Creating Gameplay Mechanics With Blueprints in Unreal Engine
Creating Gameplay Mechanics With Blueprints in Unreal Engine, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 60 lectures, based on 182 reviews, and has 1527 subscribers.
You will learn about Implement sound effects, background music, and particle effects Collect and destroy game objects Master beginner blueprint concepts, like variables, "if" statements, and arrays Navigate the Unreal Engine and discover unique features like the Marketplace Detect collisions, receive user input, and create game mechanics Creating the basic elevator game mechanics Creating the sliding door game mechanics Creating a day and night cycle in game Creating a basic sprint system Creating the level changing checkpoint Create a pickup object with scoring Create a grenade effect and game mechanics Creating exploding enemy AI Creating a UI minimap for game Creating the player health pickup This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is not for someone who is an advanced game developer. This course is also not for students who are not interested in learning to code as you will get an introduction to the fundamentals of blueprint programming. or Anyone seeking an understanding of best visual coding practices such as organization with your project and optimal development workflow that are essential to game development. or People interested in developing commercial quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby. or The ideal student for this course is someone who is interested in game development with Unreal and visual programming, C++, blueprint and is looking for an interactive, project-based course. It is particularly useful for This course is not for someone who is an advanced game developer. This course is also not for students who are not interested in learning to code as you will get an introduction to the fundamentals of blueprint programming. or Anyone seeking an understanding of best visual coding practices such as organization with your project and optimal development workflow that are essential to game development. or People interested in developing commercial quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby. or The ideal student for this course is someone who is interested in game development with Unreal and visual programming, C++, blueprint and is looking for an interactive, project-based course.
Enroll now: Creating Gameplay Mechanics With Blueprints in Unreal Engine
Title: Creating Gameplay Mechanics With Blueprints in Unreal Engine
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 60
Number of Published Lectures: 60
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Implement sound effects, background music, and particle effects
- Collect and destroy game objects
- Master beginner blueprint concepts, like variables, "if" statements, and arrays
- Navigate the Unreal Engine and discover unique features like the Marketplace
- Detect collisions, receive user input, and create game mechanics
- Creating the basic elevator game mechanics
- Creating the sliding door game mechanics
- Creating a day and night cycle in game
- Creating a basic sprint system
- Creating the level changing checkpoint
- Create a pickup object with scoring
- Create a grenade effect and game mechanics
- Creating exploding enemy AI
- Creating a UI minimap for game
- Creating the player health pickup
Who Should Attend
- This course is not for someone who is an advanced game developer. This course is also not for students who are not interested in learning to code as you will get an introduction to the fundamentals of blueprint programming.
- Anyone seeking an understanding of best visual coding practices such as organization with your project and optimal development workflow that are essential to game development.
- People interested in developing commercial quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby.
- The ideal student for this course is someone who is interested in game development with Unreal and visual programming, C++, blueprint and is looking for an interactive, project-based course.
Target Audiences
- This course is not for someone who is an advanced game developer. This course is also not for students who are not interested in learning to code as you will get an introduction to the fundamentals of blueprint programming.
- Anyone seeking an understanding of best visual coding practices such as organization with your project and optimal development workflow that are essential to game development.
- People interested in developing commercial quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby.
- The ideal student for this course is someone who is interested in game development with Unreal and visual programming, C++, blueprint and is looking for an interactive, project-based course.
Often times, learning a new game engine can be difficult, especially when it comes to Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 makes your 2D and 3D games stand out, as long as you know how to properly use it.
This course will teach you exactly how to use it. The 15 lecture course (which only takes an hour and a half of your time) starts off with the basics. It teaches you how to implement the basics to create great visuals that are real to the human mind. From there, you are taught simple, clear concepts. That way it’s easy to follow and Unreal Engine 4 becomes much easier to use.
The best part is, you will use the concepts learned for every single game project that you will ever develop. You will even discover and love using the difficult feature, the marketplace. While others (who didn’t take the course) will find that feature hard to maneuver.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
Apply what you learned to build your own games from start to finish.
Organize your game development to make your workflow not only quality but faster.
Make use of Unreal’s blueprints to expand on first-person shooting and create new characteristics.
What’s more? If you struggle with programming and coding, you are in luck! This course gives you examples upon examples guiding you through the fundamentals of Blueprint programming. So that in little to no time, you will be able to make magic with Blueprints.
You will finally get a course that teaches you how to build a game, from A to Z. When you are done, you will know how to make quality 2D and 3D that sets you apart.
Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started right now!
More about the Instructor:
This course is designed by Animation Hacks which is the visual effect studio with high-quality skill artist work on numerous unannounced projects. In addition, they enjoy sharing their knowledge with those students who learn 3D online.
NOTE FOR STUDENTS – please take a look Section 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachment link with the lesson.)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Creating A Basic Sprint System Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Software Installation And Project Setup
Chapter 3: Creating The Sliding Door Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating The Sliding Door
Chapter 4: Creating The Basic Elevator Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating The Basic Elevator
Chapter 5: Creating The Simple Flashlight Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating The Simple Flashlight
Chapter 6: Creating A Day And Night Cycle Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating A Day And Night Cycle
Chapter 7: Software Installation And Project Setup
Lecture 1: Creating A Basic Sprint System
Chapter 8: Creating The Level Changing Checkpoint Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating The Level Changing Checkpoint
Chapter 9: Creating A Pickup Object With Scoring Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: How To Create A Pickup Object With Scoring
Chapter 10: How To Create A Grenade Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: How To Create A Grenade
Chapter 11: Creating Exploding Enemy AI Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating Exploding Enemy AI
Chapter 12: Creating A UI Mini-map Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating A UI Minimap
Chapter 13: Creating A Game Match Timer Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating A Game Match Timer
Chapter 14: Creating The Player Health Pickup Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating The Player Health Pickup
Chapter 15: Creating The Countdown Timer With Game Over Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Creating Countdown Timer With Game Over
Chapter 16: Endless Runner Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: Endless Runner – Introduction
Lecture 2: Endless Runner – Camera and Tile Setup
Lecture 3: Endless Runner – Spawning Infinite Tiles
Lecture 4: Endless Runner – Switching Lanes
Lecture 5: Endless Runner – Point scoring and Increasing Speed
Lecture 6: Endless Runner – Coin pickup and Ragdoll Death
Lecture 7: Endless Runner – Coin pickup and Ragdoll Death
Lecture 8: Endless Runner – Game Over UI
Lecture 9: Endless Runner – PlayerHUD
Lecture 10: Endless Runner – Highscores
Lecture 11: Endless Runner – Background Blur and Down Ability
Chapter 17: Slide Scroller Game Mechanic
Lecture 1: SlideScrollerGame_Introduction to course
Lecture 2: SlideScrollerGame_Getting Started & Health
Lecture 3: SlideScrollerGame_Working on The Fuel System
Lecture 4: SlideScrollerGame_Starting On The Healthbar
Lecture 5: SlideScrollerGame_Creating The Fuel Bar
Lecture 6: SlideScrollerGame_Styling The Pickup Items
Lecture 7: SlideScrollerGame_Game Count Down Timer
Lecture 8: SlideScrollerGame_Speed Boost Ability
Lecture 9: SlideScrollerGame_Gravity Boost Ability
Lecture 10: SlideScrollerGame_Slow Motion Ability
Lecture 11: SlideScrollerGame_Level Complete Screen
Lecture 12: SlideScrollerGame_Time Up Screen
Lecture 13: SlideScrollerGame_Death Animation & Function
Lecture 14: SlideScrollerGame_Exploding Obstacle
Lecture 15: SlideScrollerGame_Damaging Player With Fire
Lecture 16: SlideScrollerGame_Low Health Vignette Effect
Lecture 17: SlideScrollerGame_Opening Door With Key
Lecture 18: SlideScrollerGame_Coin Pickup & Counter
Lecture 19: SlideScrollerGame_Main Menu Level Selection
Lecture 20: SlideScrollerGame_Finishing The Main Menu
Lecture 21: SlideScrollerGame_Ability Cool Down System
Lecture 22: SlideScrollerGame_Creating Basic Enemy Bot AI
Lecture 23: SlideScrollerGame_Regenerating Health System
Lecture 24: SlideScrollerGame_Blocking Out The Level
Lecture 25: SlideScrollerGame_Creating A Moving Platform
Lecture 26: SlideScrollerGame_Creating A Moving Platform
Lecture 27: SlideScrollerGame_Crushing Pillar
Lecture 28: SlideScrollerGame_Using Structural Meshes
Lecture 29: SlideScrollerGame_Decorating Our Level
Lecture 30: SlideScrollerGame_Ability Popup Messages
Lecture 31: SlideScrollerGame_Death Game Over Screen
Lecture 32: SlideScrollerGame_Creating The Flashlight
Lecture 33: SlideScrollerGame_Adding The Battery
Lecture 1: Limited Time Offer – Ending soon!
Animation Hacks
High Quality Visual Effect Institute
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 20 votes
- 4 stars: 60 votes
- 5 stars: 86 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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