Data Analysis with Polars
Data Analysis with Polars, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.54, with 102 lectures, 14 quizzes, based on 348 reviews, and has 2538 subscribers.
You will learn about Taking advantage of parallel and optimised analysis with Polars Working with larger-than-memory data Using Polars expressions for analysis that is easy to read and write Loading data from a wide variety of data sources Combining data from different datasets using fast joins operations Grouping and parallel aggregations Deriving insight from time series Preparing data for machine learning pipelines Visualising data with Matplotlib, Seaborn, Altair & Plotly Using Polars with Scikit-learn This course is ideal for individuals who are Data scientists with no familiarity with Polars and want to get up and running or Data scientists with some familiarity with Polars but want a deeper understanding or Pandas or other dataframe library users It is particularly useful for Data scientists with no familiarity with Polars and want to get up and running or Data scientists with some familiarity with Polars but want a deeper understanding or Pandas or other dataframe library users.
Enroll now: Data Analysis with Polars
Title: Data Analysis with Polars
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.54
Number of Lectures: 102
Number of Quizzes: 14
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: £19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Taking advantage of parallel and optimised analysis with Polars
- Working with larger-than-memory data
- Using Polars expressions for analysis that is easy to read and write
- Loading data from a wide variety of data sources
- Combining data from different datasets using fast joins operations
- Grouping and parallel aggregations
- Deriving insight from time series
- Preparing data for machine learning pipelines
- Visualising data with Matplotlib, Seaborn, Altair & Plotly
- Using Polars with Scikit-learn
Who Should Attend
- Data scientists with no familiarity with Polars and want to get up and running
- Data scientists with some familiarity with Polars but want a deeper understanding
- Pandas or other dataframe library users
Target Audiences
- Data scientists with no familiarity with Polars and want to get up and running
- Data scientists with some familiarity with Polars but want a deeper understanding
- Pandas or other dataframe library users
In this course I show you how to take advantage of Polars – the fast-growing open source dataframe library that is becoming the go-to dataframe library for data scientists in python. I am a Polars contributor with a focus on making Polars accessible to new users and I keep this course up-to-date with new releases of Polars – updated to version 1.5
“A thorough introduction to Polars” – Ritchie Vink, creator of Polars
“Thank you for your great work with this course – I’ve optimized some code thanks to it already!” Maiia Bocharova
The course is for data scientists who have some familiarity with a dataframe library like Pandas but who want to move to Polars because it is easier to write and faster to run. The core materials are Jupyter notebooks that examine each topic in depth. Each notebook comes with a set of exercises to help you develop your understanding of the core concepts. For many key topics this course is the only source of documentation for learners and comes from my time examining the Polars source code.
An important note about videos: this is a primarily a notebook course and not a video course. Not all of the lectures have videos and some of the videos may have components that are not up-to-date. Why? Because the Polars API has changed too often to allow me to keep videos up-to-date. Instead I focus on keeping the notebooks up-to-date with an extensive automated testing system that alerts me to changes in the API. I release an updated version of the course about twice a month in response to changes in Polars.
The course introduces the syntax of Polars and shows you the many ways that Polars allows you to produce queries that are easy to read and write. However, the course also delves deeper to help you understand and exploit the algorithms that drive the outstanding performance of Polars.
By the end of the course you will have optimised ways to:
load and transform your data from CSV, Excel, Parquet, cloud storage or a database
run your analysis in parallel
understand optimal patterns for building queries
work with larger-than-memory datasets
carry out aggregations on your data
combine your datasets with joins and concatenations
work with nested dtypes including lists and structs
optimise the speed and memory usage of your queries
work with string and categorical data
visualise your outputs with Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, hvPlot & Altair
prepare your data for machine learning pipelines with sklearn
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Up and running with Polars
Lecture 1: Course introduction
Lecture 2: Why use Polars instead of Pandas?
Lecture 3: How can you make best use of the course materials?
Lecture 4: Course materials
Lecture 5: Polars quickstart
Lecture 6: Lazy mode: Introducing lazy mode
Lecture 7: Lazy mode: evaluating queries
Lecture 8: Introduction to Data types
Lecture 9: Series and DataFrame
Lecture 10: Converting to and from Pandas & Numpy
Lecture 11: Visualisation
Chapter 2: Filtering rows
Lecture 1: Filtering rows I: Filtering rows with square brackets
Lecture 2: Filtering rows 2: Using `filter` and the Expression API
Lecture 3: Filtering rows 3: using `filter` in lazy mode
Lecture 4: Filtering rows based on values from another DataFrame
Chapter 3: Selecting columns and transforming dataframes
Lecture 1: Selecting columns 1: using square brackets
Lecture 2: Selecting columns 2: using select and expressions
Lecture 3: Selecting columns 3: choosing multiple columns
Lecture 4: Selecting columns 4: transforming and adding columns
Lecture 5: Selecting columns 5: Transforming and adding multiple columns
Lecture 6: Selecting columns 6: Adding a column based on a condition or mapping
Lecture 7: Sorting and fast-track algorithms
Lecture 8: Transforming a DataFrame
Lecture 9: Iterating through a DataFrame
Chapter 4: Data types and missing values
Lecture 1: Missing values
Lecture 2: Replacing missing values
Lecture 3: Replacing missing values with expressions
Lecture 4: Numerical dtypes and precision
Lecture 5: Introducing categorical data
Lecture 6: Categoricals and the string cache
Lecture 7: Introduction to nested dtypes: List, Struct and Object
Lecture 8: List dtype 1: Creating and transforming List columns
Lecture 9: List dtype 2: using expressions on List columns
Lecture 10: Text transformation
Chapter 5: Grouping and aggregation
Lecture 1: Statistics
Lecture 2: Value counts
Lecture 3: Groupby 1: Key concepts
Lecture 4: Groupby 2: Iterating and group values
Lecture 5: Quantiles and histograms
Lecture 6: Introduction to group operations with over()
Lecture 7: Pivot & melt
Chapter 6: Combining dataframes
Lecture 1: Concatenating DataFrames
Lecture 2: Concatenating DataFrames
Lecture 3: Joins
Lecture 4: Joins on string and categorical data
Lecture 5: Filtering a DataFrame by another DataFrame
Lecture 6: Extending, stacking and concatenating
Chapter 7: Time series analysis
Lecture 1: Introduction to time series dtypes
Lecture 2: Time zones
Lecture 3: Parsing datetime strings
Lecture 4: Adjusting datetimes
Lecture 5: Extracting datetime components
Lecture 6: Filtering time series
Lecture 7: Temporal groupby – introduction to groupby_dynamic
Lecture 8: Controlling the `groupby_dynamic` window
Chapter 8: Input/Output
Lecture 1: Read a single CSV file
Lecture 2: CSV files 2: multiple CSV files
Lecture 3: Read an Excel file
Lecture 4: Read JSON and newline delimited JSON
Lecture 5: CSV files 3: reading larger-than-memory CSV files in batches
Lecture 6: CSV files 4: streaming larger-than-memory datasets
Lecture 7: Parquet files 1: single Parquet files
Lecture 8: Reading from a database
Chapter 9: Nested dtypes
Lecture 1: Visualisations with Plotly
Lecture 2: Visualisations with Matplotlib
Lecture 3: Visualisations with Seaborn
Liam Brannigan
Data science instructor and communicator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 107 votes
- 5 stars: 211 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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