Data Visualization with Tableau – Novice to Pro!: 5-in-1
Data Visualization with Tableau – Novice to Pro!: 5-in-1, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.55, with 178 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 140 reviews, and has 660 subscribers.
You will learn about Build and employ advanced calculations using Quick calcs, Table calcs, and Level of Detail. Connect data with Tableau and understand the available data sources. Create effective and compelling dashboards and story points. Get to know tips and tricks to work more quickly and effectively in Tableau. Create advanced charts increasing your capability to work with complex data in a quick and efficient way. Leverage the blend and join features in Tableau 10 for creating powerful data sets. Build basic charts taking the first steps in data analysis. Create bar charts, pie charts, waterfall charts, bump charts, line graphs, boxplot and line graphs etc. Develop calculated fields such as running sum, moving average, year on year growth etc. with conditional logic. This course is ideal for individuals who are Tableau users who have basic familiarity with Tableau and now want to build rich analytics and visualizations with Tableau that are customized to the needs of their business. or Business, data, and analytics professionals who want to build rich interactive visualizations using Tableau. It is particularly useful for Tableau users who have basic familiarity with Tableau and now want to build rich analytics and visualizations with Tableau that are customized to the needs of their business. or Business, data, and analytics professionals who want to build rich interactive visualizations using Tableau.
Enroll now: Data Visualization with Tableau – Novice to Pro!: 5-in-1
Title: Data Visualization with Tableau – Novice to Pro!: 5-in-1
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.55
Number of Lectures: 178
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 178
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 179
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 179
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build and employ advanced calculations using Quick calcs, Table calcs, and Level of Detail.
- Connect data with Tableau and understand the available data sources.
- Create effective and compelling dashboards and story points.
- Get to know tips and tricks to work more quickly and effectively in Tableau.
- Create advanced charts increasing your capability to work with complex data in a quick and efficient way.
- Leverage the blend and join features in Tableau 10 for creating powerful data sets.
- Build basic charts taking the first steps in data analysis.
- Create bar charts, pie charts, waterfall charts, bump charts, line graphs, boxplot and line graphs etc.
- Develop calculated fields such as running sum, moving average, year on year growth etc. with conditional logic.
Who Should Attend
- Tableau users who have basic familiarity with Tableau and now want to build rich analytics and visualizations with Tableau that are customized to the needs of their business.
- Business, data, and analytics professionals who want to build rich interactive visualizations using Tableau.
Target Audiences
- Tableau users who have basic familiarity with Tableau and now want to build rich analytics and visualizations with Tableau that are customized to the needs of their business.
- Business, data, and analytics professionals who want to build rich interactive visualizations using Tableau.
Tableau is one of the fastest evolving Business Intelligence (BI) and data visualization tools. Data Visualization with Tableau helps your insights come compellingly alive and communicates complex ideas simply. Expressive visualization enables you to get beyond static charts to create multi-faceted views of data and explore every dimension. The rise of big data and the growing public awareness of its power has made this the moment for data visualization. Data visualization is changing the way the world looks at data.
Tableau is perfect for developing creative and powerful data visualizations for any business. It offers professionals looking to spot trends, outliers, and patterns an insightful, data-driven business focus that truly separates the signal from the noise.
This comprehensive 5-in-1 course is a step-by-step guide to Tableau dashboard development. Each part of this course focuses on key functionality of Tableau to enable you to become familiar with Tableau and learn advanced concepts to build dynamic and functional dashboards. Create informative, visually-appealing dashboards and perform efficient analytics in Tableau. Build easy to follow demonstrations discussing the pros and cons of each chart form. Animate your visualizations with the latest features in Tableau 10, with the help of this visually appealing guide.
Contents and Overview
This training program includes 5 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.
The first course, Learning Tableau 10.x, covers new insights hidden in your data by building incredible dashboards and great visualizations with Tableau 10.5. In this course, you’ll be introduced to Tableau and understand the different versions of the software including Tableau Desktop, Tableau Desktop Professional, Tableau Public, Tableau Online, and Tableau Server. Learn about other topics such as table calculations, parameters, filters, user-defined calculations, (variables). Next, you’ll see how to use dashboard actions to create interactivity between dashboard components and how to “drill-down” into more dashboards containing additional detail for specific data elements.
By the end of the course, you’ll be adept with the knowledge to create great visualizations with Tableau for your day-to-day business needs.
The second course, Data Visualization with Tableau, covers how to visualize your Data using Tableau. This course gives an overview of the fundamentals, from normal computations to implementations of various concepts such as Integrating Tableau with R, advanced graphs, and formatting visualizations. These techniques include the creative use of different types of calculation such as row-level, aggregate-level, and more. You will discover how almost any data visualization challenge can be met in Tableau by a proper understanding of the tool’s inner workings and creatively exploring its possibilities.
By the end of the course you will be equipped for success as a Data Analyst: you will be able to create effective dashboards and data visualization solutions using Tableau.
The third course, Mastering Tableau 10, covers mastering the art of creating insightful visualizations from complex data. This course walks you through the fundamentals of Tableau, helping you hone your skills and master core volumes such as Working with Data in Tableau. The video will provide viewers with high-quality practical content explaining how to master advanced calculations, dashboards, and visualizations with Tableau. It will teach experienced users how to answer complex queries they’ve been wrestling with, while also introducing them to tricks they never knew were possible.
Lastly, Advanced Interactivity brings it all together by demonstrating many ways in which users can interact with information at their fingertips.
The fourth course, Tableau 10 Business Intelligence Solutions – Volume 1, covers creating powerful, effective visualizations to help analyze your data with Tableau 10. This video series provides easy-to-follow examples to get you up-and-running with Tableau 10 and covers basic–to-advanced use cases and scenarios. You will start by preparing data using different strategies and move on to build basic charts and then more complex charts by incorporating different Tableau features and interactivity components.
By the end of this highly intuitive and practical video, you’ll have gained the confidence and competence to analyze data more efficiently and effectively, by creating compelling interactive data and charts in Tableau
The fifth course, Tableau 10 Business Intelligence Solutions – Volume 2, covers powerful effective BI solutions. Following on from Volume 1, this volume focuses on the more advanced offerings of Tableau in terms of dash boarding and analytics. You will see how you can leverage these features to make better sense of your data. You’ll understand how Tableau interacts with your data, and be able to create stunning dashboards and story points in Tableau for effective storytelling.
By the end of this highly intuitive and practical video, you’ll have gained the confidence and competence to analyze your data more efficiently and effectively by creating compelling dashboards and storyboards in Tableau, and you’ll be able to use them to effectively communicate your business insights.
By the end of the course, you’ll master the art of creating insightful visualizations from complex data with this visually appealing tutorial!
About the Authors
Govind Acharyais a Principal Analyst at the University of California, Davis Budget, and the Institutional Analysis office. He has over a decade of experience in visual analytics in academic, for-profit, and non-profit business environments. He is an economist by training for a PhD at Cornell University. Besides spending almost a decade mashing data in Tableau, he loves to spend hours cycling the roads of Northern California and thinking about new ways to explain data through pretty pictures.
Seema Acharyais Senior Lead Principal with the Education, Training and Assessment Department of Infosys Limited. She is an educator by choice and vocation and has rich experience in both Academia and the software industry. Her areas of interest and expertise are centered on Business Intelligence, Big data and Analytics, and technologies such as data warehousing, data mining, data analytics, text mining, and data visualization. She has authored the following books:
-Fundamentals of Business Analytics, ISBN: 978-81-265-3203-2, publisher – Wiley India.
-Big Data and Analytics, ISBN-13: 978-8126554782, publisher – Wiley India.
-Pro Tableau – A Step By Step Lab Guide ISBN-13: 978-1484223512, publisher – Apress.
She has co-authored a paper on “Collaborative Engineering Competency Development” for ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). She holds the patent on “Method and system for automatically generating questions for a programming language.” -
Tim Messar is a Senior Data Architect working in the insurance industry for over 10 years. He has lead several projects and initiatives providing business intelligence solutions using SQL Server, Analysis Services Cubes, and Tableau. Tim is also an IT Consultant for Messar Consulting LLC. You can find him on Twitter as @TimMessar.
Donabel Santos is a self-confessed data geek. She loves working with data, writing queries, and developing reports on her SQL Server databases, and exploring and visualizing data with Tableau.
She is the principal and senior business intelligence architect at QueryWorks Solutions, a Tableau Learning and Alliance partner in Vancouver, BC, Canada, providing consulting and training services. She has spent years in consulting and has developed a variety of solutions for clients in different verticals—finance, manufacturing, healthcare, legal, higher education, and local government. Donabel is a multi-year Microsoft Data Platform MVP (previously known as SQL Server MVP) and has extensive experience in the SQL server in different areas, such as development, administration, data warehouse, reporting (SSRS), tuning, troubleshooting, XML, CLR, and integration with ERPs and CRMs using PowerShell, C#, SSIS, and Power BI. One of Donabel’s passions is teaching and sharing her love for data. She is a Tableau Certified Professional and a Tableau accredited trainer, delivering Tableau public and on-site client training. She is also the lead instructor for a number of courses at British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), including Applied Database Administration and Design (ADAD) and Applied Data Analytics (ADA) programs. She teaches SQL server administration, development, integration (SSIS), data warehouse foundations, and visual analytics with Tableau. Donabel has also authored three other books with Packt Publishing: SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook, PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials, and SQL Server 2014 with PowerShell V5 Cookbook. She also contributed a chapter to Manning Publications’ PowerShell Deep Dives.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Learning Tableau 10.x
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: An Introduction to Tableau
Lecture 3: How to Install Tableau on Your Computer?
Lecture 4: Tableau Help and Online Resources
Lecture 5: Understand the Tableau User Interface
Lecture 6: Exploring Tableau File Types
Lecture 7: Understanding Tableau`s Blue and Green Pills
Lecture 8: Working with Data Sources
Lecture 9: Working with Extracts Instead of Live Connections
Lecture 10: Working with the Excel Data Interpreter
Lecture 11: Split Fields When Connecting to Data
Lecture 12: Pivot Your Data into the Ideal Format
Lecture 13: Understanding Metadata and Data Source Connections
Lecture 14: Filter from Your Data Source
Lecture 15: Tableau's Show Me Feature
Lecture 16: Crosstabs and Heat Maps
Lecture 17: Using Bar, Stacked Bar, and Side by Side Bar Charts
Lecture 18: Pie Charts
Lecture 19: Line and Area Charts
Lecture 20: Working with Packed Bubbles
Lecture 21: Using Tree Maps
Lecture 22: Creating a Basic Scatter Plot
Lecture 23: Creating a Basic Map
Lecture 24: Introduction to Calculations
Lecture 25: Understanding Basic Calculations
Lecture 26: Understanding String Calculations
Lecture 27: Learn about boolean, if-then Calculations, and case Statements
Lecture 28: Date and Time Calculations
Lecture 29: Understanding Aggregations and Disaggregations
Lecture 30: Using Calculations to Add Insight to Your Visualizations
Lecture 31: Introduction to Mapping in Tableau
Lecture 32: Creating a Standard Map View
Lecture 33: Dealing with Map Errors
Lecture 34: Customizing a Standard Map View
Lecture 35: Using Filters in Maps
Lecture 36: What Are Dashboards and Stories?
Lecture 37: Understanding Dashboard Actions
Lecture 38: Basics of Dashboard Formatting
Lecture 39: Understanding Workbook Level Formatting
Lecture 40: Assembling Your Dashboards into a Story
Lecture 41: Focusing on the Narrative
Lecture 42: Using Color with Purpose
Lecture 43: Tooltips for a Purpose
Lecture 44: Using a Parameter to Focus the Audience’s Attention
Lecture 45: Removing Clutter in Your Dashboard
Lecture 46: Exporting Your Visualizations
Chapter 2: Data Visualization with Tableau
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: What Is Data Visualization?
Lecture 3: Why Visualize Data?
Lecture 4: Leading Data Visualization Tools
Lecture 5: Introduction to Tableau
Lecture 6: Tableau Products Suite
Lecture 7: Tableau File Types
Lecture 8: Working on Excel Data
Lecture 9: Connecting to a Text Data Source
Lecture 10: Handling R Data
Lecture 11: Connecting to MS Access Database
Lecture 12: Creating a Pie Chart
Lecture 13: Creating a Bar Chart
Lecture 14: Creating a Line Graph
Lecture 15: Discovering Scatter Plot
Lecture 16: Handling Filter Data
Lecture 17: Discovering Context Filter
Lecture 18: Implementing Sorting
Lecture 19: Nested Sort
Lecture 20: Understanding Grouping of Data
Lecture 21: Manipulating Sets
Lecture 22: Creating Parameters
Lecture 23: Discrete and Continuous
Lecture 24: Percent of Total
Lecture 25: Running Total Calculations
Lecture 26: Computing “Rank”
Lecture 27: Moving Average
Lecture 28: Computing “Year on Year Growth”
Lecture 29: Combination Chart
Lecture 30: Dual Axis Chart
Lecture 31: Heat Map
Lecture 32: Tree Map
Lecture 33: Box Plot
Lecture 34: KPI Chart
Lecture 35: Waterfall Chart
Lecture 36: Bump Chart
Lecture 37: Level of Details (LOD)
Lecture 38: Linear Regression
Lecture 39: Performing “Market Basket Analysis” in Tableau
Lecture 40: K-means Clustering
Lecture 41: Building an Interactive Dashboard
Lecture 42: Best Practices for Effective Dashboards
Chapter 3: Mastering Tableau 10
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: It's All about the Data
Lecture 3: Filtering at All Levels
Lecture 4: Combining Data
Lecture 5: Blending Data
Lecture 6: Stacking That Data
Lecture 7: Completing the Picture
Lecture 8: To Extract or Not to Extract?
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 42 votes
- 5 stars: 67 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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