Data Science Mastery with Python: Comprehensive course
Data Science Mastery with Python: Comprehensive course, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 83 lectures, based on 549 reviews, and has 54087 subscribers.
You will learn about Perform high-level mathematical and technical computing using the NumPy and SciPy packages and data analysis with the Pandas package Gain an in-depth understanding of Data Science processes: data wrangling, data exploration, data visualization, hypothesis building, and testing Master the essential concepts of Python programming, including data types, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators, and functions. Apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains. This course is ideal for individuals who are For Complete Beginners to Data Sciecne, which will make you Hero in the Data Science Field. It is particularly useful for For Complete Beginners to Data Sciecne, which will make you Hero in the Data Science Field.
Enroll now: Data Science Mastery with Python: Comprehensive course
Title: Data Science Mastery with Python: Comprehensive course
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Perform high-level mathematical and technical computing using the NumPy and SciPy packages and data analysis with the Pandas package
- Gain an in-depth understanding of Data Science processes: data wrangling, data exploration, data visualization, hypothesis building, and testing
- Master the essential concepts of Python programming, including data types, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators, and functions.
- Apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.
Who Should Attend
- For Complete Beginners to Data Sciecne, which will make you Hero in the Data Science Field.
Target Audiences
- For Complete Beginners to Data Sciecne, which will make you Hero in the Data Science Field.
Today Data Science and Machine Learning are used in almost every industry, including automobiles, banks, health, telecommunications, telecommunications, and more.
As the manager of Data Science and Machine Learning, you will have to research and look beyond common problems, you may need to do a lot of data processing. test data using advanced tools and build amazing business solutions. However, where and how will you learn these skills required in Data Science and Machine Learning?
Getting Started with Data Science
Define Data
Why Data Science?
Who is a Data Scientist?
What does a Data Scientist do?
The lifecycle of Data Science with the help of a use case
Job trends
Data Science Components
Data Science Job Roles
Math Basics
Multivariable Calculus
Functions of several variables
Derivatives and gradients
Step function, Sigmoid function, Logit function, ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) function
Cost function
Plotting of functions
Minimum and Maximum values of a function
Linear Algebra
Transpose of a matrix
The inverse of a matrix
The determinant of a matrix
Dot product
Optimization Methods
Cost function/Objective function
Likelihood function
Error function
Gradient Descent Algorithm and its variants (e.g., Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm)
Programming Basics
R Programming for Data Science
History of R
Why R?
R Installation
Installation of R Studio
Install R Packages.
R for business
Features of R
Basic R syntax
R programming fundamentals
Foundational R programming concepts such as data types, vectors arithmetic, indexing, and data frames
How to perform operations in R including sorting, data wrangling using dplyr, and data visualization with ggplot2
Understand and use the various graphics in R for data visualization.
Gain a basic understanding of various statistical concepts.
Understand and use hypothesis testing method to drive business
Understand and use linear, non-linear regression models, and
classification techniques for data analysis.
Working with data in R
Master R programming and understand how various statements are executed in R.
Python for Data Science
Introduction to Python for Data Science
Introduction to Python
Python Installation
Python Environment Setup
Python Packages Installation
Variables and Datatypes
Python Pandas-Intro
Python Numpy-Intro
Python SciPy-Intro
Python Matplotlib-Intro
Python Basics
Python Data Structures
Programming Fundamentals
Working with data in Python
Object-oriented programming aspects of Python
Jupyter notebooks
Understand the essential concepts of Python programming such as data types, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators and functions
Perform high-level mathematical computing using the NumPy package and its vast library of mathematical functions
Perform scientific and technical computing using the SciPy package and its sub-packages such as Integrate, Optimize, Statistics, IO, and Weave
Perform data analysis and manipulation using data structures and tools provided in the Pandas package
Gain an in-depth understanding of supervised learning and unsupervised learning models such as linear regression, logistic regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, K-NN and pipeline
Use the matplotlib library of Python for data visualization
Extract useful data from websites by performing web scraping using
Integrate Python with MapReduce
Data Basics
Learn how to manipulate data in various formats, for example, CSV file, pdf file, text file, etc.
Learn how to clean data, impute data, scale data, import and export data, and scrape data from the internet.
Learn data transformation and dimensionality reduction techniques such as covariance matrix plot, principal component analysis (PCA), and linear discriminant analysis (LDA).
Probability and Statistics Basics
Important statistical concepts used in data science
Difference between population and sample
Types of variables
Measures of central tendency
Measures of variability
Coefficient of variance
Skewness and Kurtosis
Inferential Statistics
Regression and ANOVA
Exploratory Data Analysis
Data visualization
Missing value analysis
Introduction to Big Data
Introduction to Hadoop
Introduction to Tableau
Introduction to Business Analytics
Introduction to Machine Learning Basics
Supervised vs Unsupervised
Time Series Analysis
Text Mining
Data Science Capstone Project
Science and Mechanical Data require in-depth knowledge on a variety of topics. Scientific data is not limited to knowing specific packages/libraries and learning how to use them. Science and Mechanical Data requires an accurate understanding of the following skills,
Understand the complete structure of Science and Mechanical Data
Different Types of Data Analytics, Data Design, Scientific Data Transfer Features and Machine Learning Projects
Python Programming Skills which is the most popular language in Science and Mechanical Data
Machine Learning Mathematics including Linear Algebra, Calculus and how to apply it to Machine Learning Algorithms and Science Data
Mathematics and Mathematical Analysis of Data Science
Data Science Data Recognition
Data processing and deception before installing Learning Machines
Machine learning
Ridge (L2), Lasso (L1), and Elasticnet Regression / Regularization for Machine Learning
Selection and Minimization Feature for Machine Learning Models
Selection of Machine Learning Model using Cross Verification and Hyperparameter Tuning
Analysis of Machine Learning Materials Groups
In-depth learning uses the most popular tools and technologies of today.
This Data Science and Machine Learning course is designed to consider all of the above, True Data Science and Machine Learning A-Z Course. In most Data Science and Machine Learning courses, algorithms are taught without teaching Python or this programming language. However, it is very important to understand language structure in order to apply any discipline including Data Science and Mechanical Learning.
Also, without understanding Mathematics and Statistics it is impossible to understand how other Data Science and Machine Learning algorithms and techniques work.
Science and Mechanical Data is a set of complex linked topics. However, we strongly believe in what Einstein once said,
“If you can’t explain it easily, you didn’t understand it well enough.”
As a teacher, I constantly strive to reach my goal. This is one comprehensive course in Science and Mechanical Data that teaches you everything you need to learn Science and Mechanical Data using simple examples with great depth.
As you will see from the preview talks, some of the more complex topics are explained in simple language.
Some important skills you will learn,
Python Programming
Python is listed as the # 1 language for Data Science and Mechanical Data. It is easy to use and rich with various libraries and functions required to perform various Data Science and Machine Learning activities. In addition, it is the most widely used and automated language for the use of many Deep Learning frameworks including Tensorflow and Keras.
Advanced Mathematics Learning Machine
Mathematics is the foundation of Data Science in general and Learning Machines in particular. Without understanding the meanings of Vectors, Matrices, their operations and understanding Calculus, it is impossible to understand the basics of Data Science and Machine Learning. The Gradient Declaration of Basic Neural Network and Mechanical Learning is built on the foundations of Calculus and Derivatives.
Previous Statistics for Data Science
It is not enough to know only what you are saying, in the middle, the mode, etc. Advanced Techniques for Science and Mechanical Data such as feature selection, size reduction using PCA are all based on previous Distribution and Statistical Significance calculations. It also helps us to understand the operation of the data and use the appropriate machine learning process to get the best results from various Data Science and Mechanical Learning techniques.
Data recognition
As they say, the picture costs a thousand words. Data identification is one of the most important methods of Data Science and Mechanical Data and is used for Analytical Data Analysis. In that, we analyze the data visually to identify patterns and styles. We will learn how to create different sites and charts and how to analyze them for all practical purposes. Feature Selection plays an important role in Machine Learning and Visualization Data is its key.
Data processing
Scientific Data requires extensive data processing. Data Science and Machine Learning specialists spend more than 2/3 of their time analyzing and analyzing data. Data can be noisy and never in good condition. Data processing is one of the most important ways for Data Science and Mechanics to learn to get the best results. We will be using Pandas which is a well-known Python data processing library and various other libraries for reading, analyzing, processing and cleaning data.
Machine learning
Heart and Soul Data Science is a guessing skill provided by algorithms from the Deep Learning and Learning Machines. Machine learning takes the complete discipline of Data Science ahead of others. We will integrate everything we have learned in previous sections and build learning models for various machines. The key features of Machine Learning are not only ingenuity but also understanding of the various parameters used by Machine Learning algorithms. We will understand all the key parameters and how their values affect the outcome in order to build the best machine learning models.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Getting Started with Data Science
Lecture 2: Udemy Review Update
Chapter 2: Basic Maths Required for Data Science
Lecture 1: Let's Start with Statistics
Lecture 2: Data Quality Issues
Lecture 3: Types of Statistics
Lecture 4: Measures of Spread
Lecture 5: Measures of Shapes
Lecture 6: Plots Visualisation
Lecture 7: Inferential Statistics
Lecture 8: Probability
Lecture 9: Conditional Probability
Lecture 10: Random Variables
Lecture 11: Normal Probability Distribution
Lecture 12: Central Limit Theorem
Lecture 13: Hypothesis Testing for Decision Making
Chapter 3: Python for Data Science
Lecture 1: Python for Data Science
Lecture 2: Python Installation – Google Collab
Lecture 3: Python Basics
Lecture 4: Identifiers in Python
Lecture 5: Comments in Python
Lecture 6: Python Indentation
Lecture 7: Python Statements
Lecture 8: Variables in Python
Lecture 9: Data Types & Related Stuffs in Python
Lecture 10: Conversion of Data Types in Python
Lecture 11: Python I/O functions
Lecture 12: Output Formatting
Lecture 13: User Input in Python
Lecture 14: Operators in Python
Lecture 15: Control Flow in Python
Lecture 16: Functions in Python
Lecture 17: Types of Functions in Python
Lecture 18: Recursive Functions in Python
Lecture 19: Argument in a Function
Lecture 20: Lambda or Anonymous Functions in Python
Chapter 4: Advance Python
Lecture 1: Advance Programming in Python
Lecture 2: Advance Programming in Python: Part 2
Lecture 3: Data Visualisations
Lecture 4: Bivariate Plotting
Lecture 5: Multivariate Plotting
Chapter 5: Let's dig deeper
Lecture 1: EDA
Lecture 2: EDA on Mc'donalds Data Set
Lecture 3: Exploratory Data Analysis
Chapter 6: Let's Explore in to Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Introduction: Machine Learning
Lecture 2: Unsupervised Learning
Lecture 3: Reinforement Learning
Chapter 7: Module Seven
Lecture 1: Linear Regression
Lecture 2: How to use Linear Regression
Lecture 3: Logistic Regression
Lecture 4: Logistic Regression on Titanic Data Set
Lecture 5: Decision Tree
Lecture 6: Algorithms used in Decision Treee
Lecture 7: Gini Index
Lecture 8: Issues with Decision Tree
Lecture 9: Applications of Decision Tree
Lecture 10: Working on Titanic Data Set
Lecture 11: Random Forest
Lecture 12: Types of Random Forest
Lecture 13: Why Random Forest
Lecture 14: Application of Random Forest
Lecture 15: Random Forest Implementation on Titanic Data Set
Lecture 16: Model Evaluation Technique
Lecture 17: Concept of R-Squared
Lecture 18: Linear Regression
Lecture 19: Classification
Lecture 20: Confusion Matrix
Lecture 21: Recall / Sensitivity / True Rate of Positive
Lecture 22: FB score
Lecture 23: AUC/ ROC curve
Lecture 24: Model Evaluation recall Curve
Chapter 8: Module Eight
Lecture 1: Data Analysis using R
Lecture 2: Data Analysis using R: part 2
Lecture 3: All about R Language
Chapter 9: Featured Topics in Java
Lecture 1: Big Data
Lecture 2: Intro to Hadoop
Lecture 3: Intro to Tableu
Lecture 4: Intro to Business Analytics
Chapter 10: Project: Telecom Churn Production
Lecture 1: Project: Part 1: Let's get our system ready
Lecture 2: Project: part 2
Lecture 3: Project: Part 3
Lecture 4: Project: part 4
Lecture 5: Project: Let's Finalise it
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 22 votes
- 3 stars: 64 votes
- 4 stars: 157 votes
- 5 stars: 294 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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