Composable SwiftUI Architecture Using Redux
Composable SwiftUI Architecture Using Redux, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 51 lectures, based on 110 reviews, and has 825 subscribers.
You will learn about Unidirectional Data Flow Using Redux Design Pattern in SwiftUI Composable SwiftUI Apps Using Redux Maintaining Global State, Actions, Multiple Reducers Asynchronous Requests Using Middleware This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers wanting to learn Redux Design Pattern or Developers wanting to be promoted to architecture role or Developers wanting to add a new skillset to their tool belt or Developers wanted to build iOS apps using Apples new SwiftUI framework It is particularly useful for Developers wanting to learn Redux Design Pattern or Developers wanting to be promoted to architecture role or Developers wanting to add a new skillset to their tool belt or Developers wanted to build iOS apps using Apples new SwiftUI framework.
Enroll now: Composable SwiftUI Architecture Using Redux
Title: Composable SwiftUI Architecture Using Redux
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Curriculum Items: 51
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 51
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Unidirectional Data Flow Using Redux Design Pattern in SwiftUI
- Composable SwiftUI Apps Using Redux
- Maintaining Global State, Actions, Multiple Reducers
- Asynchronous Requests Using Middleware
Who Should Attend
- Developers wanting to learn Redux Design Pattern
- Developers wanting to be promoted to architecture role
- Developers wanting to add a new skillset to their tool belt
- Developers wanted to build iOS apps using Apples new SwiftUI framework
Target Audiences
- Developers wanting to learn Redux Design Pattern
- Developers wanting to be promoted to architecture role
- Developers wanting to add a new skillset to their tool belt
- Developers wanted to build iOS apps using Apples new SwiftUI framework
SwiftUI applications can be implemented using several different design patterns. The two most common patterns are MVVM and Redux. In this course, you are going to learn how to get started with using the Redux design pattern in your SwiftUI applications.
Knowledge of Swift Language
Knowledge of SwiftUI Framework
No paid software is required. All apps are created using Xcode.
Understanding Redux:
In this section, you will learn different components of the Redux design pattern. You will start by learning about the Redux store and how reducers can access and update the store. You will also learn about state and storing state in smaller slices of the global state. Next, you will learn about actions and how actions can be dispatched from the store and carry a payload. Finally, you will learn about middleware and how middleware can be used to perform an async request.
Hello Redux
In this section, you will learn how to integrate Redux with SwiftUI application. You will build a small counter application and exercise all components of Redux including store, reducer, action and mapStateToProps.
Combining Reducers – Multiple Reducers
In this section, you will learn how to combine multiple reducers into one root reducers. Dividing reducers helps you to clean code and not end up with one massive reducer.
In this section, you will learn how to implement a middleware. Middleware can be used to perform asynchronous requests and pass the result of the request to the reducer by dispatching an action.
Movies App
In this section, you will learn how to build a complete Movies App using Redux Design Pattern with SwiftUI. You will learn how to implement middleware to consume a third party OMDB API. You will also learn how to display images and ratings using provided URLImage and RatingView views. You will also implement the details screen, which will allow you to fetch movie details.
Don’t take my word for it, check out reviews from my other courses.
It is amazing, not only is it clear but it clarifies all my unanswered questions. It’s hard to find someone who has a well detailed swift DS & Algo class. This is a gem. Thank you Mohammad Azam
This course provides a bundle of resources on Swift UI. Great explanation, building different apps and addition of latest updates makes it a five star course. Thanks Mohammad for you valuable work on providing this course.
Mohammad’s courses are usually outstanding, but he has put in a great amount of detail into this course. He provides great detail in his explanations. If you have never parsed JSON and are looking to learn about MVVM design I would highly recommend this course.
Very elegant course. Well scaffolded. Each section is very focused on a single task. One pet peeve I have of Udemy courses is when an instructor teaches a new skill but nest it inside a project that does 10 other things. This is the second course I’ve had with this instructor and both are excellent. Highly recommended.
After completing this course, you will be ready to build your next SwiftUI application using Redux Design Pattern.
Thanks and happy coding!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Prerequisites
Lecture 3: Exercise Files
Lecture 4: Credits
Chapter 2: Understanding Redux
Lecture 1: What is Redux? What problem does it solve?
Lecture 2: Redux Flow Diagram
Lecture 3: Store and Reducers
Lecture 4: State and Actions
Lecture 5: Middlewares
Chapter 3: Hello Redux
Lecture 1: What we will be building in this section?
Lecture 2: Creating Store, Reducer, State and Actions
Lecture 3: Dispatching Actions and Updating State
Lecture 4: Mapping Global States to Local Props
Lecture 5: Injecting Environment Object and Displaying Results
Lecture 6: Implementing Decrement and Add Action
Chapter 4: Combining Reducers – Multiple Reducers
Lecture 1: Why Combining Reducers?
Lecture 2: Creating Multiple Reducers
Lecture 3: Adding Sliced States and Updating Store
Lecture 4: Implementing Task Reducer
Lecture 5: Adding and Displaying Tasks Using Task Reducer
Chapter 5: Middleware
Lecture 1: Understanding the problem?
Lecture 2: Implementing a LOGGING Middleware
Lecture 3: Dispatching Async Actions Using Middleware
Chapter 6: Movies App – Displaying Movie List
Lecture 1: What are we building?
Lecture 2: Register for OMDB Website
Lecture 3: Understanding the Starter Project
Lecture 4: Implementing Models
Lecture 5: Implementing Webservice
Chapter 7: Movies App – Implementing Middleware, Actions and State
Lecture 1: Implementing MoviesState and MoviesReducer
Lecture 2: Implementing moviesMiddleware
Lecture 3: Implementing Movies Reducer
Chapter 8: Movies App – Displaying Movie List
Lecture 1: Implementing mapStateToProps
Lecture 2: Displaying Movies onAppear
Lecture 3: Displaying Movies Using Search Keyword
Chapter 9: Movies App – Displaying the Movie Details
Lecture 1: Understanding the MovieDetail OMDBAPI EndPoint
Lecture 2: Implementing MovieDetail Model
Lecture 3: Implementing Webservice GetMovieDetailsByImdbId
Lecture 4: Fetching Movies inside moviesMiddleware
Lecture 5: Displaying Movie Details for the Selected Movie
Chapter 10: Restroom Finder App – Integrating with API and Setting Up Redux Flow
Lecture 1: What we will be building?
Lecture 2: Tour of REFUGE Restrooms API
Lecture 3: Understanding Starter Project
Lecture 4: Implementing Webservice and Models
Lecture 5: Implementing State, Actions and Reducers
Lecture 6: Implementing restroomsMiddleware for Async Requests
Chapter 11: Restroom Finder App – Location Manager and Displaying Restrooms
Lecture 1: Creating LocationManager to Locate User's Current Position
Lecture 2: Integrating LocationManager and mapStateToProps
Lecture 3: Displaying the Result on the View
Lecture 4: Opening Apple Maps for Directions
Chapter 12: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Next Steps
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Mohammad Azam
Apple Featured iOS Developer and iOS Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 34 votes
- 5 stars: 66 votes
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