Creating a Computer using Transistors and Logic gates
Creating a Computer using Transistors and Logic gates, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 49 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 270 subscribers.
You will learn about design a cpu from scratch understanding how computer works in lowest level possible transistors and why its the main part of every digital device what is information in general concepts of bits and bytes different numbering systems(hex,binary and decimal) creating logic gates using transistors what do we mean by remembering information and how could we create a device which could remember information creating an 8-bit register using transistors why do we need decoders creating a 3×8 decoder using transistors why do we need multiplexers creating a multiplexer using transistors how real chips are made in the world how could we transfer information and the creation of bus how to create devices for processing data create an adder using transistors 2's complement to represent negatice numbers in binary create XOR and NOTer using transistors creating a complete ALU using transistors flow of data in computer how to create a monitor and the idea of a graphic card why are computers fast and powerful control unit and why we need it the instruction set architecture (ISA) of our computer implementing instructions for in our cpu control unit implementing data transfer,data manipulation and program control instructions in our working made computer in logisim creating a counter using transistors executing instructions using our computer executing programs with loop and if-else in our computer showing our complete computer at the transistor level This course is ideal for individuals who are everybody who wants to know the computer architecture and improving his understanding at the transistor level or every programmer who wants to know why computers are able to execute programs or everyone who wants to become a hardware designer or everyone interested in the relation and border between software and hardware It is particularly useful for everybody who wants to know the computer architecture and improving his understanding at the transistor level or every programmer who wants to know why computers are able to execute programs or everyone who wants to become a hardware designer or everyone interested in the relation and border between software and hardware.
Enroll now: Creating a Computer using Transistors and Logic gates
Title: Creating a Computer using Transistors and Logic gates
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 49
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- design a cpu from scratch
- understanding how computer works in lowest level possible
- transistors and why its the main part of every digital device
- what is information in general
- concepts of bits and bytes
- different numbering systems(hex,binary and decimal)
- creating logic gates using transistors
- what do we mean by remembering information and how could we create a device which could remember information
- creating an 8-bit register using transistors
- why do we need decoders
- creating a 3×8 decoder using transistors
- why do we need multiplexers
- creating a multiplexer using transistors
- how real chips are made in the world
- how could we transfer information and the creation of bus
- how to create devices for processing data
- create an adder using transistors
- 2's complement to represent negatice numbers in binary
- create XOR and NOTer using transistors
- creating a complete ALU using transistors
- flow of data in computer
- how to create a monitor and the idea of a graphic card
- why are computers fast and powerful
- control unit and why we need it
- the instruction set architecture (ISA) of our computer
- implementing instructions for in our cpu control unit
- implementing data transfer,data manipulation and program control instructions in our working made computer in logisim
- creating a counter using transistors
- executing instructions using our computer
- executing programs with loop and if-else in our computer
- showing our complete computer at the transistor level
Who Should Attend
- everybody who wants to know the computer architecture and improving his understanding at the transistor level
- every programmer who wants to know why computers are able to execute programs
- everyone who wants to become a hardware designer
- everyone interested in the relation and border between software and hardware
Target Audiences
- everybody who wants to know the computer architecture and improving his understanding at the transistor level
- every programmer who wants to know why computers are able to execute programs
- everyone who wants to become a hardware designer
- everyone interested in the relation and border between software and hardware
only by doing you could truly understand the computer science.
why a computer is able to execute programs?
why could we communicate calculate using computer?
how could we build something which is able to save and process information?
what do we mean by information?
how do we teach a an object,information?
what do we mean by programming languages?
what is the difference between computer and chairs and tables if both of them are objects?
in this course we will never take anything for granted. we start by introducing a transistor as a simple switch and create all of our computer using that simple switch. we start from beginning and work all way through to program our cpu to do some calculations and show the result over the monitor that we also create.
30 years ago the idea of a programmer was obvious. someone who completely understood everything about computer architecture and now wants to implement his ideas using programming languages for the computer to execute. but now its different.
we see a lot of people who call themselves programmers, web developers ,… but they don’t know how their programs are providing the result that they want? if something goes wrong, they need to ask others or wait for the others to troubleshoot that.
because rather than why, they cared more about finding the answers of how questions.
and thats the main difference between a professional programmer, a real hacker, a good software developer and a hardware designer with a script kiddie. sometimes they say that the difference between a programmer and you, is because they are interested, but i assure you its because they know the architecture behind their codes rather than copy/pasting of it. and actually that is the reason that we see a lot of successful programmer are now that old. because instead of waiting for the experience, they know why they need that code and why that code does what it does.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: course outline and how to approach it
Lecture 1: how to approach the course and some learning skills for better outcome
Chapter 2: introduction, numbers and information
Lecture 1: what is a computer
Lecture 2: lamps as switches
Lecture 3: binary and decimal numbering systems
Lecture 4: hexadecimal
Chapter 3: basic electronics
Lecture 1: transistor
Lecture 2: creating a nand gate using transistors
Lecture 3: creating a not gate using transistors
Chapter 4: registers and bus
Lecture 1: creating a 1-bit register using transistors-part1
Lecture 2: creating a 1-bit register using transistors-part2
Lecture 3: creating an 8-bit register using transistors
Lecture 4: adding en and clk to our 8-bit register
Lecture 5: why do we need decoder(addressing memory cells)
Lecture 6: creating a decoder using transistors
Lecture 7: how to address a 64k ram from cpu
Lecture 8: why do we need multiplexers
Lecture 9: creating a mux using transistors
Lecture 10: real chips(not required)
Chapter 5: ALU
Lecture 1: addition
Lecture 2: creating an xor using transistors
Lecture 3: create a 1-bit adder using transistors
Lecture 4: creating an 8-bit adder-part1
Lecture 5: creating an 8-bit adder-part2
Lecture 6: subtraction using 2's complement
Lecture 7: creating an 8-bit control NOTER using transistors
Lecture 8: creating an 8-bit alu using transistors
Chapter 6: computer flow of data
Lecture 1: putting together our computer
Chapter 7: monitor
Lecture 1: creating a monitor
Chapter 8: control unit
Lecture 1: executing instructions manually using our computer
Lecture 2: why computers are fast(fetch,decode,execute)
Lecture 3: control unit-part1
Lecture 4: control unit-part2
Lecture 5: control unit-part3-carry out and if statements
Lecture 6: implementing fetch for all instructions-part1
Lecture 7: implementing fetch for all instructions-part2
Lecture 8: creating our computer so far in logisim
Lecture 9: our instruction set architecture(isa) to implement
Lecture 10: implementing nop and lda instructions in control unit
Lecture 11: implementing data transfer instructions in control unit-part1
Lecture 12: str value instruction-from keyboard to memory
Lecture 13: arithmetic instructions-add and sub
Lecture 14: program flow control instruction-jmp and jc
Lecture 15: implementing the isa by writing them in the control unit rom
Lecture 16: testing our computer by executing instructions
Lecture 17: writing a program with loops and if-else
Lecture 18: executing the program with loop and if-else using our computer
Lecture 19: assembler and compiler-why?
Lecture 20: creating our computer at the transistor level
Chapter 9: additional content-logisim
Lecture 1: how to work with logisim
mohamad gharishvandi
Master of Science in Electronics engineering
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
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