Database Testing and SQL for Testers (top SQL interview Qs)
Database Testing and SQL for Testers (top SQL interview Qs), available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 48 lectures, based on 173 reviews, and has 3549 subscribers.
You will learn about Importance of Database Testing and Database Test scenarios Creating Databases and Tables in SQL Server Creating tables and writing SQL queries Using SQL Built in functions like LEN, UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTRING and REPLACE etc Aggregate Functions This course is ideal for individuals who are This course has been designed for testers looking to acquire SQL and DB testing skills. It is particularly useful for This course has been designed for testers looking to acquire SQL and DB testing skills.
Enroll now: Database Testing and SQL for Testers (top SQL interview Qs)
Title: Database Testing and SQL for Testers (top SQL interview Qs)
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Published Lectures: 47
Number of Curriculum Items: 48
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 47
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Importance of Database Testing and Database Test scenarios
- Creating Databases and Tables in SQL Server
- Creating tables and writing SQL queries
- Using SQL Built in functions like LEN, UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTRING and REPLACE etc
- Aggregate Functions
Who Should Attend
- This course has been designed for testers looking to acquire SQL and DB testing skills.
Target Audiences
- This course has been designed for testers looking to acquire SQL and DB testing skills.
This course has been intended for testers who want to learn the concepts of Database testing and SQL.
Many of the modern applications are creating data in a backend database and hence knowing SQL is an essential skill for testers. It starts with an introduction to Database testing concepts first followed by SQL and finally explains how SQL can be used as a tool to perform effective Database testing.
Microsoft SQL Server is one of the top popular RDBMS(Relational Database Management System) existing in today’s market and hence a large number of organisations are expecting the testers to be proficient in t-SQL which is the SQL for Microsoft SQL Server.
This course starts with an introduction to DB testing, explains how Software testing techniques like Blackbox and Whitebox testing techniques can be applied in Database testing.
It also covers most of the SQL concepts that testers will need on a day to day life like
Creating database entities e.g. Database, Table etc,
Select, Update and Insert statements,
Aggregate Functions like SUM, AVG, MAX,MIN etc.
Joins and Unions
Operators like And and Or
Then finally it covers how Database testing can be effectively accomplished by using SQL.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Understanding Databases, DBMS & their differences
Lecture 1: Why DataBase Testing
Lecture 2: Application of Software Testing Techniques in DB Testing
Lecture 3: Blackbox Testing
Lecture 4: WhiteBox Testing
Lecture 5: Typical Test scenarios in DB Testing
Chapter 2: Making the ground ready – Installation of SQL Server
Lecture 1: Installing SQL Server express
Chapter 3: Importance of DB Testing and effective Database Test scenarios
Lecture 1: Understanding Databases, DBMS and their differences, CREATE DB and CREATE TABLE
Chapter 5: Querying and manipulating Data in Databases
Lecture 1: Introduction to SQL and SELECT statement
Lecture 2: SELECT DISTINCT statement
Lecture 4: BETWEEN operator
Lecture 5: LIKE operator
Lecture 6: TOP operator
Lecture 7: INSERT statement
Lecture 8: UPDATE statement
Lecture 9: DELETE statement
Chapter 6: SQL String Functions
Lecture 1: String Functions
Chapter 7: Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: Common Aggregate Functions
Lecture 2: Group By with Aggregate Functions
Lecture 3: Group By with Having clause
Lecture 4: Aliasing with Aggregating functions
Chapter 8: Retrieving Data from multiple tables – Joins and UNION operations
Lecture 1: What are joins and importance of joins
Lecture 2: Inner Joins
Lecture 3: Left Outer Joins
Lecture 4: Right Outer Joins
Lecture 5: Full Outer Joins
Lecture 6: UNION and UNION ALL
Chapter 9: Database testing using SQL
Lecture 1: Web application with contact page
Lecture 2: Database Testing: Test Data Duplication using SQL queries
Lecture 3: Database Testing: Test User input in Database Tables
Lecture 4: Database Testing: Test Multiple User input in DB Tables
Chapter 10: Common SQL questions in Software Testing interviews
Lecture 1: Q1. Write a SQL statement to count the total number of rows of a table
Lecture 2: Q2. Write a SQL statement to count number of rows matching a condition
Lecture 3: Q3. Write a sql statement to display the second highest salary from a table
Lecture 4: Q4. Write a SQL query to return a substring from a string
Lecture 5: Q5. Write a SQL query to return the no of characters of a given string
Lecture 6: Q6. Write a SQL statement to display distinct salaries from a table
Lecture 7: Q7. Write a sql query to return the numeric position of a character in a string
Lecture 8: Q8. How to get nth highest salary when there are duplicates
Lecture 9: Q9. What is the difference between a Primary Key and Unique Key?
Lecture 10: Q10. What are aggregate functions?
Lecture 11: Q11. What is the difference between an outer join and inner join?
Lecture 12: Q12. What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements?
Lecture 13: Q13. What is the difference between Delete and Drop?
Lecture 14: Q14. How do you specify a condition with a GROUP BY clause?
Biswajit Nanda
QA Automation Manager, Database Developer, Singer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 35 votes
- 4 stars: 37 votes
- 5 stars: 83 votes
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