Create a Python Application to connect to multiple databases
Create a Python Application to connect to multiple databases, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.95, with 67 lectures, based on 178 reviews, and has 3980 subscribers.
You will learn about Install and setup multiple database systems Create virtual environments Install database connector drivers for multiple database systems Create Python Application GUI Frontend Create database and table in multiple database systems Create a class and methods in Python File Import and use Python Modules Create database connection configuration file Interact with databases from Python Application GUI Perform various database operations from Python App GUI This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to Python or Beginners to Programming It is particularly useful for Beginners to Python or Beginners to Programming.
Enroll now: Create a Python Application to connect to multiple databases
Title: Create a Python Application to connect to multiple databases
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.95
Number of Lectures: 67
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Curriculum Items: 67
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Install and setup multiple database systems
- Create virtual environments
- Install database connector drivers for multiple database systems
- Create Python Application GUI Frontend
- Create database and table in multiple database systems
- Create a class and methods in Python File
- Import and use Python Modules
- Create database connection configuration file
- Interact with databases from Python Application GUI
- Perform various database operations from Python App GUI
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to Python
- Beginners to Programming
Target Audiences
- Beginners to Python
- Beginners to Programming
In this course you will learn how to create a Python application program that will interact with the following database systems:
SQL Server database
Python has various modules that you can use to interact with databases. We will install the various database connector module for each database system to enable us interact with the various database systems from our Python application.
We will setup the various database management systems and also create a new database and table that our Python application will interact with.
We will create the Python application frontend using Tkinter which is a built in Python module used to create graphical user interfaces . From tkinter module we will import ttk module which is a themed widget library that contains various types of widgets like buttons,labels etc that we can use to build the graphical user interface for our Python application. We will also import other bits and pieces from the tkinter module that our Python application will use.
Also we will create a database configuration file that twill be used to interact with the various database systems that we will connect to from our Python application. We will perform various database operations on the databases we will create from out Python application GUI frontend.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Creating the application user interface
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is CRUD
Lecture 3: What we will create
Lecture 4: Application Design Sketch
Lecture 5: Install Python on Windows
Lecture 6: Install Python3 on Mac
Lecture 7: Install Atom Text Editor
Lecture 8: Create project directory and Python File
Lecture 9: Creating the GUI : Part 1
Lecture 10: Creating the GUI : Part 2
Lecture 11: Creating the GUI : Part 3
Lecture 12: Creating the GUI : Part 4
Lecture 13: Creating the GUI : Part 5
Lecture 14: Add comments to your code
Chapter 2: Setting Up Microsoft SQL Server Database
Lecture 1: Installing SQL Server 2017 Express
Lecture 2: The Source Code
Lecture 3: Create a new database and table
Lecture 4: Create a database configuration file
Lecture 5: Create a virtual environment and install pypyodbc
Lecture 6: Connect Python File to database
Lecture 7: Create a cursor object
Lecture 8: Create a class and methods
Lecture 9: Add more methods
Lecture 10: Create a function for selected rows
Lecture 11: Create more functions
Lecture 12: Activate button widgets
Lecture 13: Interacting with database from Python Application GUI – Part 1
Lecture 14: Interacting with database from Python Application GUI – Part 2
Chapter 3: Setting Up MySQL Database Server
Lecture 1: Installing MySQL
Lecture 2: MySQL Workbench
Lecture 3: Create a database and a table
Lecture 4: Create a configuration connection file
Lecture 5: Install Mysql -Connector in a virtual environment
Lecture 6: Modfify Python Application File to connect to Mysql Database
Lecture 7: Test connection to MySQL Database from Python App GUI
Lecture 8: Interacting with MySQL database from Python Application GUI – Part 1
Lecture 9: Interacting with MySQL database from Python Application GUI – Part 2
Lecture 10: The Source Code
Chapter 4: Setting Up PostgreSQL Database Server
Lecture 1: Installing PostgreSQL
Lecture 2: Create a database and a table
Lecture 3: Create a sequence for the id column
Lecture 4: Create a configuration connection file
Lecture 5: Install Pyscopg2 inside a virtual environment
Lecture 6: Modfify Python Application File to connect to PostgreSQL Database
Lecture 7: Test connection to PostgreSQL Database from Python App GUI
Lecture 8: Interacting with PostgreSQL database from Python Application GUI – Part 1
Lecture 9: Interacting with PostgreSQL database from Python Application GUI – Part 2
Lecture 10: The Source Code
Chapter 5: Setting Up Oracle Database Server
Lecture 1: Download and Install Oracle Database 18c Express Edition
Lecture 2: What is SQLPLUS
Lecture 3: Unlock sample HR Schema Account
Lecture 4: Install Oracle SQL Developer
Lecture 5: Create a new database table
Lecture 6: Connect Oracle developer to Oracle database
Lecture 7: Installing Oracle database driver in a virtual environment
Lecture 8: Modfify Python Application File to connect to Oracle Database
Lecture 9: Interacting with Oracle database from Python Application GUI
Lecture 10: The Source Code
Chapter 6: Setting Up SQLite3 Database
Lecture 1: Installing SQLite
Lecture 2: Modfify Python Application File to connect to SQLite3 Database
Lecture 3: Test connection to SQLite3 Database from Python App GUI
Lecture 4: Interacting with SQLite3 database from Python Application GUI
Lecture 5: SQLiteStudio
Lecture 6: DB Browser for SQLite
Lecture 7: Viewing SQlite3 Database Records
Lecture 8: The Source Code
Lecture 9: Thank You
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 60 votes
- 5 stars: 92 votes
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