Design tests and do error debugging Work with Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) Work with Git Bash and Linux Commands This course is ideal for individuals who are People who don’t have any background on Python programming or Those who are at beginner level and want to become professional Python programmer or Those programmer who want to switch to Python language or • People who want to do data mining, machine learning, image processing, implement websites, work with APIs, work with artificial intelligence with Python It is particularly useful for People who don’t have any background on Python programming or Those who are at beginner level and want to become professional Python programmer or Those programmer who want to switch to Python language or • People who want to do data mining, machine learning, image processing, implement websites, work with APIs, work with artificial intelligence with Python.
Enroll now: Complete Python Programming 2020: Beginner to Advanced
Title: Complete Python Programming 2020: Beginner to Advanced
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 164
Number of Published Lectures: 164
Number of Curriculum Items: 164
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 164
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- All dimension of Python from variables, functions, loops and libraries to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Object Oriented Mapper (ORM) and Data science
- Complex features and topics of Python such as Comprehensions, Decorators, Literal Quarries and Magic codes
- Create games with Python such as Fizz-buzz game, dungeon game and guess word game
- Create apps with Python such as reminder app and shopping list app
- Do Data Mining, Image Processing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence(AI) projects with Python
- Do professional programming in professional teams and groups
- Work with SQL Alchemy
- Design tests and do error debugging
- Work with Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
- Work with Git Bash and Linux Commands
Who Should Attend
- People who don’t have any background on Python programming
- Those who are at beginner level and want to become professional Python programmer
- Those programmer who want to switch to Python language
- • People who want to do data mining, machine learning, image processing, implement websites, work with APIs, work with artificial intelligence with Python
Target Audiences
- People who don’t have any background on Python programming
- Those who are at beginner level and want to become professional Python programmer
- Those programmer who want to switch to Python language
- • People who want to do data mining, machine learning, image processing, implement websites, work with APIs, work with artificial intelligence with Python
Above and Beyond of Python Programming..!
If you are a beginner but you want to be advanced in Python, and if you want to develop your skills and become master of it to do Machine Learning, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects, absolutely Python Programming Masterclass: beginner to professional is one of the best possible options.
This course was designed for all who do not have any background but want to learn Python very well and do professional and real-world projects. So you will learn Python from installing on your system to professional concepts, functions, and codes. In this course, the approach is simple: learning useful and practical techniques and tools. So we avoid wasting our time on useless concepts which are not used in real projects. This course teaches you every dimension of Python in which you learn how to use special methods, codes, and tricks to have write complex codes with least codes and finally create professional programs, apps, and games. Generally, some of the topics and concepts you learn in this course are as the following:
· Functions
· Variables
· Rules of coding
· Error debugging
· Different Python data types such as numbers, strings, lists, slices, dictionaries, tuples, sets, etc.
· Python logic such as loops, conditions, exception, inputs, outputs, etc.
· Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Intellisense, Autopep 8, themes, shortcuts, tricks of Visual Studio Code, internal terminals, Installing Git Bash for Linux systems, Plugins, tools, etc.
· Object-Oriented Systems in Python such as attributes, methods, self, parent, super, magic methods, yields, class method, static, organizing codes, etc.
· Designing tests in Python such as Doctests, unit tests, etc.
· Comprehensions
· Decorators
· Image editing
· Date and time
· First-class citizens and working with some special functions such as map function, filter function, reduce function, etc.
· Data science
· Regular Expression (regex)
· Object-Oriented Mapper (ORM)
· Json and CSV files
· SQL Alchemy
· Text processing
· And much more..!
Above all, there are many challenges and exercises in this course which takes you in the depth of Python and real-world projects. Some of these projects are as the following:
· Creating reminder app
· Creating shopping list app
· Creating Fizz-buzz game
· Creating Dungeon game
· Guess number game
· Guess word game
By the end of this course you will be able to:
· Implement websites
· Design and create games
· Work with Objet-oriented system
· Design software
· Design complex algorithms
· Do Data mining
· Work with Artificial intelligence systems
· Do image processing
· Work Web crawler
· Work with APIs
Just give it a try and enjoy the result….
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Basic of Python
Lecture 1: Course description
Lecture 2: Introduction to Python
Lecture 3: Python Installation in Windows
Lecture 4: Introducing Text Editors of Python
Lecture 5: Variables in Python
Lecture 6: functions in Python
Lecture 7: Coding Style in Python
Lecture 8: Working with Shell to Open Python Files
Lecture 9: Python Package Manager (pip)
Lecture 10: Virtual Environment
Chapter 2: Python Data Types
Lecture 1: Numbers
Lecture 2: Strings
Lecture 3: Lists
Lecture 4: Changing Lists to Strings and Vice Versa
Lecture 5: Working with Subscripts
Chapter 3: Logic in Python
Lecture 1: Literal Booleans
Lecture 2: Conditional Operators of Python
Lecture 3: If Else Commands of Python
Lecture 4: *In* Keyword in Python
Lecture 5: Conditional Loops in Python
Lecture 6: Getting Input from User and Printing the Output
Lecture 7: Exception Management
Chapter 4: Creating Shopping List App
Lecture 1: Shopping List App
Lecture 2: Code Refactoring
Lecture 3: Conclusion
Chapter 5: Creating Guess Number Game
Lecture 1: Guess Number Game
Lecture 2: Random Library
Lecture 3: Creating the Second Version of Game
Lecture 4: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Creating Guess Word Game
Lecture 1: Guess Word Game (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Guess Word Game (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Lecture 1: How to Setup proper IDE
Lecture 2: Creating a Project
Lecture 3: Running a Project
Lecture 4: Tools
Lecture 5: Plugins
Lecture 6: Theme
Lecture 7: Internal Terminals
Lecture 8: Installing Git Bash and Working With Linux Commands in Windows
Lecture 9: Shortcuts of Visual Studio Code
Lecture 10: Saving common codes in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 11: Files in Python
Lecture 12: Intellisense in Visual Studio Code
Lecture 13: Search in Visual Studio Code (Primary and Advanced)
Lecture 14: Installing Auto pep 8 in Visual Studio Code for Observing the Rules of Pep 8
Lecture 15: Markdown In Visual Studio Code
Lecture 16: Tricks of Visual Studio Code
Lecture 17: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Working with Python Data Types (List)
Lecture 1: What is List Data Type?
Lecture 2: Working with List Functions in Python
Chapter 9: Working with Python Data Types (Slice)
Lecture 1: What is Slice Data Type?
Lecture 2: Iterating From Right to Left Using Slice
Lecture 3: Removing Several Members of Slice at a Same Time
Chapter 10: Working with Python Data Types
Lecture 1: What is Dictionary Data Type?
Lecture 2: Working with Dictionaries
Lecture 3: Working with Dictionary Functions
Lecture 4: Iterating Dictionaries
Lecture 5: Packing and Unpacking in Dictionary
Chapter 11: Working with Python Data Types (Tuple)
Lecture 1: What is Tuple Data Type?
Lecture 2: Packing
Chapter 12: Working with Python Data Types (Set)
Lecture 1: What is Set Data Type?
Lecture 2: Mathematical Operations in Python
Chapter 13: Creating Dungeon Game
Lecture 1: Introducing the Process of Dungeon Game
Lecture 2: Designing the Process of Game and The Diving it Into 4 Parts
Lecture 3: Game Creation – Part 1
Lecture 4: Game Creation – Part 2
Lecture 5: Game Creation – Part 3
Lecture 6: Game Creation – Part 4
Chapter 14: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lecture 1: What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?
Lecture 2: Basics of OOP
Lecture 3: Attributes – Part 1
Lecture 4: Attributes – Part 2
Lecture 5: Methods
Lecture 6: Self
Lecture 7: Parameters of Method
Lecture 8: Constructor
Lecture 9: Inheritance and Parent
Lecture 10: Super
Lecture 11: Organizing codes
Lecture 12: Solving the problem of version of Python
Lecture 13: Special Methods
Lecture 14: Magic Method 1
Lecture 15: Magic Method 2
Lecture 16: Yield Generator
Lecture 17: NEW Magic Method
Lecture 18: Getattribute
Mostafa Bigdeli
Marketing Specialist and Programmer -
Milad Ahmadi
Professional Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 25 votes
- 2 stars: 25 votes
- 3 stars: 91 votes
- 4 stars: 187 votes
- 5 stars: 170 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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