Data Science Bundle: 180 Hands-On Projects – Course 2 of 3
Data Science Bundle: 180 Hands-On Projects – Course 2 of 3, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4, with 424 lectures, based on 40 reviews, and has 1509 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the essentials of Machine Learning using Python, the go-to language for Data Science. Learn to build robust Machine Learning models that can withstand real-world uncertainties. Gain insights into the end-to-end product workflow of the Machine Learning lifecycle, ensuring you understand each phase deeply. Acquire the skills needed to deploy Machine Learning models, making them functional in a live environment. Develop a strong intuition for choosing the right Machine Learning models for different tasks. Empower yourself to conduct powerful data analyses that can drive decision-making processes. Learn data-cleaning techniques to handle and remove outliers, ensuring data quality. Equip yourself with skills that are in high demand, increasing your chances of getting hired as a Data Scientist. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners in data science It is particularly useful for Beginners in data science.
Enroll now: Data Science Bundle: 180 Hands-On Projects – Course 2 of 3
Title: Data Science Bundle: 180 Hands-On Projects – Course 2 of 3
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 424
Number of Published Lectures: 339
Number of Curriculum Items: 424
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 339
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the essentials of Machine Learning using Python, the go-to language for Data Science.
- Learn to build robust Machine Learning models that can withstand real-world uncertainties.
- Gain insights into the end-to-end product workflow of the Machine Learning lifecycle, ensuring you understand each phase deeply.
- Acquire the skills needed to deploy Machine Learning models, making them functional in a live environment.
- Develop a strong intuition for choosing the right Machine Learning models for different tasks.
- Empower yourself to conduct powerful data analyses that can drive decision-making processes.
- Learn data-cleaning techniques to handle and remove outliers, ensuring data quality.
- Equip yourself with skills that are in high demand, increasing your chances of getting hired as a Data Scientist.
Who Should Attend
- Beginners in data science
Target Audiences
- Beginners in data science
Unleash your data science mastery in this dynamic course! Learn to build and deploy machine learning, AI, NLP models, and more using Python and web frameworks like Flask and Django. Elevate your projects to the cloud with Heroku, AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Watson, and Streamlit. Get ready to turn data into powerful solutions!
Enrolling in this course is a transformative decision for several compelling reasons. This dynamic program is meticulously designed to take you on a journey from theory to practical, hands-on mastery.
Firstly, you’ll delve into the exciting world of real-world machine learning and data-driven projects, offering you invaluable skills to solve complex problems. Secondly, this course empowers you to unleash your data science prowess. You’ll not only learn to build and deploy machine learning, AI, and NLP models but also gain proficiency in using Python and web frameworks like Flask and Django. Elevate your projects to the cloud with Heroku, AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Watson, and Streamlit, making your creations accessible to the world.
Moreover, you’ll navigate the entire project lifecycle, from ideation to deployment, gaining practical experience at every step. By working on real industry-inspired projects, you’ll develop the confidence and skills needed to excel in the real world
In This Course, We Are Going To Work On 60 Real World Projects Listed Below:
Data Science Projects:
Project-1: Developing an AI Chatbot using GPT-3.5
Project-2: American Sign Language Detection with CNN
Project-3: Builtup Area Classification using K-Means and DNN
Project-4: Clustering COVID-19 Research Articles using Vector Embeddings
Project-5: Crop Recommendation and Yield Prediction Model
Project-6: Generating Images with DCGAN Architecture
Project-7: Seizure Prediction using EEG Signals and SVM
Project-8: Music Genre Classification using Spectrometers
Project-9: Disease Detection from Symptoms using Transformers and Tokenizer
Project-10: Text Summarization with Advanced Techniques
Project-11: SentimentSense: Deciphering Sentiments – Sentiment Analysis Django App on Heroku
Project-12: AttritionMaster: Navigating the Path of Employee Attrition – Django Application
Project-13: PokeSearch: Legendary Pokemon Quest – Django App Adventure on Heroku
Project-14: FaceFinder: Unmasking Hidden Faces – Face Detection with Streamlit Magic
Project-15: FelineCanine: Pawsitively Classy – Cats Vs Dogs Classification Flask App
Project-16: RevGenius: Predicting Revenue Gems – Customer Revenue Prediction on Heroku
Project-17: VoiceGender: Vocal Clues Unveiled – Gender Prediction from Voice on Heroku
Project-18: EatSuggest: A Culinary Companion – Restaurant Recommendation System
Project-19: JoyRank: Spreading Happiness – Happiness Ranking Django App on Heroku
Project-20: WildFireWarn: Taming the Inferno – Forest Fire Prediction Django App on Heroku
Project-21: SonicWaveWhisper: Echoes of Prediction – Sonic Wave Velocity Prediction using Signal Processing Techniques
Project-22: PressureQuest: Delving into Pore Pressure – Estimation of Pore Pressure using Machine Learning
Project-23: SoundSorcerer: Enchanting Audio Processing – Audio Processing using ML
Project-24: TextTalker: Unveiling Textual Secrets – Text Characterization using Speech Recognition
Project-25: AudioMaestro: Harmonizing Audio Classifications – Audio Classification using Neural Networks
Project-26: VoiceCompanion: Your AI Voice Assistant – Developing a Voice Assistant
Project-27: SegmentSense: Uncovering Customer Segments – Customer Segmentation
Project-28: FIFAPhenom: Scoring Goals with FIFA 2019 Analysis
Project-29: SentimentWeb: Surfing the Waves of Web Scraped Sentiments – Sentiment Analysis of Web Scraped Data
Project-30: VinoVirtuoso: Unveiling the Essence of Red Wine – Determining Red Vine Quality
Project-31: PersonaProbe: Decoding Customer Personalities – Customer Personality Analysis
Project-32: LiterateNation: A Journey into India’s Literacy Landscape – Literacy Analysis in India
Project-33: CropGuide: Cultivating Crop Knowledge with PyQt5 and SQLite – Building Crop Guide Application
Project-34: PassKeeper: Safeguarding Secrets with PyQt5 and SQLite – Building Password Manager Application
Project-35: NewsNow: Unveiling the News with Python – Create A News Application
Project-36: GuideMe: Guiding You Along the Way – Create A Guide Application with Python
Project-37: ChefWeb: Savoring Culinary Delights – Building The Chef Web Application with Django, Python
Project-38: SyllogismSolver: Unlocking the Logic of Inference – Syllogism-Rules of Inference Solver Web Application
Project-39: VisionCraft: Crafting Visual Experiences – Building Vision Web Application with Django, Python
Project-40: BudgetPal: Navigating Financial Paths – Building Budget Planner Application with Python
Power BI Projects:
Project-41: Road Accident Analysis: Relations and Time Intelligence
Project-42: Generic Sales Analysis for Practice: Data Transformation
Project-43: Maven Toy Sales Analysis: Transformations and DAX
Project-44: Maven Pizza Sales Analysis: Transformations and DAX
Project-45: IT Spend Analysis: Variance of Global IT Firm
Project-46: Sales Data Analysis: Generic Super Market Sales
Project-47: Foods and Beverages Sales Analysis Dashboard
Project-48: Budget vs. Actual Spending Analysis Dashboard
Project-49: HR Analytics Dashboard: Attrition Analysis
Project-50: E-commerce Super Store Sales Analysis
Tableau Projects:
Project-51: Video Game Sales Dashboard: Gaming Market
Project-52: IMDB Movie Review Dataset Dashboard: Film Insights
Project-53: Goodreads Dataset Dashboard: Book Analysis
Project-54: Friends Sitcom Dashboard: TV Series Data Analysis
Project-55: Amazon Sales Dashboard: Online Retail Insights
Project-56: Hollywood’s Most Profitable Stories Dashboard: Film Analysis
Project-57: Netflix Dashboard: Streaming Service Performance
Project-58: TripAdvisor Hotel Review Dataset: Travel Analysis
Project-59: Breaking Bad Dashboard: TV Series Insights
Project-60: Customer Personality Analysis: Marketing and Sales Strategies
Tips: Create A 60 Days Study Plan , Spend 1-2hrs Per Day, Build 60 Projects In 60 Days.
The Only Course You Need To Become A Data Scientist, Get Hired And Start A New Career
Note: This Course Is Worth Of Your Time And Money, Enroll Now Before Offer Expires.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 2: Outline of the course
Lecture 3: Course Bonuses: Cheat Sheets, Downloads, Mind maps, Guides.
Chapter 2: Project-1: Developing an AI Chatbot using GPT-3.5
Lecture 1: Introduction – Developing an AI Chatbot using GPT-3.5
Lecture 2: create app
Lecture 3: Download the project files
Chapter 3: Project-2: American Sign Language Detection with CNN
Lecture 1: Introduction – American Sign Language Detection with CNN
Lecture 2: Data Reading and Processing
Lecture 3: Model – American Sign Language Detection with CNN
Lecture 4: Flask app
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 4: Project-3: Builtup Area Classification using K-Means and DNN
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Ground Truth
Lecture 3: Model
Lecture 4: Flask
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 5: Project-4: Clustering COVID-19 Research Articles using Vector Embeddings
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Model
Lecture 3: Download the project files
Chapter 6: Project-5: Crop Recommendation and Yield Prediction Model
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Model
Lecture 3: Flask
Lecture 4: Download the project files
Chapter 7: Project-6: Generating Images with DCGAN Architecture
Lecture 1: Introduction – Generating Images with DCGAN Architecture
Lecture 2: Model – Generating Images with DCGAN Architecture
Lecture 3: Flask
Lecture 4: Download the project files
Chapter 8: Project-7: Seizure Prediction using EEG Signals and SVM
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Data Processing
Lecture 3: Model
Lecture 4: Flask app
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 9: Project-8: Music Genre Classification using Spectrometers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Data Processing
Lecture 3: Model
Lecture 4: Flask App
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 10: Project-9: Disease Detection from Symptoms using Transformers and Tokenizer
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Model
Lecture 3: Flask
Lecture 4: Download the project files
Chapter 11: Project-10: Text Summarization with Advanced Techniques
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Model
Lecture 3: Flask
Lecture 4: Download the project files
Chapter 12: Project-11: SentimentSense: Deciphering Sentiments – Sentiment Analysis Django A
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sentiment Analysis Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Project Notebook Google Colab
Lecture 3: Building Django App
Lecture 4: Deploying APP In Heruko
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 13: Project-12: AttritionMaster: Navigating the Path of Employee Attrition – Django
Lecture 1: Introduction -Attrition Rate Django
Lecture 2: Creating Colab Notebook
Lecture 3: Creating Django App
Lecture 4: Deploying APP In Heruko
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 14: Project-13: PokeSearch: Legendary Pokemon Quest – Django App Adventure on Heroku
Lecture 1: Introduction -Working with Pokemon Dataset
Lecture 2: Creating Colab Notebook
Lecture 3: Creating DJango APP
Lecture 4: Deploying APP In Heruko
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 15: Project-14: FaceFinder: Unmasking Hidden Faces – Face Detection with Streamlit
Lecture 1: Introduction to face app
Lecture 2: Creating The Face App Using OpenCV
Lecture 3: Creating The face app opencv
Lecture 4: Creating the face app opencv
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 16: Project-15: FelineCanine: Pawsitively Classy – Cats Vs Dogs Classification Flask
Lecture 1: Introduction To Cats Vs Dogs Classification
Lecture 2: Creating Project Notebook
Lecture 3: Building Model -Colab
Lecture 4: Building Flask App
Lecture 5: Building Flask App Deployement
Lecture 6: Download the project files
Chapter 17: Project-16: RevGenius: Predicting Revenue Gems – Customer Revenue Prediction
Lecture 1: Introduction To Customer Revenue Prediction
Lecture 2: Colab Notebook Customer Revenue Prediction
Lecture 3: Creating Flask App
Lecture 4: Deploying Flask App
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 18: Project-17: VoiceGender: Vocal Clues Unveiled – Gender Prediction from Voice
Lecture 1: Introduction- Gender From Voice Prediction
Lecture 2: Creating Project Notebook- Gender From Voice Prediction
Lecture 3: Creating Project App Django
Lecture 4: Deploying The App
Lecture 5: Download the project files
Chapter 19: Project-18: EatSuggest: A Culinary Companion – Restaurant Recommendation System
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Projects in Data Science, Machine Learning, Power BI, & More
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
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