Core Java for Automation Testers- Coding made Easy
Core Java for Automation Testers- Coding made Easy, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 79 lectures, based on 7982 reviews, and has 30392 subscribers.
You will learn about You Will get complete knowledge on Java OOPS concepts with Practical implementations You will get clear understanding on practical usage of Java Conditions and loops. Ability to write any Java Program logic with the strategies , tips and tricks discussed in the course Deeper understanding on advanced topics java collections and apply them successfully in solving the java logics Practical understanding and usages of objects,classes,methods,functions in java Get Access to more than 200+ Java interview questions with solved solutions and crack any Java interview like a GEM You can successfully build Java Automation frameworks(Selenium,Appium,Rest API) from scratch This course is ideal for individuals who are To Any one who want to learn java language and enter into Technical jobs It is particularly useful for To Any one who want to learn java language and enter into Technical jobs.
Enroll now: Core Java for Automation Testers- Coding made Easy
Title: Core Java for Automation Testers- Coding made Easy
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 79
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Curriculum Items: 79
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You Will get complete knowledge on Java OOPS concepts with Practical implementations
- You will get clear understanding on practical usage of Java Conditions and loops.
- Ability to write any Java Program logic with the strategies , tips and tricks discussed in the course
- Deeper understanding on advanced topics java collections and apply them successfully in solving the java logics
- Practical understanding and usages of objects,classes,methods,functions in java
- Get Access to more than 200+ Java interview questions with solved solutions and crack any Java interview like a GEM
- You can successfully build Java Automation frameworks(Selenium,Appium,Rest API) from scratch
Who Should Attend
- To Any one who want to learn java language and enter into Technical jobs
Target Audiences
- To Any one who want to learn java language and enter into Technical jobs
Are you from non Technical background and looking to master in Java for your Automation needs?
If Yes “YOU ARE ON RIGHT PAGE” I will fulfill your wish with my easy teaching and simple Techniques.
Allocate 10 hours of your valuable time to this Top rated (4.6/5) course and get into Comfortable zone in handling Java related Automation/Projects..
***What made this course Unique from other hundreds of Java courses in the Market?******
We assume our students have zero knowledge on coding and have taken special care in teaching every topic and YES we have seen 100% success results and many of my students are leading the Java projects with the knowledge they have gained in the course. And worth to mention This course will clear all your hurdles in cracking any Core java interviews!!!
You will get the best in class support from the instructor for any question you have related to the course.
Market is never short of jobs in Java programming language, there are ample of jobs in both Java development and Automation Testing using Java.
This course is backed by udemy’s 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the code files of the course as a thank you for trying out the course !!!
What are you waiting for? Enroll today and learn the powerful Java language !!!
Below are the contents we cover :
Java Basics,
Methods in java ,
Strings and examples related to them
Arrays and MultiDimensional arrays,
Arrays examples,
Java loops and conditions
Code logics with practise example
OOPS concepts,Inheritance.polymorphism,Abstraction
Types of Interfaces,
Function overloading and overriding,
Constructors and their usage,
Super and this keywords usage,
Types of exceptions,
Try catch finally Mechanism,
Final variable,
Java collections,
ArrayList , Set, List, Linked list
Date and calendar classes and many more !!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: First Programming Steps in Java
Lecture 1: Course FAQ's – ***Must Watch***
Lecture 2: Introduction to java with installation
Lecture 3: working with Java editor tools
Lecture 4: writing first executable program in java
Chapter 2: Understanding Classes ,objects and their Usage in Java
Lecture 1: Usage of Methods in java
Lecture 2: Importance of classes and objects in java
Chapter 3: Java loops ,Conditions -( Building block for java programs)
Lecture 1: if else condition usage in java
Lecture 2: How for loops works-with example demonstration
Lecture 3: When should I use While loop?
Lecture 4: How do while loop works?
Lecture 5: loops,Conditions code download
Chapter 4: Practice exercises on Java loops and conditions for Interview purpose
Lecture 1: Explanation on Nested for loops
Lecture 2: Practise Exercise on loops -1 { printing pyramid triangle)
Lecture 3: Practise Exercise – 2- Yahoo Ques : ( Inverted sequence pyramid logic program)
Lecture 4: Nested loops code download
Chapter 5: Learn everything about ARRAYS -Single and MultiDimensional
Lecture 1: What are Arrays and their usage in Java programmes
Lecture 2: Ways of initializing arrays and assigning objects
Lecture 3: Arrays code download
Lecture 4: Logic Program on Multi Dimensional arrays
Chapter 6: Famous Interview solved Programmes on Arrays **Must Watch**
Lecture 1: Practise exercise – Print smallest number in 3*3 matrix
Lecture 2: Practise Exercise – Cisco Interview question on Arrays
Lecture 3: programming code download
Lecture 4: Practise Exercise:Swapping variables with/without temp variable
Lecture 5: Practise Exercise : Sorting an array logic approach
Lecture 6: Sorting and swapping code download
Chapter 7: Handling Strings and its functions in Java
Lecture 1: Two ways of defining string object – Imp in Interview point of view
Lecture 2: String class and their methods
Lecture 3: String code download
Lecture 4: Practise Exercise : reverse String logic-Palindrome
Lecture 5: Why Strings are immutable in Java – StringBuffer & StringBuilder examples
Chapter 8: How Interfaces and Abstract classes work and its usage in Java?
Lecture 1: What is interface?
Lecture 2: How java classes can take advantage of interfaces
Lecture 3: Interface code download
Lecture 4: What are Abstract classes and how different they are from Interfaces
Chapter 9: Importance of Inheritance with Practical examples
Lecture 1: Usage of inheritance in java
Lecture 2: Practical examples on types of inheritances
Lecture 3: Inheritance code download
Chapter 10: Polymorphism in java with overriding and overloading examples
Lecture 1: Explaining function overloading in java with example
Lecture 2: How different function overriding from overloading?-Explain
Lecture 3: Demonstration code download
Chapter 11: Understanding Date classes in Java
Lecture 1: Date class concepts
Lecture 2: Calendar and date program examples
Lecture 3: Date code download
Chapter 12: Constructors and their usage in Java
Lecture 1: What is Constructor? How to initialize it
Lecture 2: DIfferent type of constructors and their usage
Lecture 3: Constructor demo code
Chapter 13: Importance of Super and this keyword in Java
Lecture 1: What is super keyword ?
Lecture 2: super keyword practical usage
Lecture 3: Importance of this keyword
Lecture 4: code download
Chapter 14: Instance Variables ,Class & Local Variables with Static Usage
Lecture 1: End to end Examples on different type of variables and their scope in java
Chapter 15: Exceptions in Java with solved examples
Lecture 1: Different kind of exceptions
Lecture 2: Try catch Mechanism to handle exceptions
Lecture 3: Importance of finally block in java
Lecture 4: Exception code download
Chapter 16: Java collections – Understand ArrayLists and Set with their usage
Lecture 1: What are Java collections?
Lecture 2: Implementation of Array Lists
Lecture 3: Examples of ArrayList
Lecture 4: Array List Code download
Lecture 5: Implementation of Set interface
Lecture 6: Examples of HashSet using Iterator
Chapter 17: When HashMap and HashTable are used in Java programms?
Lecture 1: Implementation of Map interface
Lecture 2: Code explaining hashset and hashmap
Lecture 3: Difference between HashMap and HashTable (Interview )
Lecture 4: Practise Exercise : Priniting unique number- Amazon interview ques
Lecture 5: programming code download
Chapter 18: Importance of Final Keyword in Java
Lecture 1: Final keyword usage in Java
Lecture 2: Packages and their usage in OOPS
Lecture 3: Packages types and how they are helpful in reusing the code
Chapter 19: Encapsulation with practical examples
Lecture 1: Importance of Access Modifiers
Lecture 2: Difference between public and private modifiers-With Example demonstration
Chapter 20: Java Streams- Map, Filter, Match,Collect- (Build Optimized Code)
Lecture 1: What are Java Streams and Lambda Expressions?
Lecture 2: Smart Usage of Stream filters to filter out the results
Lecture 3: How to use forEach on Streams to print the collections list
Lecture 4: Usage of Map and its importance in Streams API with example
Lecture 5: Demonstration on Match, Sorted, Merging Streams functionality
Lecture 6: Collecting Stream parsed data back into Collections array
Lecture 7: Code Download
Rahul Shetty
Teacher over 800K+ QA Students|Founder of RahulShettyAcademy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 65 votes
- 2 stars: 86 votes
- 3 stars: 709 votes
- 4 stars: 2984 votes
- 5 stars: 4144 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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