CUDA programming Masterclass with C++
CUDA programming Masterclass with C++, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.31, with 83 lectures, based on 1612 reviews, and has 12821 subscribers.
You will learn about All the basic knowladge about CUDA programming Ability to desing and implement optimized parallel algorithms Basic work flow of parallel algorithm design Advance CUDA concepts This course is ideal for individuals who are Any one who wants to learn CUDA programming from scartch to intermidiate level It is particularly useful for Any one who wants to learn CUDA programming from scartch to intermidiate level.
Enroll now: CUDA programming Masterclass with C++
Title: CUDA programming Masterclass with C++
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.31
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Published Lectures: 83
Number of Curriculum Items: 85
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 85
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- All the basic knowladge about CUDA programming
- Ability to desing and implement optimized parallel algorithms
- Basic work flow of parallel algorithm design
- Advance CUDA concepts
Who Should Attend
- Any one who wants to learn CUDA programming from scartch to intermidiate level
Target Audiences
- Any one who wants to learn CUDA programming from scartch to intermidiate level
This course is all about CUDA programming. We will start our discussion by looking at basic concepts including CUDA programming model, execution model, and memory model. Then we will show you how to implement advance algorithms using CUDA. CUDA programming is all about performance. So through out this course you will learn multiple optimization techniques and how to use those to implement algorithms. Also we will extensively discuss profiling techniques and some of the tools including nvprof, nvvp, CUDA Memcheck, CUDA-GDB tools in the CUDA toolkit. This course contains following sections.
Introduction to CUDA programming and CUDA programming model
CUDA Execution model
CUDA memory model-Global memory
CUDA memory model-Shared and Constant memory
CUDA streams
Tuning CUDA instruction level primitives
Algorithm implementation with CUDA
CUDA tools
With this course we include lots of programming exercises and quizzes as well. Answering all those will help you to digest the concepts we discuss here.
This course is the first course of the CUDA master class series we are current working on. So the knowledge you gain here is essential of following those course as well.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to CUDA programming and CUDA programming model
Lecture 1: Very very important
Lecture 2: Introduction to parallel programming
Lecture 3: Parallel computing and Super computing
Lecture 4: How to install CUDA toolkit and first look at CUDA program
Lecture 5: Basic elements of CUDA program
Lecture 6: Organization of threads in a CUDA program – threadIdx
Lecture 7: Organization of thread in a CUDA program – blockIdx,blockDim,gridDim
Lecture 8: Programming exercise 1
Lecture 9: Unique index calculation using threadIdx blockId and blockDim
Lecture 10: Unique index calculation for 2D grid 1
Lecture 11: Unique index calculation for 2D grid 2
Lecture 12: Memory transfer between host and device
Lecture 13: Programming exercise 2
Lecture 14: Sum array example with validity check
Lecture 15: Sum array example with error handling
Lecture 16: Sum array example with timing
Lecture 17: Device properties
Lecture 18: Summary
Chapter 2: CUDA Execution model
Lecture 1: Understand the device better
Lecture 2: All about warps
Lecture 3: Warp divergence
Lecture 4: Resource partitioning and latency hiding 1
Lecture 5: Resource partitioning and latency hiding 2
Lecture 6: Occupancy
Lecture 7: Profile driven optimization with nvprof
Lecture 8: Parallel reduction as synchronization example
Lecture 9: Parallel reduction as warp divergence example
Lecture 10: Parallel reduction with loop unrolling
Lecture 11: Parallel reduction as warp unrolling
Lecture 12: Reduction with complete unrolling
Lecture 13: Performance comparison of reduction kernels
Lecture 14: CUDA Dynamic parallelism
Lecture 15: Reduction with dynamic parallelism
Lecture 16: Summary
Chapter 3: CUDA memory model
Lecture 1: CUDA memory model
Lecture 2: Different memory types in CUDA
Lecture 3: Memory management and pinned memory
Lecture 4: Zero copy memory
Lecture 5: Unified memory
Lecture 6: Global memory access patterns
Lecture 7: Global memory writes
Lecture 8: AOS vs SOA
Lecture 9: Matrix transpose
Lecture 10: Matrix transpose with unrolling
Lecture 11: Matrix transpose with diagonal coordinate system
Lecture 12: Summary
Chapter 4: CUDA Shared memory and constant memory
Lecture 1: Introduction to CUDA shared memory
Lecture 2: Shared memory access modes and memory banks
Lecture 3: Row major and Column major access to shared memory
Lecture 4: Static and Dynamic shared memory
Lecture 5: Shared memory padding
Lecture 6: Parallel reduction with shared memory
Lecture 7: Synchronization in CUDA
Lecture 8: Matrix transpose with shared memory
Lecture 9: CUDA constant memory
Lecture 10: Matrix transpose with Shared memory padding
Lecture 11: CUDA warp shuffle instructions
Lecture 12: Parallel reduction with warp shuffle instructions
Lecture 13: Summary
Chapter 5: CUDA Streams
Lecture 1: Introduction to CUDA streams and events
Lecture 2: How to use CUDA asynchronous functions
Lecture 3: How to use CUDA streams
Lecture 4: Overlapping memory transfer and kernel execution
Lecture 5: Stream synchronization and blocking behavious of NULL stream
Lecture 6: Explicit and implicit synchronization
Lecture 7: CUDA events and timing with CUDA events
Lecture 8: Creating inter stream dependencies with events
Chapter 6: Performance Tuning with CUDA instruction level primitives
Lecture 1: Introduction to different types of instructions in CUDA
Lecture 2: Floating point operations
Lecture 3: Standard and Instrict functions
Lecture 4: Atomic functions
Chapter 7: Parallel Patterns and Applications
Lecture 1: Scan algorithm introduction
Lecture 2: Simple parallel scan
Lecture 3: Work efficient parallel exclusive scan
Lecture 4: Work efficient parallel inclusive scan
Lecture 5: Parallel scan for large data sets
Lecture 6: Parallel Compact algorithm
Chapter 8: Bonus: Introduction to Image processing with CUDA
Lecture 1: Introduction part 1
Lecture 2: Introduction part 2
Lecture 3: Digital image processing
Lecture 4: Digital image fundametals : Human perception
Lecture 5: Digital image fundamentals : Image formation
Lecture 6: OpenCV installation
Kasun Liyanage
Software engineer & founder of intellect, co founder at cpphive
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 36 votes
- 2 stars: 58 votes
- 3 stars: 199 votes
- 4 stars: 583 votes
- 5 stars: 736 votes
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