Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Intelligence(AI) for All
Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Intelligence(AI) for All, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4, with 106 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 30 reviews, and has 332 subscribers.
You will learn about Clearly define what is AI and Deep Learning Build Convolutional Neural Network on IBM Watson for MNIST and CIFAR 10 Datasets (No coding) Build Supervised and Unsupervised Machine learning Models using IBM Watson (No coding) Test Natural Language Processing (NLP) models using IBM Watson Build VGG like nets, Stateful RNN nets, reuse ResNet50 using Keras Test Reinforcement Learning with Keras and OpenAI Gym Test Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on Mathworks Learn to code with Python the easy way Test Feed Forward Neural Networks(Classification and Regression) on Tensor Flow simulator and Google Colab Solve popular data sets like MNIST, CIFAR 10, with CNN using Keras Learn a few useful and important application of popular libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib Migrate Deep Neural Network models from IBM Watson to run on local your Jupyter notebook Apply Transfer Learning techniques such as Reusing, Retraining with keras Be able to identify the positive and the negative impact that AI will create This course is ideal for individuals who are Folks who are curious about AI and want to learn it, in the fastest, easiest and the most effective way It is particularly useful for Folks who are curious about AI and want to learn it, in the fastest, easiest and the most effective way.
Enroll now: Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Intelligence(AI) for All
Title: Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Intelligence(AI) for All
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 106
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 106
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 117
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 117
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Clearly define what is AI and Deep Learning
- Build Convolutional Neural Network on IBM Watson for MNIST and CIFAR 10 Datasets (No coding)
- Build Supervised and Unsupervised Machine learning Models using IBM Watson (No coding)
- Test Natural Language Processing (NLP) models using IBM Watson
- Build VGG like nets, Stateful RNN nets, reuse ResNet50 using Keras
- Test Reinforcement Learning with Keras and OpenAI Gym
- Test Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on Mathworks
- Learn to code with Python the easy way
- Test Feed Forward Neural Networks(Classification and Regression) on Tensor Flow simulator and Google Colab
- Solve popular data sets like MNIST, CIFAR 10, with CNN using Keras
- Learn a few useful and important application of popular libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
- Migrate Deep Neural Network models from IBM Watson to run on local your Jupyter notebook
- Apply Transfer Learning techniques such as Reusing, Retraining with keras
- Be able to identify the positive and the negative impact that AI will create
Who Should Attend
- Folks who are curious about AI and want to learn it, in the fastest, easiest and the most effective way
Target Audiences
- Folks who are curious about AI and want to learn it, in the fastest, easiest and the most effective way
If I can tell you, stop what ever you are doing and do a certain thing. I would say “Learn about AI and the impact it is going to have in your professional life, personal life and much more in the immediate future”.
Welcome to this exciting and eye opening course on Artificial Intelligence and more. We believe that AI will touch everybody in some level, whether you are a technical or a non technical person and also that you can excel in many roles in AI with just a functional understanding of coding.
The course has over 11 hours of content with 100+ easy to consume, high quality, visually engaging, condensed and edited videos, over 10 Quizzes to check your understanding, reference material and code for further study.
This course has 3 parts, first we will start from the basics , break myths, clarify your understanding as to what is this mysterious term AI, (many are surprised to know that it encompasses, Machine Learning, NLP,Computer Vision, IOT, Robotics and more). We will also understand the current state of AI and its positive and negative impact in the near future.
Then we will apply the concepts we learnt with zero to little coding Involved.
– Machine learning (Supervised and Unsupervised) with IBM Watson
– Natural Language Processing (NLP)with IBM Watson
– Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN)with Tensor Flow Simulator
– Convolutional Neural Networks with (CNN) with IBM Watson
– Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Mathworks
Smack in the middle we have easy and intuitive primer sections on how to code using Python, and also how to use popular libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotliball on the awesome browser based coding platform Jupyter notebook. These middle sections will prepare you for the next sections.
The final set of sections we will take a deeper dive in testing real life use cases and AI applications with Keras, Keras-Reinforcement, OpenAI Gym and more. The focus will be on building the student’s confidence in understanding the data and building solutions. In the final sections you will see a bit more of code but the best part would be that by the end of the sections you will be running AI solutions powered by Deep Neural Networks on a browser with Jupyter Notebook on your Laptop !
– Solving popular data sets like MNIST, CIFAR 10, with CNN, Keras and Jupyter notebook running on your laptop
– Building VGG like nets and Stateful RNN nets using Keras
– Migrating Neural networks from IBM Watson to run on local your Jupyter notebook
– Applying Transfer Learning technique such as Reusing, Retraining with keras
– Testing Reinforcement Learning with Keras and OpenAI Gym
The essence of the later sections will be to understand that there are so many libraries and resources available to you, and that it has been made easy for everyone. You just have to identify what you need to be done and look in the right direction.
AI brings tremendous opportunity like higher economic growth, productivity and prosperity but the picture is not all rosy. lets look at some data points from the renowned Mckinsey&Company.
” 250 million new jobs are likely to be created by 2030″*
” In the midpoint adoption scenario 400 million Jobs are likely to be lost by 2030″*
” In the midpoint adoption scenario 75 million will need change occupational categories by 2030″*
AI is the top priority for Companies, governments and institutions alike. AI surpasses a certain product, or vertical, or function, or a specific industry , it encompasses everything. It is all prevalent.
Based on the report there will be considerable shortages in the IT sector and companies are looking to fill these gaps by retraining, hiring, redeploying, contracting and even hiring from non traditional sources. Technological skill is the TOP skill that will be required during this time and by one research they will need 250,000 data scientists by 2030. If you develop these skills and knowledge , you can take advantage of this revolution irrespective of your role, company or Industry you belong to.
So if you are “AI ready then you are future ready”
AI is here to stay and the ones who get on board fast and adapt to it will be in a much better position to face the exciting but uncertain future.
Choose Success , make yourself invaluable and irreplaceable. I will see “YOU” on the inside.
God Speed.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: What is AI and its Impact on our society and future
Lecture 1: **Resources and Jupyter Notebooks **
Lecture 2: Introduction the course sections
Lecture 3: What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Lecture 4: Mapping human functions to AI technologies
Lecture 5: AI – Branches of Machine Learning Algorithms
Lecture 6: AI – Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications
Lecture 7: AI – Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications
Lecture 8: AI – Natural Language Processing and Applications
Lecture 9: AI – Computer Vision and Applications
Lecture 10: AI – IOT and Applications
Lecture 11: What are Neural Networks ?
Lecture 12: Neural Networks – Perceptron
Lecture 13: What are Deep Neural Networks ?
Lecture 14: Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) Structure and Forward pass
Lecture 15: Input – Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN)
Lecture 16: Learning Phase – Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN)
Lecture 17: Back propagation and learning step -Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN)
Lecture 18: Applications and Limitations of Feed Forward Neural Networks( FFNN)
Lecture 19: CNN Introduction
Lecture 20: CNN – Convolution and Relu Layer
Lecture 21: CNN – Max Pooling Layer
Lecture 22: CNN – Example end to end
Lecture 23: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
Lecture 24: RNN Architecture
Lecture 25: Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
Lecture 26: Reinforcement Learning
Lecture 27: Transfer Learning
Lecture 28: Market Potential of AI
Lecture 29: Who will loose to AI
Lecture 30: Need for retraining and reskilling
Lecture 31: How to take advantage and benefit from AI
Lecture 32: References for further study
Chapter 2: IBM Watson – Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Models
Lecture 1: Building Supervised and Unsupervised Machine learning Models using IBM Watson
Lecture 2: Approach to building machine learning Models
Lecture 3: Account Setup and Configuration
Lecture 4: Supervised – Building a Binary classification(ML) model and Uploading Data
Lecture 5: Supervised -Training and testing your model using logistic regression
Lecture 6: Supervised – Building a Multi class classification(ML) model end to end
Lecture 7: Unsupervised – Building a Regressive(ML) Model end to end
Lecture 8: Performance Evaluation Parameters for ML Algorithms
Chapter 3: Natural Language Processing (NLP) with IBM Watson
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section
Lecture 2: IBM Watson – Text to Speech
Lecture 3: IBM Watson – Speech to Text
Lecture 4: IBM Watson – Semantic extraction
Chapter 4: Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) with Tensor Flow Simulator and Google Colab
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section and the experiment sheet
Lecture 2: Building a Perceptron
Lecture 3: Building a Feed Forward Neural Network with one Hidden layer – Supervised
Lecture 4: Building a Deep Feed Forward Neural Network – Supervised
Lecture 5: High Level Introduction to Tensor Flow, Data and Setup – Unsupervised
Lecture 6: Building a Regressive Feed Forward Neural Network(FFNN) – Unsupervised
Lecture 7: Building a SHALLOW Regressive Feed Forward Neural Network – Unsupervised
Lecture 8: Building a DEEP Regressive FFNN – Unsupervised
Lecture 9: Building a Regressive FFNN with different AdamOptimizer
Lecture 10: Building a Regressive FFNN with different learning Rates and Epochs
Lecture 11: Performance Analysis of Feed Forward Neural Networks
Chapter 5: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with IBM Watson
Lecture 1: Section Introduction and data
Lecture 2: CNN for MNIST Architecture Walkthrough
Lecture 3: IBM Watson Account Setup Basics
Lecture 4: CNN – Setup and First Run with MNIST example – Part 1
Lecture 5: CNN – Setup and First Run with MNIST example – Part 2
Lecture 6: CNN for MNIST with SGD
Lecture 7: Optimizing CNN for MNIST
Lecture 8: CNN for CIFAR 10
Lecture 9: Optimization options for CNN on CIFAR 10
Lecture 10: CNN – Unconverging Experiments
Chapter 6: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with Mathworks
Lecture 1: Introduction the section
Lecture 2: Japanese Vowels classification with LSTM- Walk through of Mathworks example
Lecture 3: Classification of human activities with LSTM- Walk through of Mathworks example
Chapter 7: ***Way forward***
Lecture 1: Introduction to sections below
Lecture 2: Installation of softwares and libraries for all the sections below
Chapter 8: Introduction to Python with Jupyter Notebook
Lecture 1: Introduction to Python
Lecture 2: Numbers and Variables
Lecture 3: Strings and Lists
Lecture 4: Control Structures
Lecture 5: Control Structures Part 2
Lecture 6: Data Structures Part 1
Lecture 7: Data Structures Part 2
Lecture 8: Classes Part 1
Lecture 9: Classes Part 2
Lecture 10: I/o , Error Handling and Library Walk through
Chapter 9: Introduction to Numpy
Lecture 1: Introduction and Creating arrays
Lecture 2: Creating 1D, 2D, 3D Arrays
Junaid Ahmed
Technology Author, Leader, Strategist and Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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