Database Engineer/DBA – (MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite)
Database Engineer/DBA – (MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite), available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 196 lectures, based on 225 reviews, and has 25792 subscribers.
You will learn about Creating Databases Creating Tables Creating Views Creating Stored Procedures Using subqueries Managing users and privileges Performing backups and restore Perform table joins Perform aggregate functions Attaching Sample Database Querying data from all columns in a table Querying data from specific columns in a table Sorting data using ORDER BY clause Removing duplicate records Identifying NULL values Filtering data Inserting data unto database Updating existing records inside database Deleting records from database This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to database administration and engineering It is particularly useful for Beginners to database administration and engineering.
Enroll now: Database Engineer/DBA – (MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite)
Title: Database Engineer/DBA – (MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite)
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 196
Number of Published Lectures: 194
Number of Curriculum Items: 196
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 194
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Creating Databases
- Creating Tables
- Creating Views
- Creating Stored Procedures
- Using subqueries
- Managing users and privileges
- Performing backups and restore
- Perform table joins
- Perform aggregate functions
- Attaching Sample Database
- Querying data from all columns in a table
- Querying data from specific columns in a table
- Sorting data using ORDER BY clause
- Removing duplicate records
- Identifying NULL values
- Filtering data
- Inserting data unto database
- Updating existing records inside database
- Deleting records from database
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to database administration and engineering
Target Audiences
- Beginners to database administration and engineering
The MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database.This course will teach you a lot to start using this incredibly popular MySQL database and gain useful skills in the process. In learning about MySQL you will also gain an understanding of relational databases in general. Furthermore, you will harness that power by learning SQL and using it to build databases, populate them with data and query that data through extensive hands-on practices.
MongoDB is a document-oriented DBMS, with JSON-like objects comprising the data model, rather than RDBMS tables. MongoDB does not support joins nor transactions. However, it features secondary indexes, an expressive query language,atomic writes on a per-document level, and fully-consistent reads. MongoDB uses JSON, a binary object format similar to, but more expressive than JSON.
MongoDB uses dynamic schema. We can create collections without defining the structure,i.e. the fields or the types of their values, of the documents. You can change the structure of documents simply by adding new fields or deleting existing ones. Documents in a collection need unique set of fields.
MongoDB database stores its data in collections not in tables The collections are the rough equivalent of RDBMS tables.
A collection holds one or more documents, which corresponds to a record or a row in a relational database table, and each document has one or more fields, which corresponds to a column in a relational database table.
SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system. The lite in SQLite means light weight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resource. SQLite does NOT require a server to run.
Because of the serverless architecture, you don’t need to “install” SQLite before using it. There is no server process that needs to be configured, started, and stopped. SQLite uses dynamic types for tables. It means you can store any value in any column, regardless of the data type.
SQLite is self-contained means it requires minimal support from the operating system or external library. This makes SQLite usable in any environments especially in embedded devices like iPhones, Android phones, game consoles, handheld media players, etc.
SQLite is capable of creating in-memory databases which are very fast to work with.
SQLite database is integrated with the application that accesses the database. The applications interact with the SQLite database read and write directly from the database files stored on disk.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: MySQL Database Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is MySQL
Lecture 3: MySQL Download and Installation for Windows
Lecture 4: MySQL Download and Installation for Macs
Lecture 5: What is MySQL Workbench
Lecture 6: Installing MySQL Workbench for mac
Lecture 7: Basic Database Concepts
Lecture 8: What is a Schema
Lecture 9: Database Schema
Lecture 10: MySQL Data Types
Lecture 11: What is SQL
Chapter 2: MySQL Workbench Configuration
Lecture 1: User Accessibility Options
Lecture 2: Preferences Options
Lecture 3: General Editor Preferences
Lecture 4: SQL Editor Preference
Lecture 5: Administration Preferences
Lecture 6: Modelling Preferences
Lecture 7: Fonts and Colors
Lecture 8: SSH Prefrences
Lecture 9: Other Preferences
Lecture 10: MySQL Workbench Home Screen
Chapter 3: MySQL Database Modelling
Lecture 1: What is Data Modelling
Lecture 2: Creating a model -part 1
Lecture 3: Creating a model -part 2
Lecture 4: Basic Modelling
Chapter 4: Some MySQL Database Administrator Tasks
Lecture 1: Creating a new MySQL Connection
Lecture 2: Managing Server Connections
Lecture 3: Client Connections
Lecture 4: Checking Server Status
Lecture 5: Administration of users and privileges
Lecture 6: Checking performance dashboard
Lecture 7: Using MySQL Utilities
Lecture 8: Using Object Browser
Lecture 9: Showing existing databases
Lecture 10: Showing list of tables
Lecture 11: Creating a database
Lecture 12: Creating a table
Lecture 13: Executing Basic SQL Commands
Lecture 14: Displaying Table Structure
Lecture 15: Changing Table Sructure
Chapter 5: MySQL Objects Creation
Lecture 1: MySQL Naming Convention
Lecture 2: Creating MySQL Database
Lecture 3: Using IF NOT EXIST DROP
Lecture 4: Creating a table in MySQL Database
Lecture 5: Setting a default database
Lecture 6: Using MySQL Comments
Lecture 7: Primary Keys
Lecture 8: Foreign Keys
Chapter 6: Some MySQL Keywords
Lecture 1: WHERE
Lecture 2: DISTINCT
Lecture 3: GROUP BY
Lecture 4: HAVING
Lecture 5: ORDER BY
Lecture 6: LIMIT
Lecture 7: CHARACTER Function
Lecture 8: CONCAT Function
Chapter 7: MySQL SQL Statements
Lecture 1: MySQL SELECT Statement
Lecture 2: MySQL INSERT Statement
Lecture 3: MySQL UPDATE Statement
Lecture 4: MySQL DELETE Statement
Chapter 8: MySQL Subqueries
Lecture 1: What is a subquery
Lecture 2: Nested Subqueries
Lecture 3: Derived Tables
Chapter 9: MySQL Multiple Table Data Join
Lecture 1: MySQL INNER Join
Lecture 2: MySQL LEFT Join
Lecture 3: MySQL RIGHT Join
Lecture 4: MySQL SELF Join
Chapter 10: MySQL Views
Lecture 1: What are MySQL Views
Lecture 2: Creating a MySQL View
Lecture 3: Querying MySQL Views
Lecture 4: Modifying Views
Lecture 5: Dropping Views
Chapter 11: MySQL Sored Procedures
Lecture 1: What are stored procedures
Lecture 2: Creating a stored procedure
Lecture 3: Modifying a stored procedure
Lecture 4: Creating an advanced stored procedure
Lecture 5: Calling and deleting stored procedures
Chapter 12: Some MySQL Operators
Lecture 1: BETWEEN Operator
Lecture 2: IN Operator
Lecture 3: LIKE Operator
Lecture 4: UNION Operator
Chapter 13: MySQL Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: What are aggregate functions
Lecture 2: AVG Aggregate function
Lecture 3: COUNT Aggregate function
Lecture 4: SUM Aggregate function
Lecture 5: MIN Aggregate function
Lecture 6: MAX Aggregate function
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 72 votes
- 5 stars: 123 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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