Data Structures and Algorithms In Python ( DSA )
Data Structures and Algorithms In Python ( DSA ), available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 134 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 670 reviews, and has 2844 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the details of Data Structures and algorithms (DSA) through animations Learn to write programs for different Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Get the confidence to face programming interviews Test your knowledge with over 100 Quiz questions Learn how to analyse algorithms Get the ability to write and trace recursive algorithms This course is ideal for individuals who are Programmers looking for jobs or Programmers wanting to write efficient code or Computer Science students having Data Structures as part of their curriculum or Non Computer science students wanting to enter IT industry It is particularly useful for Programmers looking for jobs or Programmers wanting to write efficient code or Computer Science students having Data Structures as part of their curriculum or Non Computer science students wanting to enter IT industry.
Enroll now: Data Structures and Algorithms In Python ( DSA )
Title: Data Structures and Algorithms In Python ( DSA )
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 134
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 133
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 145
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 144
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the details of Data Structures and algorithms (DSA) through animations
- Learn to write programs for different Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- Get the confidence to face programming interviews
- Test your knowledge with over 100 Quiz questions
- Learn how to analyse algorithms
- Get the ability to write and trace recursive algorithms
Who Should Attend
- Programmers looking for jobs
- Programmers wanting to write efficient code
- Computer Science students having Data Structures as part of their curriculum
- Non Computer science students wanting to enter IT industry
Target Audiences
- Programmers looking for jobs
- Programmers wanting to write efficient code
- Computer Science students having Data Structures as part of their curriculum
- Non Computer science students wanting to enter IT industry
This “Data Structures and Algorithms In Python” course is thoroughly detailed and uses lots of animations to help you visualize the concepts.
Instructor is author of popular books “C In Depth” and “Data Structures Through C In Depth” helped 250,000+ students & professionals.
This “Data Structures and Algorithms In Python” tutorial will help you develop a strong background in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). The course is broken down into easy to assimilate short lectures, and after each topic there is a quiz that can help you to test your newly acquired knowledge. The examples are explained with animations to simplify the learning of this complex topic. Complete working programs are shown for each concept that is explained.
This Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course provides a comprehensive explanation of data structures like linked lists, stacks and queues, binary search trees, heap, searching and hashing. Various sorting algorithms with implementation and analysis are included in this tutorial.
This Data Structures in Python course covers following topics with Python implementation :
Algorithm Analysis, Big O notation, Time complexity, Singly linked list, Reversing a linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, Linked list concatenation, Sorted linked list.
Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Priority queue, Polish Notations, Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Tree Traversal (inorder, preorder, postorder, level order), Heap, Searching, Hashing
Sorting : Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Shell, Merging, Recursive Merge, Iterative Merge, Quick, Heap, Binary tree, Radix, Address calculation sort
Here is the course content-
Algorithm Analysis
Linked List
Stack and Queue
Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
Throughout this Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course, a step by step approach is followed to make you understand different Data Structures and Algorithms. You will see code implementation of different data structures in python and algorithms are explained in step-wise manner. Through this course you can build a strong foundation and it will help you to crack Data Structures and Algorithms in Python coding interviews questions and work on projects. Good foundation on Data Structures and Algorithms in Python interview topics helps you to attempt tricky interview questions.
In this Data Structures and Algorithms Through Python In Depth course, Python programs are used for implementing various concepts, but you can easily code them in any other programming language like C++, Java or C#.
This Data Structures and Algorithms In Python online course on udemy will help software developers to refresh the concepts studied in Data Structures and Algorithms In Python book / pdf and also to students learning from referred book / pdf.
This DSA Self Paced course helps students to have great foundation to solve DSA In Python problems. This will help them to solve LeetCode problems and in google faang coding interviews.
What students are saying about this course –
“Very detailed and covers a wide range of topics so far. Great content and explanations. “
“This is an excellent course. One of the best I’ve seen in udemy. The lecturer’s use of visuals is refreshing. Her step-by-step explanations are very clear.”
“The examples are really good, which further make the explaining of concept a lot easier. I would highly recommend this class to whoever has not learned any data structures before. “
“The course meets my expectations. Much of this material is review for me, but I am still learning quite a bit. Deepali’s accent is hard for me to understand at first, but I got use to it fairly quickly. I try to code the examples myself while Deepali is presenting them. I am enjoying the course.”
“I got the C Data Structures book by Deepali Srivastava earlier and it was a great book. So I had no doubt while purchasing this Data Structures course in Python and the course is great. Absolutely 5 star experience.”
“It’s a great course. I love it!”
“good explanation. good lectures”
“Properly explained each and every topic with in-depth knowledge as well as example.happy to take this course”
“The pace is about right and everything is explained clearly and concisely with relevant examples.”
“Excellent stuff!!
“I have been a programmer for a few years, and have learned a lot of these concepts “on the job.” But this is helping give me a much better foundation.”
“Easy language. Understandable. Good use of interactive examples after every theory for explanation.”
“Yes, it was more than what I’ve expected.”
“Excellent teaching and demonstration of the material. It is more beneficial for learners to develop their own codes or at least mimic the ones described in the tutorial. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in Data Structures and Algorithms”
“She was explaining it quite clearly”
“good explanation. good lectures”
“The instructor has selected the topics very intelligently, so that core of data structures is covered. She does not confuse you with plenty of topics. Also for a given problem the internet is full of code examples that are not very straightforward. The instructor of this course has selected the code examples that are very clear. I am discarding tens of python books in favor of her examples. I wish she finds time to give a second volume of the lessons that can cover more topics.”
So what are you waiting for, click on Buybutton to enroll now and start learning.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms Through Python In Depth
Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
Lecture 1: Important : Source Code Repository required for course
Lecture 2: Data Structures and Algorithms
Lecture 3: Measuring Running time of Algorithms
Lecture 4: Asymptotic Analysis
Lecture 5: Big O Notation
Lecture 6: Finding Big O
Lecture 7: Tight and Loose Upper Bounds
Lecture 8: Big O analysis of Algorithms
Lecture 9: Finding Time Complexity
Lecture 10: Big O analysis of Algorithms: Examples
Lecture 11: Worst case, Best case and Average Case Analysis
Lecture 12: Common Complexities
Lecture 13: Abstract Data Types
Chapter 2: Linked List
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linked List in Python
Lecture 2: Traversing and Searching a Single Linked List
Lecture 3: Finding references in a single linked list
Lecture 4: Difference between while p is not None: and while is not None:
Lecture 5: Insertion in a Single Linked List
Lecture 6: Insertion in a Single Linked List ..contd
Lecture 7: Deletion in a Single Linked List
Lecture 8: Your Review Matters!
Lecture 9: Reversing a Single Linked List
Lecture 10: Sorting a Linked list using Bubble Sort
Lecture 11: Merging of sorted Linked lists
Lecture 12: Sorting a Linked list using Merge Sort
Lecture 13: Finding and Removing a cycle in a Linked list
Lecture 14: Doubly linked list
Lecture 15: Insertion in a doubly linked List
Lecture 16: Deletion from doubly linked list
Lecture 17: Reversing a doubly linked list
Lecture 18: Circular linked list
Lecture 19: Insertion in a circular Linked List
Lecture 20: Deletion in a circular linked list
Lecture 21: Concatenation
Lecture 22: Linked List with Header Node
Lecture 23: Sorted linked list
Chapter 3: Stack and Queue
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Stack
Lecture 3: Array Implementation of Stack
Lecture 4: Linked List Implementation of Stack
Lecture 5: Queue
Lecture 6: Array Implementation of Queue
Lecture 7: Circular Queue
Lecture 8: Linked List implementation of Queue
Lecture 9: Queue through Circular Linked List
Lecture 10: Deque
Lecture 11: Priority Queue
Lecture 12: Checking validity of an expression containing nested parentheses
Lecture 13: Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions
Lecture 14: Polish Notations
Lecture 15: Converting infix expression to postfix expression
Lecture 16: Evaluation of postfix expression
Chapter 4: Binary Tree
Lecture 1: Introduction to trees
Lecture 2: Binary Tree
Lecture 3: Strictly Binary Tree and Extended Binary Tree
Lecture 4: Full binary tree and Complete Binary Tree
Lecture 5: Array Representation of Binary trees
Lecture 6: Linked Representation of Binary Trees
Lecture 7: Binary Tree in Python
Lecture 8: Traversal in Binary Tree
Lecture 9: Preorder Traversal
Lecture 10: Inorder Traversal
Lecture 11: Postorder Traversal
Lecture 12: Level order traversal
Lecture 13: Finding height of a Binary tree
Lecture 14: Constructing Binary tree from Traversals
Lecture 15: Constructing binary tree from inorder and preorder traversals
Lecture 16: Constructing binary tree from inorder and postorder traversals
Chapter 5: Binary Search Tree
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Traversal in Binary Search Tree
Lecture 3: Searching in a Binary Search Tree
Lecture 4: Nodes with Minimum and Maximum key
Lecture 5: Insertion in a Binary Search Tree
Lecture 6: Deletion in a Binary Search Tree
Chapter 6: Heap
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Heap Representation
Lecture 3: Insertion in Heap
Lecture 4: Deletion
Lecture 5: Building a Heap
Lecture 6: Heap Applications
Chapter 7: Sorting
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sorting Algorithms
Lecture 2: Sort Stability
Lecture 3: Selection Sort
Deepali Srivastava
Author, Ultimate Python Programming
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 33 votes
- 2 stars: 22 votes
- 3 stars: 117 votes
- 4 stars: 208 votes
- 5 stars: 290 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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