Data Science: Create Real World Projects
Data Science: Create Real World Projects, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 93 lectures, based on 13 reviews, and has 175 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to create real world Data science and Machine learning projects Learn about different Machine learning models and algorithms Learn about Data Science life cycle and apply methodologies for creating projects Learn about different domains of Data Science: Feature engineering, Feature transformation, and model Melection Learn about Natural Language Processing Learn about Artificial Intelligence and how to use it to solve the Data Science problems This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is dedicated to those people who has some knowledge of programming and wants to learn about how to solve data science and machine learning problems or This course is for them who wants to built career in the field of Data science and Machine Learning or This course is for them who wants to learn data science in perfect way: by learning about feature engineering: data cleaning, transforming and using it to algorithms or This course is for them who wants to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by creating fun projects It is particularly useful for This course is dedicated to those people who has some knowledge of programming and wants to learn about how to solve data science and machine learning problems or This course is for them who wants to built career in the field of Data science and Machine Learning or This course is for them who wants to learn data science in perfect way: by learning about feature engineering: data cleaning, transforming and using it to algorithms or This course is for them who wants to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by creating fun projects.
Enroll now: Data Science: Create Real World Projects
Title: Data Science: Create Real World Projects
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Curriculum Items: 93
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 93
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to create real world Data science and Machine learning projects
- Learn about different Machine learning models and algorithms
- Learn about Data Science life cycle and apply methodologies for creating projects
- Learn about different domains of Data Science: Feature engineering, Feature transformation, and model Melection
- Learn about Natural Language Processing
- Learn about Artificial Intelligence and how to use it to solve the Data Science problems
Who Should Attend
- This course is dedicated to those people who has some knowledge of programming and wants to learn about how to solve data science and machine learning problems
- This course is for them who wants to built career in the field of Data science and Machine Learning
- This course is for them who wants to learn data science in perfect way: by learning about feature engineering: data cleaning, transforming and using it to algorithms
- This course is for them who wants to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by creating fun projects
Target Audiences
- This course is dedicated to those people who has some knowledge of programming and wants to learn about how to solve data science and machine learning problems
- This course is for them who wants to built career in the field of Data science and Machine Learning
- This course is for them who wants to learn data science in perfect way: by learning about feature engineering: data cleaning, transforming and using it to algorithms
- This course is for them who wants to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by creating fun projects
FAQ about Data Science:
What is Data Science?
Data science encapsulates the interdisciplinary activities required to create data-centric artifacts and applications that address specific scientific, socio-political, business, or other questions.
Let’s look at the constituent parts of this statement:
1. Data:Measurable units of information gathered or captured from activity of people, places and things.
2. Specific Questions:Seeking to understand a phenomenon, natural, social or other, can we formulate specific questions for which an answer posed in terms of patterns observed, tested and or modeled in data is appropriate.
3. Interdisciplinary Activities:Formulating a question, assessing the appropriateness of the data and findings used to find an answer require understanding of the specific subject area. Deciding on the appropriateness of models and inferences made from models based on the data at hand requires understanding of statistical and computational methods
Why Data Science?
The granularity, size and accessibility data, comprising both physical, social, commercial and political spheres has exploded in the last decade or more.
According to Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google and I quote:
“I keep saying that the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians and Data Scientist”
“The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids.”
************ ************Course Organization **************************
Section 1: Setting up Anaconda and Editor/Libraries
Section 2: Learning about Data Science Lifecycle and Methodologies
Section 3: Learning about Data preprocessing: Cleaning, normalization, transformation of data
Section 4: Some machine learning models: Linear/Logistic Regression
Section 5: Project 1: Hotel Booking Prediction System
Section 6: Project 2: Natural Language Processing
Section 7: Project 3: Artificial Intelligence
Section 8: Farewell
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course: Start with Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Data Science Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Install anaconda on your machine
Lecture 2: Set up environment and Download Machine Learning Libraries
Lecture 3: Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
Chapter 3: Data Science Lifecycle/Methodology
Lecture 1: Data Science Methodologies
Lecture 2: CRISP-DM model
Lecture 3: Phases of CRISP-DM
Lecture 4: Phases of CRISP-DM part 2
Lecture 5: Phases of CRISP-DM part 3
Chapter 4: Introduction to Data Cleanup/Munging
Lecture 1: Why to clean the data?
Lecture 2: Data Quality
Lecture 3: Check if data is valid or not?
Lecture 4: Check if data is accurate or not?
Lecture 5: Completeness of the data
Lecture 6: Consistency of the data
Lecture 7: Uniformity of the data
Lecture 8: How to ensure data quality
Lecture 9: Inspect the data
Lecture 10: Cleaning the data
Lecture 11: Goal of data munging
Lecture 12: Understand your data
Lecture 13: Introduction to Outliers
Lecture 14: Finalize Data Munging
Chapter 5: Cleaning data (Coding session) : Feature Engineering
Lecture 1: Handle data type mismatch
Lecture 2: Remove Duplicate data
Lecture 3: Handling missing data
Lecture 4: Feature Importance
Lecture 5: Plot feature importance plot
Chapter 6: Introduction to Feature Transformation
Lecture 1: Introduction to Feature Importance
Lecture 2: Data Normalization
Lecture 3: Data Standardization
Lecture 4: Normalization in practice
Lecture 5: Standardization in practice
Lecture 6: Introduction to One Hot Encoding
Lecture 7: One Hot Encoding in practice
Chapter 7: Introduction to Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Types of data in Machine Learning
Lecture 2: Structured format for datasets
Lecture 3: Introduction to pandas library
Lecture 4: Train Test split Concept
Chapter 8: Introduction to Decision Tree
Lecture 1: Decision Tree part 1
Lecture 2: Decision Tree part 2
Lecture 3: Code: Decision Tree classifier
Lecture 4: Decision Tree: GINI index
Chapter 9: Introduction to Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linear Regression
Lecture 2: Learn about OLS [Ordinary Least Squares] algorithm
Lecture 3: Introduction to working of Linear Regression
Lecture 4: Lecture: Introduction to MSE, MAE, RMSE
Lecture 5: Introduction to R squared
Lecture 6: Implement Simple Linear Regression
Chapter 10: Introduction to Logistic Regression
Lecture 1: Learn about Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Learn about Gradient Descent
Lecture 3: Implement Logistic Regression part 1
Lecture 4: Implement Logistic Regression part 2
Chapter 11: Project 1: Hotel Booking Prediction System (Learn Classification problem)
Lecture 1: Introduction to data and data dictionary
Lecture 2: Setup project and import libraries
Lecture 3: Import data to the project
Lecture 4: Clean NA values
Lecture 5: Clean your data
Lecture 6: Analysis 1: Where do the guest come from?
Lecture 7: Analysis 2: How much do guests pay for room per night?
Lecture 8: Analysis 3: How does the price vary?
Lecture 9: Sorting
Lecture 10: Analysis 4: Which months are busy months?
Lecture 11: Analysis 5: How long do people stay at the hotels?
Lecture 12: Feature selection using coorelation
Lecture 13: Refine Numerical attributes
Lecture 14: Refine Categorical attributes
Lecture 15: Augment the data
Lecture 16: Mean Encoding for Categorical attributes
Lecture 17: Preparing our data
Lecture 18: Feature Importance
Lecture 19: Splitting data and Building models
Chapter 12: Project 2: Natural Language Processing
Lecture 1: Loading the data to the project
Lecture 2: Introduction to Corpus and Term Document Matrix
Lecture 3: Storing data into the data frame
Lecture 4: Cleaning the data
Lecture 5: Creating Document Term Matrix
Lecture 6: Analyzing most commonly spoken words
Lecture 7: Creating wordcloud
Lecture 8: Profanity
Lecture 9: Sentimental Analysis
Lecture 10: Sentiment Label
Lecture 11: Plotting Polarity and Subjectivity
Lecture 12: Topic Modeling
Lecture 13: Topic Modeling: Part Of Speech Tagging
Lecture 14: Text Generation
Lecture 15: Text Generation Part 2
Chapter 13: Project 3: Artificial Intelligence: Neural Network
Sachin Kafle
Founder of CSAMIN & Bit4Stack Tech Inc. [[Author, Teacher]]
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 11 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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