Data Science – End 2 End Beginners Course Part 1
Data Science – End 2 End Beginners Course Part 1, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 80 lectures, based on 4 reviews, and has 63 subscribers.
You will learn about Part 1 is a Beginner’s course that covers Machine Learning and Data Analytics Objective is to teach students how to do an End-2-End data science project From problem definition, data sourcing, wrangling, modelling, analyzing and visualizing to deploying and maintaining Part 1 will cover all the basics required for building machine learning models – programming, analytics, maths, process, algorithms and deployment It will provide full maths and logic details for all algorithms Programming (python) and Data analytics (pandas) Maths, Statistics and Probability basics required for understanding the different algorithms Data Science Process – Problem, Wrangling, Algorithm Selection, Model Building , Visualization, Deployment Data Wrangling Build Machine Learning models – Supervised & Unsupervised algorithms using Regression, Classification & Clustering How to Visualize and Evaluate models Model Persistence and Deployment using joblib and flask, Deploying on AWS Cloud using S3 and Elastic Beanstalk, Using AWS Sagemaker End 2 End Project – Building a RoboAdvisor – multi-asset portfolio using global assets and macroeconomic data Detailed python code and data is provided to explain all concepts and algorithms Use popular libraries like scikit-learn, xgboost, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, joblib, flask, etc This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone interested in learning data science or From beginners to intermediate level users or Analyst, programmer, non-technical professional, student, etc or Data Analysts, Machine Learning engineers, Data Engineers, Business Analysts who want to become Data Scientists It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone interested in learning data science or From beginners to intermediate level users or Analyst, programmer, non-technical professional, student, etc or Data Analysts, Machine Learning engineers, Data Engineers, Business Analysts who want to become Data Scientists.
Enroll now: Data Science – End 2 End Beginners Course Part 1
Title: Data Science – End 2 End Beginners Course Part 1
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 80
Number of Published Lectures: 80
Number of Curriculum Items: 80
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 80
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Part 1 is a Beginner’s course that covers Machine Learning and Data Analytics
- Objective is to teach students how to do an End-2-End data science project
- From problem definition, data sourcing, wrangling, modelling, analyzing and visualizing to deploying and maintaining
- Part 1 will cover all the basics required for building machine learning models – programming, analytics, maths, process, algorithms and deployment
- It will provide full maths and logic details for all algorithms
- Programming (python) and Data analytics (pandas)
- Maths, Statistics and Probability basics required for understanding the different algorithms
- Data Science Process – Problem, Wrangling, Algorithm Selection, Model Building , Visualization, Deployment
- Data Wrangling
- Build Machine Learning models – Supervised & Unsupervised algorithms using Regression, Classification & Clustering
- How to Visualize and Evaluate models
- Model Persistence and Deployment using joblib and flask, Deploying on AWS Cloud using S3 and Elastic Beanstalk, Using AWS Sagemaker
- End 2 End Project – Building a RoboAdvisor – multi-asset portfolio using global assets and macroeconomic data
- Detailed python code and data is provided to explain all concepts and algorithms
- Use popular libraries like scikit-learn, xgboost, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, joblib, flask, etc
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone interested in learning data science
- From beginners to intermediate level users
- Analyst, programmer, non-technical professional, student, etc
- Data Analysts, Machine Learning engineers, Data Engineers, Business Analysts who want to become Data Scientists
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone interested in learning data science
- From beginners to intermediate level users
- Analyst, programmer, non-technical professional, student, etc
- Data Analysts, Machine Learning engineers, Data Engineers, Business Analysts who want to become Data Scientists
This is a Beginner’s course that covers basic Machine Learning and Data Analytics concepts
The Objective of this course is to teach students how to do an End-2-End data science project
From Problem definition, data sourcing, wrangling and modelling
To analyzing, visualizing and deploying & maintaining the models
It will cover the main principles/tools that are required for data science
This course is for anyone interested in learning data science – analyst, programmer, non-technical professional, student, etc
Having seen available data science courses and books, we feel there is a lack of an End 2 End approach
Quite often you learn the different algorithms but don’t get a holistic view, especially around the process and deployment
Also, either too much or limited mathematical details are provided for different algorithms
The course will cover all the basics in programming, maths, statistics and probability required for building machine learning models
Throughout the course detailed lectures covering the maths and logic of the algorithms, python code examples and online resources are provided to support the learning process
Students will learn how to build and deploy machine learning models using tools and libraries like anaconda, spyder, python, pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, xgboost, matplotlib, seaborn, joblib, flask, AWS Cloud S3, Elastic Beanstalk and Sagemaker
More details are available on our website – datawisdomx
Course material including python code and data is available in github repository – datawisdomx, DataScienceCourse
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction, Course Structure
Lecture 2: Data Science – Why, What, How
Lecture 3: Guidelines and Expectation
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – Programming – Python
Lecture 1: Why, How, Basic syntax
Lecture 2: Data Types – Numbers
Lecture 3: Data Types – Variables
Lecture 4: Data structures – List, Array
Lecture 5: Data structures – Sets, Tuples, Dictionary
Lecture 6: Data Types – Strings
Lecture 7: Operators
Lecture 8: Control Flow Statements
Lecture 9: Functions, Error handling
Lecture 10: Read/Write – Console, File, Database
Lecture 11: Object Oriented Programming OOPs
Lecture 12: Modules and Packages
Lecture 13: Sort Algorithm, Recursion, Regex
Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – Data Analytics using Pandas
Lecture 1: Pandas Introduction
Lecture 2: Data Structures – Series, DataFrame
Lecture 3: View, Slicing, Functions
Lecture 4: Missing data, Merge
Lecture 5: Text data, Iteration, Sorting
Lecture 6: Groupby, Casting, Conversion
Lecture 7: Time Series, Sampling
Lecture 8: Read/Write, Plot data
Lecture 9: SQL Operations
Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Statistics
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Descriptive – Central tendency, Variability
Lecture 3: Descriptive – Distributions
Lecture 4: Descriptive – Skewness, Kurtosis
Lecture 5: Descriptive – Percentile, Range, Boxplot
Lecture 6: Inferential – Estimation, Intervals
Lecture 7: Inferential – Hypothesis Test
Lecture 8: Bivariate Analysis – Correlation, Covariance
Lecture 9: Bivariate Analysis- Regression
Lecture 10: Exponentials, Logarithms
Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Probability
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Basics
Lecture 3: Conditional probability, Law of Total probability
Lecture 4: Bayes Theorem
Lecture 5: Central Limit Theorem, Probability Mass Function
Chapter 6: Data Sampling
Lecture 1: Data Sampling
Chapter 7: Data Science Process
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Business Problem, EDA, Solutions
Lecture 3: Algorithm (Model) Selection
Lecture 4: Data Wrangling, Sample Splitting, Standardizing
Lecture 5: Model Building, Evaluation and Selection
Lecture 6: Data Visualization, Model Deployment, Retraining and Redeployment
Chapter 8: Data Wrangling
Lecture 1: Data Wrangling
Chapter 9: Supervised Learning Algorithms – Regression
Lecture 1: Regression – Introduction, Error Metrics and Bias-Variance Tradeoff
Lecture 2: Linear Regression
Lecture 3: Multiple Linear Regression
Lecture 4: Polynomial Regression
Lecture 5: Regularization Regression
Lecture 6: Decision Tree Regression
Lecture 7: Ensemble Algorithms
Lecture 8: Random Forest Regression
Lecture 9: XGBoost Regression
Lecture 10: Using GridSearchCV for Regression algorithms
Chapter 10: Supervised Learning Algorithms – Classification
Lecture 1: Classification – Introduction, Error Metrics and Sample Data
Lecture 2: Logistic Regression Classification
Lecture 3: K-Nearest Neighbors Classification
Lecture 4: SVM – Support Vector Machines Classification
Lecture 5: Naive Bayes Classification
Lecture 6: Decision Tree and Ensemble Classification
Lecture 7: Multiclass Classification using SVC
Lecture 8: Using GridSearchCV for Classification
Chapter 11: Unsupervised Learning Algorithms – Clustering
Lecture 1: Clustering Algorithms – Introduction and Error Metrics
Lecture 2: Centroid based K-Means Clustering
Lecture 3: Connectivity based Hierarchical Clustering
Lecture 4: Density based DBSCAN Clustering
Lecture 5: Distribution based Gaussian Mixture Clustering
Chapter 12: Model Persistence and Deployment
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Persist and Deploy model files using joblib and Flask
Lecture 3: Deploy on AWS cloud using Boto3 (python SDK)
Lecture 4: Deploy on AWS cloud using Elastic Beanstalk
Lecture 5: Build and Deploy using AWS Sagemaker – ML cloud platform
Chapter 13: End 2 End Project – Building a RoboAdvisor
Lecture 1: Introduction and Model Logic
Lecture 2: Code explanation
Lecture 3: Conclusion and Results
Chapter 14: Course Conclusion, References, Data Sources, Contact Us
Lecture 1: Course Conclusion, Data Source References and Contact Us
Nitin Singhal
Data Science, Product Development, Digital platforms Founder
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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