Comprehensive AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp
Comprehensive AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 182 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 493 reviews, and has 18203 subscribers.
You will learn about Create websites, build applications, create Artificial Intelligent learning programs that can recognize handwriting and learn while analyzing data. Will help you get a job as a Fullstack programmer or Artificial Intelligence data scientist. Build over 10 AI data analysis tools Image analysis, text analysis etc. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn fullstack in Python 3 and apply it to making AI immediately. If you are a Python 3 Expert, you will still gain knowledge from the 45 projects. or Python Developers who want to get started using Machine Learning in a realistic way using numerical or image data sets. or People who want to use API's like Openai GPT4 will need to know python. or For Data Scientists who want to use python to analyze data, instead of 3rd party tools. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn fullstack in Python 3 and apply it to making AI immediately. If you are a Python 3 Expert, you will still gain knowledge from the 45 projects. or Python Developers who want to get started using Machine Learning in a realistic way using numerical or image data sets. or People who want to use API's like Openai GPT4 will need to know python. or For Data Scientists who want to use python to analyze data, instead of 3rd party tools.
Enroll now: Comprehensive AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp
Title: Comprehensive AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 182
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 181
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 186
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 185
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create websites, build applications, create Artificial Intelligent learning programs that can recognize handwriting and learn while analyzing data.
- Will help you get a job as a Fullstack programmer or Artificial Intelligence data scientist.
- Build over 10 AI data analysis tools
- Image analysis, text analysis etc.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn fullstack in Python 3 and apply it to making AI immediately. If you are a Python 3 Expert, you will still gain knowledge from the 45 projects.
- Python Developers who want to get started using Machine Learning in a realistic way using numerical or image data sets.
- People who want to use API's like Openai GPT4 will need to know python.
- For Data Scientists who want to use python to analyze data, instead of 3rd party tools.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn fullstack in Python 3 and apply it to making AI immediately. If you are a Python 3 Expert, you will still gain knowledge from the 45 projects.
- Python Developers who want to get started using Machine Learning in a realistic way using numerical or image data sets.
- People who want to use API's like Openai GPT4 will need to know python.
- For Data Scientists who want to use python to analyze data, instead of 3rd party tools.
Led by GP, a distinguished AI researcher with 11 PubMed publications and a rich academic background from Cornell, UCSF, NIH, and Amherst College, this course spans the essentials of web development to the frontiers of AI technology. Dive into a learning experience with LIVE HELP available Monday to Friday, 9-5, plus additional online support.
Our curriculum is in constant evolution, tailored to your feedback and the dynamic landscape of machine learning and AI. This isn’t just another bootcamp; it’s a bridge from foundational HTML to pioneering in Python 3, Machine Learning, TensorFlow, and beyond into Artificial Intelligence and Recurrent Neural Networks.
Designed for rapid learning, we break down complex concepts into manageable steps. Starting from HTML and CSS to Bootstrap and JavaScript, and advancing through Python 3 to data science, machine learning, and AI, we cover ground rapidly but solidly.
Expect to delve into:
Frontend web technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery
Python programming essentials and advanced concepts
Data Science, including Machine Learning and AI with TensorFlow
Practical applications with projects in sentiment analysis, regression, clustering, and neural networks
An exploration of both traditional statistics and machine learning techniques
With over 170 lectures and 30+ hours of video content, this course is your most comprehensive guide to becoming a proficient Python developer and an AI specialist. You’ll get lifetime access to all materials, including lecture Notebooks.
This course is perfect for beginners with no prior programming experience, bootcamp graduates looking to tackle real-world projects, and intermediate Python programmers eager to master AI programming. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, there’s no risk in taking the leap. Transform your career with the skills to thrive in the era of AI.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing Python
Lecture 3: Installing Anaconda
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Software
Lecture 1: Installing Chrome
Lecture 2: Installing Atom
Lecture 3: Installing Visual Code Studio
Chapter 3: HTML
Lecture 1: HTML Introduction
Lecture 2: HTML 2. Intro To HTML
Lecture 3: HTML 3. Headers and Paragraphs
Lecture 4: HTML 4. Divs and Spans
Lecture 5: HTML 5. List Types
Lecture 6: HTML 6. Attributes
Lecture 7: HTML 7. Tables
Lecture 8: HTML 8. Forms
Lecture 9: HTML 9. Form Legend
Lecture 10: HTML 10. Button Forms
Lecture 11: HTML 11. Quiz Exercise
Lecture 12: HTML 12. Quiz Exercise Solution
Chapter 4: CSS
Lecture 1: CSS Introduction
Lecture 2: CSS 2. Colors
Lecture 3: CSS 3. Backgrounds
Lecture 4: CSS 4. CSS id, classes
Lecture 5: CSS 5. CSS Specificity
Lecture 6: CSS 6. CSS Chrome Console
Lecture 7: CSS 7. CSS Web Fonts
Lecture 8: CSS 8. CSS Box Model
Chapter 5: Bootstrap
Lecture 1: Bootstrap Introduction
Lecture 2: Bootstrap 1. Intro to Bootstrap Part 1
Lecture 3: Bootstrap 1. Intro to Bootstrap Part 2
Lecture 4: Bootstrap 2. Bootstrap Forms
Lecture 5: Bootstrap 3. Bootstrap Navbar Part 1
Lecture 6: Bootstrap 3. Bootstrap Navbar Part 2
Lecture 7: Bootstrap 4. Grids
Lecture 8: Bootstrap 5. Test Project
Chapter 6: Javascript
Lecture 1: Intro to Javascript
Lecture 2: Javascript 2. JS Operators
Lecture 3: Javascript 3. JS to HTML Part 1
Lecture 4: Javascript 3. JS to HTML Part 2
Lecture 5: Javascript 4. JS Operators Part 1
Lecture 6: Javascript 4. JS Operators Part 2
Lecture 7: Javascript 5. JS Control Flow
Lecture 8: Javascript 6. JS While Loops
Lecture 9: Javascript 7. JS for Loops
Lecture 10: Javascript 8. JS Exercises
Lecture 11: Javascript 9. JS Exercise Solutions
Lecture 12: Javascript 10. Functions
Lecture 13: Javascript 11. Functions Exercises
Lecture 14: Javascript 12. Functions Solutions
Lecture 15: Javascript 13. Functions Arrays
Lecture 16: Javascript 14. Objects
Lecture 17: Javascript 15. Objects Exercises
Lecture 18: Javascript 16. Objects Exercises Solutions
Chapter 7: Document Object Model (DOM)
Lecture 1: DOM 1. Introduction to DOM
Lecture 2: DOM 2. DOM Console Part 1
Lecture 3: DOM 3. DOM Console Part 2
Lecture 4: DOM 4. Event Listeners
Lecture 5: DOM 5. Game Project
Chapter 8: jQuery
Lecture 1: jQuery 1. jQuery Introduction
Lecture 2: jQuery 2. jQuery Basics
Lecture 3: jQuery 3. jQuery Events
Lecture 4: jQuery 4. jQuery Project
Chapter 9: Intro to Python
Lecture 1: Python 1. Introduction
Lecture 2: Python 2. Python Numbers
Lecture 3: Python 3. Python strings
Lecture 4: Python 4. Python Lists
Lecture 5: Python 5. Dictionaries
Lecture 6: Python 6. Python Tuples
Chapter 10: Python Flow Control
Lecture 1: Python Flow Control 1. Intro
Lecture 2: Python Flow Control 2. Test Conditions
Lecture 3: Python Flow Control 3. For Loops
Lecture 4: Python Flow Control 4. Extending For Loops
Lecture 5: Python Flow Control 5. Continue Break
Lecture 6: Python Flow Control 6. Augmented Assignment
Lecture 7: Python Flow Control 7. While Loops
Lecture 8: Python Flow Control 8. While Loop Challenge
Lecture 9: Python Flow Control 9. Exercise
Chapter 11: Python Lists, Ranges & Tuples
Lecture 1: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 1.Introduction
Lecture 2: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 2.Intro To Lists
Lecture 3: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 3.Lists
Lecture 4: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 4.List exercise
Lecture 5: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 5.Iterators
Lecture 6: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 6.Ranges
Lecture 7: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 7.Slices
Lecture 8: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 8.Tuples
Lecture 9: Python Lists Ranges Tuples 9. Tuples Continued
GP Shangari
Algorithmic Trading Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 22 votes
- 2 stars: 29 votes
- 3 stars: 87 votes
- 4 stars: 166 votes
- 5 stars: 189 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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