Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science
Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 38 lectures, based on 15 reviews, and has 386 subscribers.
You will learn about Getting to know the dataset using ChatGPT Getting started with Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) using ChatGPT Perform Univariate Analysis using ChatGPT Perform Bivariate Analysis using ChatGPT Perform Multivariate Analysis using ChatGPT Perform Correlation Analysis using ChatGPT Prepare data for machine learning model using ChatGPT Create a machine learning model using the Linear Regression algorithm with ChatGPT Develop machine learning model using ChatGPT Perform Feature Engineering using ChatGPT Performing Hyperparameter Optimization using ChatGPT Loading Dataset using ChatGPT Perform initial analysis on Dataset using ChatGPT Performing the first operation on the Dataset using ChatGPT Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT Performing Bivariate analysis with CatPLot using ChatGPT Performing Bivariate analysis with KdePLot using ChatGPT Examining the correlation of variables using ChatGPT Perform a get_dummies operation using ChatGPT Prepare for Logistic Regression modeling using ChatGPT Create a Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT Examining evaluation metrics on the Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT Perform a GridSearchCv operation using ChatGPT Model reconstruction with best parameters using ChatGPT This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to start learning Python & Data Science bootcamp or Anyone who needs a complete guide on how to start and continue their career with Python in data analysis or And also, who want to learn how to develop ptyhon coding or Anyone who wants to explore chatgpt or Anyone who wants to use chatgpt in the field of data science It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to start learning Python & Data Science bootcamp or Anyone who needs a complete guide on how to start and continue their career with Python in data analysis or And also, who want to learn how to develop ptyhon coding or Anyone who wants to explore chatgpt or Anyone who wants to use chatgpt in the field of data science.
Enroll now: Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science
Title: Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Getting to know the dataset using ChatGPT
- Getting started with Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) using ChatGPT
- Perform Univariate Analysis using ChatGPT
- Perform Bivariate Analysis using ChatGPT
- Perform Multivariate Analysis using ChatGPT
- Perform Correlation Analysis using ChatGPT
- Prepare data for machine learning model using ChatGPT
- Create a machine learning model using the Linear Regression algorithm with ChatGPT
- Develop machine learning model using ChatGPT
- Perform Feature Engineering using ChatGPT
- Performing Hyperparameter Optimization using ChatGPT
- Loading Dataset using ChatGPT
- Perform initial analysis on Dataset using ChatGPT
- Performing the first operation on the Dataset using ChatGPT
- Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT
- Performing Bivariate analysis with CatPLot using ChatGPT
- Performing Bivariate analysis with KdePLot using ChatGPT
- Examining the correlation of variables using ChatGPT
- Perform a get_dummies operation using ChatGPT
- Prepare for Logistic Regression modeling using ChatGPT
- Create a Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT
- Examining evaluation metrics on the Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT
- Perform a GridSearchCv operation using ChatGPT
- Model reconstruction with best parameters using ChatGPT
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to start learning Python & Data Science bootcamp
- Anyone who needs a complete guide on how to start and continue their career with Python in data analysis
- And also, who want to learn how to develop ptyhon coding
- Anyone who wants to explore chatgpt
- Anyone who wants to use chatgpt in the field of data science
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to start learning Python & Data Science bootcamp
- Anyone who needs a complete guide on how to start and continue their career with Python in data analysis
- And also, who want to learn how to develop ptyhon coding
- Anyone who wants to explore chatgpt
- Anyone who wants to use chatgpt in the field of data science
Hi there,
Welcome to my “ Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science ” course.
Data Science & ChatGPT | Complete Hands-on Python Training using Chat GPT with Data Science, AI, Machine Learning
Data science application is an in-demand skill in many industries worldwide — including finance, transportation, education, manufacturing, human resources, and banking. Explore data science courses with Python, statistics, machine learning, and more to grow your knowledge. Get data science training if you’re into research, statistics, and analytics.
Pythoninstructors at OAK Academy specialize in everything from software development to data analysis and are known for their effective, friendly instruction for students of all levels.
Whether you work in machine learning or finance or are pursuing a career in web development or data science, Python is one of the most important skills you can learn. Python, python programming, python examples, python example, python hands-on, pycharm python, python pycharm, python with examples, python: learn python with real python hands-on examples, learn python, real python
Python’s simple syntax is especially suited for desktop, web, and business applications. Python’s design philosophy emphasizes readability and usability. Python was developed upon the premise that there should be only one way (and preferably one obvious way) to do things, a philosophy that has resulted in a strict level of code standardization. The core programming language is quite small and the standard library is also large. In fact, Python’s large library is one of its greatest benefits, providing a variety of different tools for programmers suited for many different tasks.
ChatGPT is a prototype AI chatbot developed by OpenAI that specializes in conversation. A chatbot is a large language model that has been fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques.
ChatGPT is a great tool that is capable of producing texts, codes, and summarizing articles. Data Scientists can effectively leverage the power of this LLM tool to generate code snippets for common data science tasks such as loading data, preprocessing of data, model training, and evaluation.
ChatGPT is a powerful tool that data scientists can use to enhance their work. With its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can provide quick and accurate answers to a wide range of data mining questions, making it an indispensable resource for those working in this field.
Do you want to learn one of the employer’s most requested skills? If you think so, you are at the right place.
We’ve designed for you “Python: Learn Python with Real Python Hands-On Examples” a straightforward course for the Python programming language.
In the course, you will have down-to-earth way explanations of hands-on projects. With my course, you will learn Python Programming step-by-step. I made Python 3 programming simple and easy with exercises, challenges, and lots of real-life examples.
This Python course is for everyone!
My “Python: Learn Python with Real Python Hands-On Examples“ is for everyone! If you don’t have any previous experience, not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to professionals ( as a refresher).
Why Python?
Python is a general-purpose, high-level, and multi-purpose programming language. The best thing about Python is, that it supports a lot of today’s technology including vast libraries for Twitter, data mining, scientific calculations, designing, back-end server for websites, engineering simulations, artificial learning, augmented reality and what not! Also, it supports all kinds of App development.
No prior knowledge is needed!
Python doesn’t need any prior knowledge to learn it and the Ptyhon code is easy to understandfor beginners.
What you will learn?
In this course, we will start from the very beginning and go all the way to programming with hands-on examples . We will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. Then during the course, you will learn the fundamentals of Python development like
Getting to know the dataset using ChatGPT
Getting started with Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) using ChatGPT
Perform Univariate Analysis using ChatGPT
Perform Bivariate Analysis using ChatGPT
Perform Multivariate Analysis using ChatGPT
Perform Correlation Analysis using ChatGPT
Prepare data for machine learning model using ChatGPT
Create a machine learning model using the Linear Regression algorithm with ChatGPT
Develop machine learning model using ChatGPT
Perform Feature Engineering using ChatGPT
Performing Hyperparameter Optimization using ChatGPT
2.1 Loading Dataset using ChatGPT
Perform initial analysis on Dataset using ChatGPT
Performing the first operation on the Dataset using ChatGPT
Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT
Performing Bivariate analysis with CatPLot using ChatGPT
Performing Bivariate analysis with KdePLot using ChatGPT
Examining the correlation of variables using ChatGPT
Perform a get_dummies operation using ChatGPT
Prepare for Logistic Regression modeling using ChatGPT
Create a Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT
Examining evaluation metrics on the Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT
Perform a GridSearchCv operation using ChatGPT
Model reconstruction with best parameters using ChatGPT
With my up-to-date course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Python programming skills. I am also happy to tell you that I will be constantly available to support your learning and answer questions.
Do not forget ! Python for beginners has the second largest number of job postings relative to all other languages. So it will earn you a lot of money and will bring a great change in your resume.
What is python?
Machine learning pythonis a general-purpose, object-oriented, high-level programming language. Whether you work in artificial intelligence or finance or are pursuing a career in web development or data science, Python bootcampis one of the most important skills you can learn. Python’s simple syntax is especially suited for desktop, web, and business applications. Python’s design philosophy emphasizes readability and usability. Python was developed on the premise that there should be only one way (and preferably, one obvious way) to do things, a philosophy that resulted in a strict level of code standardization. The core programming language is quite small and the standard library is also large. In fact, Python’s large library is one of its greatest benefits, providing different tools for programmers suited for a variety of tasks.
Python vs. R: What is the Difference?
Python and R are two of today’s most popular programming tools. When deciding between Python and R in data science , you need to think about your specific needs. On one hand, Python is relatively easy for beginners to learn, is applicable across many disciplines, has a strict syntax that will help you become a better coder, and is fast to process large datasets. On the other hand, R has over 10,000 packages for data manipulation, is capable of easily making publication-quality graphics, boasts superior capability for statistical modeling, and is more widely used in academia, healthcare, and finance.
What does it mean that Python is object-oriented?
Python is a multi-paradigm language, which means that it supports many data analysis programming approaches. Along with procedural and functional programming styles, Python also supports the object-oriented style of programming. In object-oriented programming, a developer completes a programming project by creating Python objects in code that represent objects in the actual world. These objects can contain both the data and functionality of the real-world object. To generate an object in Python you need a class. You can think of a class as a template. You create the template once, and then use the template to create as many objects as you need. Python classes have attributes to represent data and methods that add functionality. A class representing a car may have attributes like color, speed, and seats and methods like driving, steering, and stopping.
What are the limitations of Python?
Python is a widely used, general-purpose programming language, but it has some limitations. Because Python in machine learning is an interpreted, dynamically typed language, it is slow compared to a compiled, statically typed language like C. Therefore, Python is useful when speed is not that important. Python’s dynamic type system also makes it use more memory than some other programming languages, so it is not suited to memory-intensive applications. The Python virtual engine that runs Python code runs single-threaded, making concurrency another limitation of the programming language. Though Python is popular for some types of game development, its higher memory and CPU usage limits its usage for high-quality 3D game development. That being said, computer hardware is getting better and better, and the speed and memory limitations of Python are getting less and less relevant.
How is Python used?
Python is a general programming language used widely across many industries and platforms. One common use of Python is scripting, which means automating tasks in the background. Many of the scripts that ship with Linux operating systems are Python scripts. Python is also a popular language for machine learning, data analytics, data visualization, and data science because its simple syntax makes it easy to quickly build real applications. You can use Python to create desktop applications. Many developers use it to write Linux desktop applications, and it is also an excellent choice for web and game development. Python web frameworks like Flask and Django are a popular choice for developing web applications. Recently, Python is also being used as a language for mobile development via the Kivy third-party library.
What jobs use Python?
Python is a popular language that is used across many industries and in many programming disciplines. DevOps engineers use Python to script website and server deployments. Web developers use Python to build web applications, usually with one of Python’s popular web frameworks like Flask or Django. Data scientists and data analysts use Python to build machine learning models, generate data visualizations, and analyze big data. Financial advisors and quants (quantitative analysts) use Python to predict the market and manage money. Data journalists use Python to sort through information and create stories. Machine learning engineers use Python to develop neural networks and artificial intelligent systems.
How do I learn Python on my own?
Python has a simple syntax that makes it an excellent programming language for a beginner to learn. To learn Python on your own, you first must become familiar with the syntax. But you only need to know a little bit about Python syntax to get started writing real code; you will pick up the rest as you go. Depending on the purpose of using it, you can then find a good Python tutorial, book, or course that will teach you the programming language by building a complete application that fits your goals. If you want to develop games, then learn Python game development. If you’re going to build web applications, you can find many courses that can teach you that, too. Udemy’s online courses are a great place to start if you want to learn Python on your own.
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See you in the “ Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science ” course.
Data Science & ChatGPT | Complete Hands-on Python Training using Chat GPT with Data Science, AI, Machine Learning
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Installations
Lecture 1: Installing Anaconda Distribution for Windows
Lecture 2: Installing Anaconda Distribution for MacOs
Lecture 3: Installing Anaconda Distribution for Linux
Lecture 4: Reviewing The Jupyter Notebook
Lecture 5: Reviewing The Jupyter Lab
Chapter 2: Linear Regression Algorithm with ChatGPT
Lecture 1: Getting to know the dataset using ChatGPT
Lecture 2: Project Files
Lecture 3: Getting started with Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) using ChatGPT
Lecture 4: Perform Univariate Analysis using ChatGPT: Lesson 1
Lecture 5: Perform Univariate Analysis using ChatGPT: Lesson 2
Lecture 6: Perform Bivariate Analysis using ChatGPT
Lecture 7: Perform Multivariate Analysis using ChatGPT
Lecture 8: Perform Correlation Analysis using ChatGPT
Lecture 9: Prepare data for machine learning model using ChatGPT: Lesson 1
Lecture 10: Prepare data for machine learning model using ChatGPT: Lesson 2
Lecture 11: Create a machine learning model using the Linear Regression algorithm
Lecture 12: Develop machine learning model using ChatGPT
Lecture 13: Perform Feature Engineering using ChatGPT
Lecture 14: Performing Hyperparameter Optimization using ChatGPT
Chapter 3: Logistic Regression Algorithm with ChatGPT
Lecture 1: Loading Dataset using ChatGPT
Lecture 2: Perform initial analysis on Dataset using ChatGPT
Lecture 3: Performing the first operation on the Dataset using ChatGPT
Lecture 4: Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT: Lesson 1
Lecture 5: Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT: Lesson 2
Lecture 6: Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT: Lesson 3
Lecture 7: Tackling Missing values using ChatGPT: Lesson 4
Lecture 8: Performing Bivariate analysis with CatPLot using ChatGPT
Lecture 9: Performing Bivariate analysis with KdePLot using ChatGPT
Lecture 10: Examining the correlation of variables using ChatGPT: Lesson 1
Lecture 11: Examining the correlation of variables using ChatGPT: Lesson 2
Lecture 12: Perform a get_dummies operation using ChatGPT
Lecture 13: Prepare for Logistic Regression modeling using ChatGPT
Lecture 14: Create a Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT
Lecture 15: Examining evaluation metrics on the Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT – 1
Lecture 16: Examining evaluation metrics on the Logistic Regression model using ChatGPT -2
Lecture 17: Perform a GridSearchCV operation using ChatGPT
Lecture 18: Model reconstruction with best parameters using ChatGPT
Chapter 4: Extra
Lecture 1: Data Science | The Power of ChatGPT in Python & Data Science
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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