Creating and Querying Databases with NoSQL and SQL
Creating and Querying Databases with NoSQL and SQL, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 26 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 4451 subscribers.
You will learn about Install a NoSQL Database Server Create a NoSQL Database Store data in a NoSQL Database Query Data in a NoSQL Database Filter and reduce data queried from a NoSQL Database Create views from queried NoSQL Database Create Database using SQL | TSQL Create a table with SQL | TSQL Insert data into SQL Server Database with SQL | TSQL Query Data with SQL | TSQL This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to NoSQL Databases or Beginners to SQL It is particularly useful for Beginners to NoSQL Databases or Beginners to SQL.
Enroll now: Creating and Querying Databases with NoSQL and SQL
Title: Creating and Querying Databases with NoSQL and SQL
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Curriculum Items: 26
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 26
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Install a NoSQL Database Server
- Create a NoSQL Database
- Store data in a NoSQL Database
- Query Data in a NoSQL Database
- Filter and reduce data queried from a NoSQL Database
- Create views from queried NoSQL Database
- Create Database using SQL | TSQL
- Create a table with SQL | TSQL
- Insert data into SQL Server Database with SQL | TSQL
- Query Data with SQL | TSQL
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to NoSQL Databases
- Beginners to SQL
Target Audiences
- Beginners to NoSQL Databases
- Beginners to SQL
NoSQL (Non-SQL or Not-only-SQL) databases are increasing in popularity due to the growth of data as they can store non-relational data on a super large scale, and can solve problems regular databases can’t handle. They are widely used in Big data operations. Their main advantage is the ability to handle large data sets effectively as well as scalability and flexibility issues for modern applications. There are different categories of NoSQL databases and they are used in social media such as with Facebook and search like Google and in other types of sectors like Health, Aviation, Education and other areas.
In this course we will Use the Couch DB NoSQL database. We will create a database, load data and query a database. Learn techniques such as querying with JavaScript, working with nested data, and creating views. You will learn how to query a database without SQL by using JavaScript Map and Reduce functions Using the couch DB database you will learn how to insert data into the database using Key -Value pairs where every data key will have a corresponding value. Security and integrity of a database is very important .
The volume of data available is huge and increasing daily. Structured Query Language -SQL (pronounced as sequel) is the standard language used to communicate and interact with data stored in relational management database systems like Microsoft SQL Server Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL etc.
Different database management systems have their own proprietary version of the SQL language but they all conform to using some commands in SQL the same way. Microsoft SQL Server’s version of SQL is known as Transact-SQL (T-SQL). In this course you will learn the basics of the SQL language and Transact-SQL since both use certain commands in the same way. We will learn to create a database, table and how to insert data into a database table as well as querying it.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Creating and querying a database with NoSQL
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of SQL and NoSQL
Lecture 3: What is NoSQL
Lecture 4: What is NoSQL Databases Can do
Lecture 5: Categories of NoSQL Databases
Lecture 6: Downloading and Installing CouchDB
Lecture 7: Creating a database and storing Data
Lecture 8: Nesting Data
Lecture 9: Retrieving data
Lecture 10: Querying Data
Lecture 11: Defining Views
Lecture 12: Filtering Data with Reduce Function
Chapter 2: Creating and Querying Databases with SQL | T-SQL
Lecture 1: What is SQL
Lecture 2: What is T-SQL
Lecture 3: What is SQL Server
Lecture 4: SQL Server Editions
Lecture 5: SQL Server Installation Requirements
Lecture 6: Download SQL Server
Lecture 7: Install SQL Server
Lecture 8: Install SSMS
Lecture 9: Connecting to SQL Server
Lecture 10: Create a database
Lecture 11: Create a table
Lecture 12: Insert Records into table
Lecture 13: Query Database Table
Lecture 14: Thank You
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
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