Data Science with Python 3.x
Data Science with Python 3.x, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 143 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 14 reviews, and has 149 subscribers.
You will learn about Enhance your programming skills and master data exploration and visualization in Python Learn multidimensional analysis and reduction techniques Master advanced visualization techniques (such as heatmaps) for better analysis and rapidly broaden your understanding Retrieve data from different data sources (CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF) and parse them in Python to give them a meaningful shape Perform statistical analysis using in-built Python libraries Understand the concept of Block algorithms and how Dask leverages it to load large data. Implement various example using Dask Arrays, Bags, and Dask Data frames for efficient parallel computing Combine Dask with existing Python packages such as NumPy and Pandas Implement an end-to-end Machine Learning pipeline in a distributed setting using Dask and scikit-learn Visualize and gain insights into real-world datasets via different chart types using Matplotlib This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for Python developers, data analysts, and IT professionals who wish to explore the world of data science by performing data analysis, data wrangling, data manipulation, and data visualization on their own datasets. It is particularly useful for This course is for Python developers, data analysts, and IT professionals who wish to explore the world of data science by performing data analysis, data wrangling, data manipulation, and data visualization on their own datasets.
Enroll now: Data Science with Python 3.x
Title: Data Science with Python 3.x
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 143
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 143
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 147
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 147
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Enhance your programming skills and master data exploration and visualization in Python
- Learn multidimensional analysis and reduction techniques
- Master advanced visualization techniques (such as heatmaps) for better analysis and rapidly broaden your understanding
- Retrieve data from different data sources (CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF) and parse them in Python to give them a meaningful shape
- Perform statistical analysis using in-built Python libraries
- Understand the concept of Block algorithms and how Dask leverages it to load large data.
- Implement various example using Dask Arrays, Bags, and Dask Data frames for efficient parallel computing
- Combine Dask with existing Python packages such as NumPy and Pandas
- Implement an end-to-end Machine Learning pipeline in a distributed setting using Dask and scikit-learn
- Visualize and gain insights into real-world datasets via different chart types using Matplotlib
Who Should Attend
- This course is for Python developers, data analysts, and IT professionals who wish to explore the world of data science by performing data analysis, data wrangling, data manipulation, and data visualization on their own datasets.
Target Audiences
- This course is for Python developers, data analysts, and IT professionals who wish to explore the world of data science by performing data analysis, data wrangling, data manipulation, and data visualization on their own datasets.
Python is an open-source community-supported, general-purpose programming language that, over the years, has also become one of the bastions of data science. Thanks to its flexibility and vast popularity that data analysis, visualization, and machine learning can be easily carried out with Python.
This practical course is designed to teach you how to perform data science tasks such as data analysis, data manipulation, and data visualization. You will begin with performing data analysis on real-world datasets. You will then work on large datasets and perform exploratory data analysis to investigate the dataset and to come up with the findings from it.You will also learn to scale your data analysis and execute distributed data science projects right from data ingestion to data manipulation and visualization using Dask. Next, you will explore Dask frameworks and see how Dask can be used with other common Python tools such as NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and more. Finally, you will perform data visualization using Python and Matplotlib 3.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms.
Meet Your Expert(s):
We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:
Mohammed Kashif works as a Data Scientist at Nineleaps, India, dealing mostly with graph data analysis. Prior to this, he worked as a Python developer at Qualcomm. He completed his Master’s degree in Computer Science from IIT Delhi, with a specialization in data engineering. His areas of interest include recommender systems, NLP, and graph analytics. In his spare time, he likes to solve questions on StackOverflow and help debug other people out of their misery. He is also an experienced teaching assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the Higher-Education industry.
Jamshaid Sohail is a Data Scientist who is highly passionate about Data Science, Machine learning, Deep Learning, big data, and other related fields. He spends his free time learning more about the field and learning to use its emerging tools and technologies. He is always looking for new ways to share his knowledge with other people and add value to other people’s lives. He has also attended Cambridge University for a summer course in Computer Science where he studied under great professors and would like to impart this knowledge to others. He has extensive experience as a Data Scientist in a US-based company. In short, he would be extremely delighted to educate and share knowledge with other people.
Harish Garg is a co-founder and software professional with more than 18 years of software industry experience. He currently runs a software consultancy that specializes in the data analytics and data science domain. He has been programming in Python for more than 12 years and has been using Python for data analytics and data science for 6 years. He has developed numerous courses in the data science domain and has also published a book involving data science with Python, including Matplotlib.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Exploratory Data Analysis with Pandas and Python 3.x
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Basic Statistical Measures
Lecture 3: Variance and Standard Deviation
Lecture 4: Visualizing Statistical Measures
Lecture 5: Calculating Percentiles
Lecture 6: Quartiles and Box Plots
Lecture 7: Finding Missing Values
Lecture 8: Dealing with Missing Values
Lecture 9: Hands-on with Dealing with Missing Values
Lecture 10: Case Study: Missing Data in Titanic Dataset
Lecture 11: What are Outliers?
Lecture 12: Using Z-scores to Find Outliers
Lecture 13: Modified Z-scores
Lecture 14: Using IQR to Detect Outliers
Lecture 15: Types of Variables
Lecture 16: Introduction to Univariate Analysis
Lecture 17: Skewness and Kurtosis
Lecture 18: Univariate Analysis over Olympics Dataset
Lecture 19: Introduction to Bivariate Analysis
Lecture 20: Correlation Coefficient
Lecture 21: Scatter Plots and Heatmaps
Lecture 22: Bivariate Analysis: Titanic Dataset
Lecture 23: Bivariate Analysis: Video Game Sales
Lecture 24: Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
Lecture 25: Multivariate Analysis over Titanic Dataset
Lecture 26: Multivariate Analysis over Pokemon Dataset
Lecture 27: Simpson’s Paradox
Lecture 28: Correlation Is Not Causation
Lecture 29: Wine Data Analysis: Initial Setup
Lecture 30: Red Wine Analysis
Lecture 31: White Wine Analysis
Lecture 32: White Wine versus Red Wine: Analysis
Chapter 2: Data Wrangling with Python 3.x
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Anaconda Navigator on Windows/Linux
Lecture 3: Importing and Parsing CSV in Python
Lecture 4: Importing and Parsing JSON in Python
Lecture 5: Scraping Data from Public Web – Part 1
Lecture 6: Scraping Data from Public Web – Part 2
Lecture 7: Importing and Parsing Excel Files – Part 1
Lecture 8: Importing and Parsing Excel Files – Part 2
Lecture 9: Manipulating PDF Files in Python – Part 1
Lecture 10: Manipulating PDF Files in Python – Part 2
Lecture 11: Difference between Relational and Non-Relational Databases
Lecture 12: Storing Data in SQLite Databases
Lecture 13: Storing Data in MongoDB
Lecture 14: Storing Data in Elasticsearch
Lecture 15: Comparative Study of Databases for Storage
Lecture 16: The Most Important Step in Data Analysis
Lecture 17: Viewing/Inspecting DataFrames
Lecture 18: Renaming/Adding/Removing the DataFrame Columns
Lecture 19: Dropping Duplicate Rows
Lecture 20: Indexing DataFrame to Retrieve Specific Columns and Rows
Lecture 21: Merging/Concatenating/Joining DataFrames
Lecture 22: Dealing with Missing Values
Lecture 23: Filtering and Sorting of DataFrame
Lecture 24: Encoding/Mapping Existing Values – Part 1
Lecture 25: Encoding/Mapping Existing Values – Part 2
Lecture 26: Rescale/Standardize Column Values
Lecture 27: Common Cleaning Operations
Lecture 28: Exporting Datasets for Future Use
Lecture 29: Different Uses of Packages (Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib)
Lecture 30: Types of Column Names/Features/Attributes in Structured Data
Lecture 31: Split-Apply-Combine (Performing Group By Operation)
Lecture 32: Descriptive Statistics Using Python – Part 1
Lecture 33: Descriptive Statistics Using Python – Part 2
Lecture 34: Using Visualizations
Lecture 35: Cool Visualization of Real-World Datasets of World Population Evolution
Lecture 36: Visualizations in Python – Part 1
Lecture 37: Visualizations in Python – Part 2
Lecture 38: Exploring an Online Visualization Tool (RAWGraphs)
Chapter 3: Scalable Data Analysis in Python with Dask
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to Dask
Lecture 3: Features of Dask
Lecture 4: Limitations of Dask
Lecture 5: Setting Up Dask
Lecture 6: Introduction to Blocked Algorithms
Lecture 7: Hands-On with Dask Arrays
Lecture 8: Digging Deeper into Dask Arrays
Lecture 9: Performance Comparison with NumPy Arrays
Lecture 10: Creating Universal NumPy Functions with Dask
Lecture 11: Limitations of Dask Arrays
Lecture 12: Lazy Evaluation
Lecture 13: Using dask.delayed
Lecture 14: Understanding Task Graphs
Lecture 15: Performance Analysis with dask.delayed
Lecture 16: Introduction to Dask Dataframes
Lecture 17: Exploring Dask Dataframes
Lecture 18: Creating Dask Dataframes
Lecture 19: Loading Large Datasets with Dask Dataframes
Lecture 20: Analyzing Data with Dask Dataframes
Lecture 21: Limitations of Dask Dataframes
Lecture 22: Introduction to Dask Bags
Lecture 23: Creating and Storing Dask Bags
Lecture 24: Manipulating Dask Bags
Lecture 25: Word Count Example Using Dask Bags
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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