Data Structure & Algorithms Complete Course in Java
Data Structure & Algorithms Complete Course in Java, available at $22.99, has an average rating of 3.65, with 95 lectures, based on 22 reviews, and has 126 subscribers.
You will learn about Hands-on experience in implementing Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Analyzing the efficiency of algorithms and choosing the best algorithm for a particular problem Developing efficient and optimized software applications using Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Understanding the importance and applications of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java programming. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner programmers who want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Experienced programmers who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Students pursuing Computer Science or related degrees who want to deepen their understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Professionals who want to improve their job prospects by gaining expertise in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Our student cracked interview with Microsoft with max package 1.2cr or Anyone who is interested in learning how to develop efficient and optimized software applications using Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. It is particularly useful for Beginner programmers who want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Experienced programmers who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Students pursuing Computer Science or related degrees who want to deepen their understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Professionals who want to improve their job prospects by gaining expertise in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. or Our student cracked interview with Microsoft with max package 1.2cr or Anyone who is interested in learning how to develop efficient and optimized software applications using Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
Enroll now: Data Structure & Algorithms Complete Course in Java
Title: Data Structure & Algorithms Complete Course in Java
Price: $22.99
Average Rating: 3.65
Number of Lectures: 95
Number of Published Lectures: 95
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 95
Original Price: ₹999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Hands-on experience in implementing Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
- Analyzing the efficiency of algorithms and choosing the best algorithm for a particular problem
- Developing efficient and optimized software applications using Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
- Understanding the importance and applications of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java programming.
Who Should Attend
- Beginner programmers who want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Experienced programmers who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Students pursuing Computer Science or related degrees who want to deepen their understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Professionals who want to improve their job prospects by gaining expertise in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Our student cracked interview with Microsoft with max package 1.2cr
- Anyone who is interested in learning how to develop efficient and optimized software applications using Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
Target Audiences
- Beginner programmers who want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Experienced programmers who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Students pursuing Computer Science or related degrees who want to deepen their understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Professionals who want to improve their job prospects by gaining expertise in Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
- Our student cracked interview with Microsoft with max package 1.2cr
- Anyone who is interested in learning how to develop efficient and optimized software applications using Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
Data Structure and algorithm Course in Java
The Complete Course in Java is a comprehensive course that covers everything you need to know about Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. The course is designed for beginners and covers all the essential topics required to develop efficient software applications.
Some of the topics covered in the course are:
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
Arrays and Linked Lists
Stacks and Queues
Trees and Binary Trees
Sorting Algorithms and Searching Algorithms
Recursion and Backtracking
Graphs and Graph Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms are the backbone of computer science.They are essential for solving complex problems and developing efficient software applications. Data Structures are the building blocks of programs that allow efficient storage and retrieval of data. Algorithms, on the other hand, are a set of instructions or rules that are followed to solve a particular problem. They help in improving the efficiency of the program and reducing the time and resources required for its execution.
The course provides hands-on experience in implementing Data Structures and Algorithms in Javathrough coding exercises and projects. The course also includes quizzes and assessments to test your understanding of the concepts.
Learning Data Structures and Algorithms in Java is essential for anyone looking to become a proficient programmer. It helps in developing efficient and optimized software applications that can handle large datasets and complex problems. The Complete Course in Java provides a comprehensive and structured approach to learning Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
Data Structure, Algorithms Course For Cracking Coding for Top product-based companies. Each topic explains from a very basic to an advanced level by using multiple examples. More focus is on Tricks, Techniques, and implementation than theory.
This course explains all the deep concepts of Data structure and Algorithms with the help of problems. These problems are frequently asked during interviews.
This course is for students in colleges preparing for campus placements and also for working professionals who want to crack interviews.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Array problems solving techniques with examples
Lecture 1: Time Complexity and Space Complexity Introduction
Lecture 2: Design a data Structure which support Insert delete, Random in O(1) time
Lecture 3: Segregation logic to Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's
Lecture 4: Merge Sort Introduction
Lecture 5: Merge Sort Code Implementation
Lecture 6: Linear time approach to solve jump game problem
Lecture 7: Digit rearrangement method to find next greater number with same set of digits
Lecture 8: Greedy Techniques to find minimum number of platforms
Lecture 9: Print matrix in spiral order without any extra space
Lecture 10: Count frequencies of array elements in O(n) time complexity
Lecture 11: Linear time approach to solve Stock Buy Sell Problem
Lecture 12: In-place matrix rotation by 90 degree problem
Lecture 13: Array puzzle of solving celebrity problem
Lecture 14: Next Permutation Problem
Lecture 15: QuickSelect Algorithm to find the Kth smallest Element in array – 1
Lecture 16: QuickSelect Algorithm to find the Kth smallest Element in array – 2
Lecture 17: Binary search method to find square root of an element
Lecture 18: Rain Trapping Problem
Lecture 19: Merge sort method to Count inversion in an array
Lecture 20: Binary search method to find Median of two sorted Array
Lecture 21: Smallest window in a string containing all characters of another string – 1
Lecture 22: Smallest window in a string containing all characters of another string – 2
Chapter 2: Linked List problem
Lecture 1: Linked List Creation Introduction
Lecture 2: Single Linked List (Insertion, Search)
Lecture 3: Double Linked List (Insertion, Search)
Lecture 4: Flattering of LinkedList
Lecture 5: Merge two Sorted Linked List
Lecture 6: Sort Linked List using Merge Sort
Lecture 7: Clone a Linked List
Lecture 8: Reverse K Linked List
Chapter 3: Stack/Queue Problems
Lecture 1: Stack Operation Implementation
Lecture 2: Queue Operation Implementation
Lecture 3: Circular Queue Implementation
Lecture 4: Histogram Problem
Lecture 5: Stack that Supports getMin() in O(1)
Lecture 6: Find Maximum size rectangle in Binary Sub-matrix
Lecture 7: Sliding Window Problem using deque Data Structure
Chapter 4: Binary Tree Problems
Lecture 1: Binary Search Algorithm Introduction
Lecture 2: Connect Nodes at Same level in a Binary Tree
Lecture 3: Convert a Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List
Lecture 4: Print nodes at k distance from root
Lecture 5: Print all Nodes at Distance k from a given Node
Lecture 6: Boundary Traversal of Binary Tree
Lecture 7: Bottom View of Binary Tree
Lecture 8: Construct Tree from PostOrder
Lecture 9: Diameter of Binary tree
Lecture 10: Left View of Binary Tree
Lecture 11: Reverse level order Traversal of Binary Tree
Lecture 12: Vertical sum of Binary Tree
Lecture 13: Spiral Order of Binary Tree
Lecture 14: Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree
Lecture 15: Check if two N-ary trees are Mirror image or not
Lecture 16: Maximum Path Sum in a Binary Tree
Chapter 5: Hashing/Heap Sort
Lecture 1: Heapify operation implementation
Lecture 2: Min/Max Heap Implementation
Lecture 3: Group Anagrams Together
Lecture 4: Find first non-repeating character from a stream of characters
Lecture 5: Design and implement LRU
Lecture 6: Four Sum Problem
Lecture 7: Convert Number to Words Problems
Lecture 8: Median of running data streams problem
Lecture 9: Merge k Sorted arrays
Chapter 6: Graph Algorithms & Application
Lecture 1: Depth-first search method to find cycle in a graph
Lecture 2: Topological sorting concepts and implementation
Lecture 3: Find Number of IsLand in matrix
Lecture 4: Dijkstra Algorithm explanation with example
Lecture 5: Topological Algorithm to solve alien dictionary problem
Lecture 6: Breadth first search algorithm to solve Rotten Orange Problem
Lecture 7: Trie data structure approach to solve word boggle Problem
Lecture 8: Breadth first search algorithm to solve snake ladder problem
Lecture 9: Understanding Queue based approach to Jumping Number problem
Lecture 10: Trie data Structure implementation
Lecture 11: Type head suggestion problem
Chapter 7: Backtracking Algorithm Explanation with Examples
Lecture 1: N Queen Problem
Lecture 2: Sudoku Solving Problem – 1
Lecture 3: Sudoku solving Problem – 2
Lecture 4: Print all Permutations of a given String
Lecture 5: Rat Maze Problem
Lecture 6: Knight Walk Problem
Lecture 7: Implement pow(x, n)
Chapter 8: Dynamic Programming tips and tricks with examples
Lecture 1: How to Solve DP problems
Lecture 2: Longest Common Subsequences
Lecture 3: Edit Distance Problem
Lecture 4: Coin Change Problem
Lecture 5: Longest Palindrome Subsequences
Lecture 6: Word Break Problem
Lecture 7: Egg Dropping Problem
Lecture 8: KnapSack Problems
Lecture 9: Keystroke Problem
Lecture 10: String interleave Problem
Lecture 11: Partition Problem
Lecture 12: Wild Card Problem
Ravi Singh
Engineer at WalmartLabs
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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