Comprehensive Ruby Programming
Comprehensive Ruby Programming, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.77, with 103 lectures, 19 quizzes, based on 2016 reviews, and has 9920 subscribers.
You will learn about Build programs in the Ruby programming language Know how to work with the Ruby syntax Create custom algorithms Work with loops and iterators Learn object oriented programming Work with OOP inheritance Start building real life programs in Ruby This course is ideal for individuals who are This is a comprehensive course for learning the Ruby programming language. It's required to have a firm knowledge of Ruby prior to building web applications with frameworks such as Rails and Sinatra and this will give you the tools necessary to become a developer. It is particularly useful for This is a comprehensive course for learning the Ruby programming language. It's required to have a firm knowledge of Ruby prior to building web applications with frameworks such as Rails and Sinatra and this will give you the tools necessary to become a developer.
Enroll now: Comprehensive Ruby Programming
Title: Comprehensive Ruby Programming
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.77
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Quizzes: 19
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Published Quizzes: 19
Number of Curriculum Items: 122
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 122
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build programs in the Ruby programming language
- Know how to work with the Ruby syntax
- Create custom algorithms
- Work with loops and iterators
- Learn object oriented programming
- Work with OOP inheritance
- Start building real life programs in Ruby
Who Should Attend
- This is a comprehensive course for learning the Ruby programming language. It's required to have a firm knowledge of Ruby prior to building web applications with frameworks such as Rails and Sinatra and this will give you the tools necessary to become a developer.
Target Audiences
- This is a comprehensive course for learning the Ruby programming language. It's required to have a firm knowledge of Ruby prior to building web applications with frameworks such as Rails and Sinatra and this will give you the tools necessary to become a developer.
Course updated April 2021: Ruby 3 tutorials added along with a deep dive into Ruby modules and a Ruby Gem walk through that shows how to generate QR Codes in Ruby.
Coding has become one of the most critical skills you can have for furthering your career. Whether you are an experienced developer who wants to learn a new language or you are new to programming, this course can be your comprehensive Ruby coding guide. Starting with the foundational principles such as syntax and scaling up to advanced topics like metaprogramming and big data analysis, I wanted to create a curriculum that will give you all of the tools you need to be a professional Ruby developer. A few of the key topics that you will learn in this course are:
Object oriented programming
Built in Ruby methods
Core programming skills
Custom algorithm development
Big data analysis
Using Ruby Gem libraries
Regular Expressions
Ruby programming best practices
An introduction to the Ruby on Rails and Sinatra web frameworks
Building 10 Ruby programs that solve complex Project Euler mathematical equations
And much more!
With over a decade of real world development experience, I have engineered this curriculum to ensure it focuses on the skills you will need to be a professional Ruby developer. Each section has an interactive quiz to ensure you are understanding the material and you also will be given access to the source code for each lesson. After you have completed all of the videos and quizzes you will be given a certificate of completion in Comprehensive Ruby Programming and you will be ready to start building real world Ruby projects. Finally, in addition to the video lectures and quizzes, I will also be your code mentor throughout the course and will walk you through any challenges that you may face.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Ruby Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Ruby Programming Language
Lecture 2: Comprehensive Ruby Programming eBook Download
Lecture 3: How to Install Ruby
Lecture 4: How to Install Different Versions of Ruby with RVM
Chapter 2: Ruby Variables
Lecture 1: Introduction to variables in Ruby
Lecture 2: Options for printing to the Ruby console
Lecture 3: Using gets and chomp to get input from the Ruby console
Lecture 4: Ruby variable types and variable scopes
Chapter 3: Ruby Strings
Lecture 1: Introduction to the String data type in Ruby
Lecture 2: String interpolation in Ruby
Lecture 3: String manipulation in Ruby
Lecture 4: String substitution in Ruby
Lecture 5: Using the split and strip methods on Strings in Ruby
Chapter 4: Working with Numbers in Ruby
Lecture 1: Arithmetic Functions in Ruby
Lecture 2: Order of operations in Ruby Arithmetic
Lecture 3: Difference between integers and floats in Ruby
Chapter 5: Methods in Ruby
Lecture 1: Introduction to methods in Ruby
Lecture 2: What Ruby methods return
Lecture 3: Difference Between Puts and Returning Values
Lecture 4: Difference between class and instance methods in Ruby
Lecture 5: Procs in Ruby
Lecture 6: Lambdas in Ruby
Lecture 7: Difference between Procs and Lambdas
Lecture 8: Comprehensive Guide to Method Arguments
Lecture 9: Guide to Splat Arguments in Ruby 3
Lecture 10: How to Work with Keyword and Optional Arguments in Ruby Methods
Chapter 6: Ruby Iterators and Loops
Lecture 1: While loops in Ruby
Lecture 2: Using the Ruby each iterator
Lecture 3: Using the 'for in' loop in Ruby
Lecture 4: Nested iterators in Ruby
Lecture 5: Using the select method in Ruby
Lecture 6: How to use the map method on Ruby collections – Part 1
Lecture 7: How to use the map method on Ruby Collections – Part 2
Lecture 8: Using the inject method in Ruby
Chapter 7: Ruby Collections
Lecture 1: Introduction to Ruby arrays
Lecture 2: Deleting items from arrays
Lecture 3: Using the Ruby join method on arrays
Lecture 4: Using push and pop methods on Ruby arrays
Lecture 5: Introduction to hashes in Ruby
Lecture 6: How to delete from a Ruby hash
Lecture 7: How to iterate over a hash in Ruby
Lecture 8: Helpful hash methods in Ruby
Chapter 8: Ruby Conditionals
Lecture 1: Introduction to Ruby conditionals
Lecture 2: Using the Unless conditional in Ruby
Lecture 3: Using multiple if/else statements in Ruby
Lecture 4: Using compound conditionals in Ruby
Chapter 9: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Ruby
Lecture 2: Setters and Getters in Ruby
Lecture 3: Using the initialize method in a Ruby class
Lecture 4: Object oriented inheritance in Ruby
Lecture 5: Differences between Private and Public methods in Ruby
Lecture 6: Polymorphism and using super in Ruby
Lecture 7: Deep Dive: How to Work with Ruby Modules
Chapter 10: Working with the file system in Ruby
Lecture 1: Creating a File in Ruby
Lecture 2: Reading files into a Ruby program
Lecture 3: Deleting files in Ruby
Lecture 4: Appending to a file in Ruby
Chapter 11: Error handling in Ruby
Lecture 1: Basic error handling syntax
Lecture 2: Better error handling in Ruby
Lecture 3: How to build a custom error handler in Ruby
Chapter 12: Regular Expressions in Ruby
Lecture 1: Introduction to Regular Expressions in Ruby
Lecture 2: Build an email validation matcher with Regular Expressions in Ruby
Lecture 3: Build an IP address validator with Regular Expressions in Ruby
Lecture 4: Develop a Wheel of Fortune game in Ruby
Chapter 13: Searching with grep
Lecture 1: Introduction to Grep in Ruby
Lecture 2: Using grep instead of the select and map methods for searching
Chapter 14: Ruby Gems
Lecture 1: Ruby Gems overview
Lecture 2: Ruby Gem tutorial: dish gem
Lecture 3: How to Generate a QR Code with the RQRCode Gem
Lecture 4: Researching Ruby Gems
Chapter 15: Metaprogramming
Lecture 1: Introduction to metaprogramming in Ruby
Jordan Hudgens
CTO at Bottega Code School
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 23 votes
- 2 stars: 42 votes
- 3 stars: 173 votes
- 4 stars: 706 votes
- 5 stars: 1072 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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