Create a Basic Real-Time Chat App with Angular4 and Firebase
Create a Basic Real-Time Chat App with Angular4 and Firebase, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 55 lectures, based on 22 reviews, and has 1725 subscribers.
You will learn about Setup a development environment Create a remote repository Write code logic to send messages in real-time Use dependency injection as a service This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner web developers or Beginner programmers or Anyone who wants to learn how to create a one page app or create a new project in angular 4 or Generate components or Use interpolation with your templates or Use *ngFor directives to display objects of an array or Setup firebase authentication method or Setup firebase database rules or Create a firebase project or Create a production build or Deploy your app for free It is particularly useful for Beginner web developers or Beginner programmers or Anyone who wants to learn how to create a one page app or create a new project in angular 4 or Generate components or Use interpolation with your templates or Use *ngFor directives to display objects of an array or Setup firebase authentication method or Setup firebase database rules or Create a firebase project or Create a production build or Deploy your app for free.
Enroll now: Create a Basic Real-Time Chat App with Angular4 and Firebase
Title: Create a Basic Real-Time Chat App with Angular4 and Firebase
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Setup a development environment
- Create a remote repository
- Write code logic to send messages in real-time
- Use dependency injection as a service
Who Should Attend
- Beginner web developers
- Beginner programmers
- Anyone who wants to learn how to create a one page app
- create a new project in angular 4
- Generate components
- Use interpolation with your templates
- Use *ngFor directives to display objects of an array
- Setup firebase authentication method
- Setup firebase database rules
- Create a firebase project
- Create a production build
- Deploy your app for free
Target Audiences
- Beginner web developers
- Beginner programmers
- Anyone who wants to learn how to create a one page app
- create a new project in angular 4
- Generate components
- Use interpolation with your templates
- Use *ngFor directives to display objects of an array
- Setup firebase authentication method
- Setup firebase database rules
- Create a firebase project
- Create a production build
- Deploy your app for free
AngularJS is one of the most popular JavaScript framework available today for creating web applications. This beginners course provides you the skills needed to create dynamic web application using angular4.
Firebase is database service that is used to provide backend functionality for applications big and small.
Firebase has three types of plans including a free plan that allows you real time data download and upload limits and also storage facilities.
Firebase on the free plan allow 100 simultaneous connections to your application.
Firebase implementation in your application means you do not need to write any backend server code. It supports both web and mobile app deployments.
In this beginner course we will be building a real time chat app with Angular 4 using firebase as a backend database server. Angular allows your application to have an expanded HTML library. Learn to add behaviour to your HTML and speed up your application’s responsiveness.
Who is This Course for?
This course is aimed at absolute beginners who want learn about Angular Js.
Beginner developers
Beginner programmers
Basic Knowledge of HTML
Basic Knowledge of CSS
Basic Knowledge of JavaScript
What You will learn:
How to setup a development environment
How to create a new project in angular 4
How to generate components
How to nest components
How to use basic templates
How to use interpolation with your templates
How to define external HTML templates
How to use *ngFor directives to display objects of an array
How to use conditional statements with your templates
How to interact with components
How to data bind
How to connect to firebase from your app
How to store and work with objects in firebase
How to save data to the firebase database
How to use firebase supported authenication providers
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Requirements
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What we will create
Lecture 3: What is Firebase
Lecture 4: Firebase Free Plan
Lecture 5: Intstalling Node js and Npm
Lecture 6: Installing Angular CLI
Lecture 7: What is Git
Lecture 8: Install Git
Lecture 9: Configure Git
Lecture 10: What is Github
Lecture 11: Create Github account
Lecture 12: Installing SublimeText Editor
Chapter 2: Some basics of Angular 4
Lecture 1: Create a new angular project
Lecture 2: Introduction to Components
Lecture 3: Components – Part 2
Lecture 4: Introduction to Templates
Lecture 5: Defining External templates
Lecture 6: Defining Inline Templates
Lecture 7: Using interpolation
Lecture 8: Using ngFor directives
Lecture 9: Using conditional statements
Lecture 10: Property binding
Lecture 11: Event binding
Lecture 12: Defining Css
Lecture 13: Css Class binding
Lecture 14: Css style binding
Lecture 15: Creating a service
Lecture 16: Using a service
Lecture 17: Using services in components
Lecture 18: Setting up animations
Lecture 19: Activating amimation on component
Lecture 20: Animation states and Styles
Lecture 21: Attaching animation to templates.
Chapter 3: How To Create A Basic Real-Time Chat App
Lecture 1: Create a new Firebase Project
Lecture 2: Setup Authentication method
Lecture 3: Setup Firebase Database Rules
Lecture 4: Create a new Angular 4 app
Lecture 5: Install project dependencies
Lecture 6: Start server and test app
Lecture 7: Install angularfire2
Lecture 8: Adding the Firebase Project Settings
Lecture 9: Create a Chat Component
Lecture 10: Add Dependency Injection
Lecture 11: Preparing Component To Display Chats
Lecture 12: Updating the View
Lecture 13: Updating Firebase Database Rules
Lecture 14: Updating the component's logic
Lecture 15: Testing and sending realtime messages
Lecture 16: Adding Css Styling
Lecture 17: How to delete messages
Lecture 18: Requirements for deployment
Lecture 19: Creating a production build
Lecture 20: Deploying your app for free
Lecture 21: Your challenge to improve the app
Lecture 22: Thank You
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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