Create a 2D RPG and a 3D game in Godot 4.2
Create a 2D RPG and a 3D game in Godot 4.2, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.46, with 63 lectures, based on 36 reviews, and has 481 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the key concept of programming game in Godot 4 Create a 2D RPG protoype with resource gathering, crafting system and dialog manager Having a good understanding of how 3D programming works in Godot 4 You will learn GDScript, which is the language of Godot This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner and intermediate programmer interested in learning how to use Godot for creating 2D & 3D games It is particularly useful for Beginner and intermediate programmer interested in learning how to use Godot for creating 2D & 3D games.
Enroll now: Create a 2D RPG and a 3D game in Godot 4.2
Title: Create a 2D RPG and a 3D game in Godot 4.2
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.46
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the key concept of programming game in Godot 4
- Create a 2D RPG protoype with resource gathering, crafting system and dialog manager
- Having a good understanding of how 3D programming works in Godot 4
- You will learn GDScript, which is the language of Godot
Who Should Attend
- Beginner and intermediate programmer interested in learning how to use Godot for creating 2D & 3D games
Target Audiences
- Beginner and intermediate programmer interested in learning how to use Godot for creating 2D & 3D games
In this course you will learn all the fundamentals of creating a 2D RPG similar to game like Zelda: a link to the past, Stardew Valley or Pokemon, from start to finish. I’ll teach you the key concept of that genre of game, including:
Finite State Machine
Using Blend tree
Looting coin when hitting a chest
Using keys to open locked doors
Creating caves
Creating a UI system displaying the number of lifes and coins
Creating a system of resources gathering
Creating an inventory
Creating a crafting system to create a new weapon
Switching weapons by pressing a key
You can check the curriculum to learn more about the content of the course.
I’m focusing on making video that are straight to the point, giving you all the basics you need to understand key concept (while showing you how to use them) without overloading you.
Being a big fan of the Zelda series, it is a big blast for me to be able to teach you how to make a game of that genre, which is known to be quite difficult, but so rewarding and satisfying to play! At the end of this course, you will have a working RPG game prototype that you’ll be able to develop, you will have learn the key concept of programming that type of game and – if you are a completely new to programming – you will have learn all the key concept of programming.
Then in the second part of this course you will learn how to create a simple 3D retro game. This is an introduction to 3D, by no mean a full blown course about how to create a full 3D game, but you will learn the following:
How to import 3D assets
Dealing with animations
Creating sword attack
Creating enemy that can patrol, chase and attack the player
Creating state machine to handle complex behavior
Collecting coin and object
Display the number of life and coin collected
And way much more. To have an overview, check the curriculum to see everything we are going to do together.
You don’t need to have any prior experience, although a basic understanding of programming is a plus. I will teach you all the primary concept and explain you in details (without overloading you with no relevant concept) every line we are going to create for this game.
If all of this sounds like fun to you, enroll in this course and I’ll see you in the first lecture!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 2D RPG – Creating the player
Lecture 1: Setup and creating the player
Lecture 2: Coding the player movement
Lecture 3: Creating the player animations
Lecture 4: Creating the animation tree
Lecture 5: Calling the animations through code
Lecture 6: Creating the sword animations and the sword hitbox
Lecture 7: Creating a finite state machine, creating input and calling our sword attack
Lecture 8: Create a crate to slash with the sword and setup collision layer and buses
Lecture 9: Creating the global data script and damage the player
Lecture 10: Create the GUI to display the number of life
Lecture 11: Introduction to shaders to damage the player
Lecture 12: Creating the death animation and calling it through code
Chapter 2: 2D RPG – Creating the world
Lecture 1: Create the tilemap for the world
Lecture 2: Creating an animated tilemap for the lake
Lecture 3: Bringing trees, plants and rocks to our background
Lecture 4: Create a house and an animated door
Lecture 5: Create a second house in a modular way
Lecture 6: Toggle the transparency of the house and the trees
Lecture 7: Create coins to collect and loot it from the crates
Lecture 8: creating a cave, the entry of the cave and changing levels
Lecture 9: Instantiating the player to the scene and creating checkpoints
Lecture 10: Open the door by pressing a button
Lecture 11: Creating a chest and keys system
Lecture 12: Opening the door with the key and fixing a bug
Lecture 13: Creating the interior of the house and getting inside
Lecture 14: Creating animated spikes to replace our killzone
Lecture 15: Create a coin counter to the GUI
Chapter 3: 2D RPG – Creating the resource gathering mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating the item scene to collect (wood and rock)
Lecture 2: Destroying rocks and trees and spawn our resources
Lecture 3: Create the inventory script and adding our resource to it
Lecture 4: Launch our resources in a random direction
Chapter 4: 2D RPG – Creating the inventory UI
Lecture 1: Create the scene for the UI & display the amount of items collected
Lecture 2: Control the visibility of our inventory UI with custom input
Chapter 5: 2D RPG – Crafting System
Lecture 1: Create the hammer scene
Lecture 2: Create the animations for the hammer
Lecture 3: Setting up the collision shape for the hammer
Lecture 4: Creating a statue that can craft new weapon if we have the right resources
Lecture 5: Detecting the player and crafting and instantiating the hammer scene
Lecture 6: Displaying the weapon in the gui and switching weapon with input + fixing bug
Chapter 6: 2D RPG – Dialog manager
Lecture 1: Fixing bug
Lecture 2: Creating the dialog scene and its script
Lecture 3: Create the dialog manager script and assign the dialog to the statue
Chapter 7: Introduction to 3D – Create the foundation of our game
Lecture 1: Setting up Godot, overview of the interface and importing our assets
Lecture 2: Creating our ground, camera and lighting environment
Lecture 3: Setting up the player scenes and animations
Lecture 4: Coding the player movement, animations, jump and rotations
Lecture 5: Rotating the camera around the player with the right joystick of the controller
Lecture 6: Rotating the camera around the player with the mouse
Lecture 7: Create a house and some trees
Lecture 8: Create coins to collect
Lecture 9: Create a script for the player data
Lecture 10: Calling our jump with a state machine
Lecture 11: Create our sword animation and collision
Lecture 12: Calling our sword animation into the code and creating input
Lecture 13: Creating a Game User Interface and displaying the number of coins and lifes
Lecture 14: Fixing the rotation of the player to the direction of the camera
Chapter 8: Introduction to 3D – Adding more element to our game
Lecture 1: Creating our enemy
Lecture 2: Coding the movement and animations of the enemy
Lecture 3: Making our enemy patrol randomly
Lecture 4: Making our enemy chasing and attacking the player
Lecture 5: Fixing the rotation of the enemy during the attack and coding & adding an input
Lecture 6: Killing the enemy
Lecture 7: Enemy killing the player and collision settings
Jean Vermeersch
Game developer and 2D artist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
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