Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift and iOS
Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift and iOS, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 51 lectures, based on 23 reviews, and has 135 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn basics of various data structures and algorithms by solving interview questions on those topics You will be able to analyze and write your own algorithms for a given problem You will be able to compute time & space complexity of a given algorithm Improve the efficiency, performance, and scalability of your code Create your own algorithms to solve problem in hand by combining techniques learned in this course This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn data structures and algorithms or Anyone preparing for technical programming interviews or Anyone who wants to understand algorithms and data structures from grounds up or Anyone who already knows algorithms but needs a refresher or Anyone who wants to strengthen their computer science fundamentals It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn data structures and algorithms or Anyone preparing for technical programming interviews or Anyone who wants to understand algorithms and data structures from grounds up or Anyone who already knows algorithms but needs a refresher or Anyone who wants to strengthen their computer science fundamentals.
Enroll now: Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift and iOS
Title: Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift and iOS
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Curriculum Items: 51
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 51
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn basics of various data structures and algorithms by solving interview questions on those topics
- You will be able to analyze and write your own algorithms for a given problem
- You will be able to compute time & space complexity of a given algorithm
- Improve the efficiency, performance, and scalability of your code
- Create your own algorithms to solve problem in hand by combining techniques learned in this course
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn data structures and algorithms
- Anyone preparing for technical programming interviews
- Anyone who wants to understand algorithms and data structures from grounds up
- Anyone who already knows algorithms but needs a refresher
- Anyone who wants to strengthen their computer science fundamentals
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn data structures and algorithms
- Anyone preparing for technical programming interviews
- Anyone who wants to understand algorithms and data structures from grounds up
- Anyone who already knows algorithms but needs a refresher
- Anyone who wants to strengthen their computer science fundamentals
Data structures and algorithms is a complex topic and can be a challenging due to level of complexity involved. This course introduces new way to learn data structures and algorithms by not only learning about them but solving real interview questions around those newly learned concepts.
We will be looking at data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees etc and algorithms like sorting algorithms, and algorithms on binary search trees and heaps. But while working on concepts for those data structures and algorithms we will also cover many interview questions and build solutions for them to fortify the concepts we have learned. also cover recursion in this course.
After taking this course, you will loose your fear for data structures and algorithms and you will be able to propose new and improved algorithmic solutions to problems that will be efficient, performant, and scalable.
You will be able to whiteboard interview questions, conceptualize new algorithms, solve Leetcode, Hacker rank, interview bits questions
This course is good for anyone who is preparing or already in the process of interviewing to become developer/engineering at big, medium or small tech companies. During the interview process, Interviewer asks candidate to write algorithms out in code, and this course will prepare you for not only to write algorithm and code it but will also teach you as how to analyze the problem and think about the potential solution for the problem in hand.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Algorithms Vs Data Structures
Lecture 3: Time Complexity in Algorithms
Lecture 4: Big-O Notation
Chapter 2: Array Data Structure
Lecture 1: Introduction to Arrays
Lecture 2: Lab – Arrays in Swift
Lecture 3: Interview Question: Maximum Consecutive 1s in an Array
Lecture 4: Interview Question: Find a Majority Element Appear in Array
Lecture 5: Interview Question: Find All Majority Elements Appear in Array II
Lecture 6: Interview Question: Find Unique Intersection of Two Arrays
Lecture 7: Interview Question: Find Intersection of Two Arrays with Duplicates
Lecture 8: Interview Question: Find if Given Array Contains Duplicate
Lecture 9: Interview Question: Find if Given Array Contains Duplicate With Distance
Lecture 10: Interview Question: Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
Lecture 11: Interview Question: Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array with Dups at most Twice
Lecture 12: Interview Question: Move Zeros to the End of Array
Lecture 13: Interview Question: Remove Given Element from Array In-Place
Chapter 3: Strings
Lecture 1: Interview Question: FizzBuzz
Lecture 2: Interview Question: Valid Palindrome
Lecture 3: Interview Question: First Unique Character in String
Lecture 4: Interview Question: Valid Palindrome II
Lecture 5: Interview Question: Count and Say
Lecture 6: Interview Question: Needle in Haystack
Chapter 4: Linked List
Lecture 1: Linked list
Lecture 2: Inserting Elements in Linked List
Lecture 3: Searching and Deleting in Linked List
Lecture 4: Interview Question: Reverse a Linked List
Lecture 5: Interview Question: Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists
Lecture 6: Interview Question: Detecting Loop in Singly Linked List
Lecture 7: Interview Question: Detect Cycle and Find Length of Cycle in Singly Linked List
Lecture 8: Interview Question: Detect Cycle and Find Start of Cycle in Singly Linked List
Lecture 9: Interview Question: Find Start of Cycle in Singly Linked List without Counting
Lecture 10: Interview Question: Add Two Numbers
Chapter 5: Stacks
Lecture 1: Stacks Introduction
Lecture 2: Array Based Stack
Lecture 3: Linked List Based Stack
Lecture 4: Interview Question: Implement a Minimum Stack
Lecture 5: Interview Question: Valid Parentheses
Lecture 6: Interview Question: Longest Valid Parentheses
Lecture 7: Interview Question: Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
Lecture 8: Interview Question: Simplify Unix Path
Lecture 9: Interview Question: Remove K Digits from Number
Lecture 10: Interview Question: Remove K Digits from Number without using Stack
Chapter 6: Queues
Lecture 1: Queues – Introduction
Lecture 2: Building Queue using Arrays
Lecture 3: Building Queue using Linked List
Lecture 4: Least Recently Used Cache or LRU Cache – System Design
Lecture 5: Least Recently Used Cache or LRU Cache – Implementation
Lecture 6: Build Generic Stack
Lecture 7: Interview Question: Build Queue using Stack (Expensive Enqueue)
Lecture 8: Interview Question: Build Queue using Stack (Expensive Dequeue)
Learn by Doing. Practical Approach to Solve Common Problems
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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