Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.0 Basic to Advance with Python
Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.0 Basic to Advance with Python, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 120 lectures, based on 26 reviews, and has 320 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. The content (80% hands on and 20% theory) will prepare you to work independently on Deep Learning projects 2. Foundation of Deep Learning TensorFlow 2.x 3. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Regression (2 models) 4. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Classifications (2 models) 5. Use Convolutional Neural Net (CNN) for Image Classifications (5 models) 6. CNN with Image Data Generator 7. Use Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for Sequence data (3 models) 8. Transfer learning 9. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) 10. Hyper parameters Tuning 11. How to avoid Overfitting 12. Best practices for Deep Learning and Award winning Architectures This course is ideal for individuals who are Want to Learn and Apply – Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.x Python It is particularly useful for Want to Learn and Apply – Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.x Python.
Enroll now: Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.0 Basic to Advance with Python
Title: Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.0 Basic to Advance with Python
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 120
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Curriculum Items: 120
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. The content (80% hands on and 20% theory) will prepare you to work independently on Deep Learning projects
- 2. Foundation of Deep Learning TensorFlow 2.x
- 3. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Regression (2 models)
- 4. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Classifications (2 models)
- 5. Use Convolutional Neural Net (CNN) for Image Classifications (5 models)
- 6. CNN with Image Data Generator
- 7. Use Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for Sequence data (3 models)
- 8. Transfer learning
- 9. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- 10. Hyper parameters Tuning
- 11. How to avoid Overfitting
- 12. Best practices for Deep Learning and Award winning Architectures
Who Should Attend
- Want to Learn and Apply – Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.x Python
Target Audiences
- Want to Learn and Apply – Deep Learning by TensorFlow 2.x Python
As a practitioner of Deep Learning, I am trying to bring many relevant topics under one umbrella in the following topics. Deep Learning has been most talked about for the last few years and the knowledge has been spread across multiple places.
1. The content (80% hands-on and 20% theory) will prepare you to work independently on Deep Learning projects
2. Foundation of Deep Learning TensorFlow 2.x
3. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Regression (2 models)
4. Use TensorFlow 2.x for Classifications (2 models)
5. Use Convolutional Neural Net (CNN) for Image Classifications (5 models)
6. CNN with Image Data Generator
7. Use Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for Sequence data (3 models)
8. Transfer learning
9. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
10. Hyperparameters Tuning
11. How to avoid Overfitting
12. Best practices for Deep Learning and Award-winning Architectures
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction of Deep Learning and TensorFlow 2.x
Lecture 1: TensorFlow 2.x Introduction, Prerequisite and Training Content
Lecture 2: Installations , Technology , Folder structure and 1.x vs 2.x
Lecture 3: Why Deep Learning is emerging
Lecture 4: Deep-Learning-Working-components
Chapter 2: TensorFlow 2.0 Basic
Lecture 1: TensorFlow Basics code
Lecture 2: Tensor segmentation code
Lecture 3: Regression with Premade Estimators
Lecture 4: Regression by using tf.keras model layers
Lecture 5: Classifications using Premade Estimators
Lecture 6: Multiclass classification using Tensorflow Multi level
Chapter 3: TensorFlow 2.0 Intermediate
Lecture 1: Binary classification on Kaggle data using TensorFlow Multi level
Lecture 2: Explore few more ways to better classification
Lecture 3: How-to-Teach-Machines
Lecture 4: CNN-Showcase-of-multiplications
Lecture 5: Important-terms-in-Deep-Learning
Lecture 6: The-MNIST-Data
Lecture 7: CNN for Image (MNIST) classification
Lecture 8: Classwork
Lecture 9: Image Data Generator also known as Data Augmentation
Lecture 10: Image Data Generator – Data generation
Lecture 11: CNN with Image Data Generator
Lecture 12: Emotion recognition with CNNs
Lecture 13: Recurrent-Neural-Networks-Overview
Lecture 14: The-Vanishing-and-Exploding-Gradient-Overview
Lecture 15: LSTM-and-GRU-Architecture
Lecture 16: Univariate Time Series using LSTM_train_test_mode
Lecture 17: Univariate Time Series using LSTM_train_mode
Lecture 18: Multivariate Time Series using LSTM
Lecture 19: How to know models are good enough Bias vs Variance
Chapter 4: TensorFlow 2.0 Advanced
Lecture 1: Transfer learning – Definition and Usages
Lecture 2: Basic model
Lecture 3: Customize the model to recognize the classes in our dataset
Lecture 4: Use inbuilt model to recognize the classes in our dataset
Lecture 5: Customize inbuilt model to recognize the classes in our dataset
Lecture 6: How-to-avoid-Overfitting
Lecture 7: How to avoid Overfitting – L2 and L1
Lecture 8: How to avoid Overfitting -Dropout – Batch Normalization – Early Stopping
Lecture 9: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Lecture 10: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) – code
Lecture 11: Hyper-parameters-tuning-for-Deep-Learning-Models
Lecture 12: Hyperparameter tuning by keras tuner
Chapter 5: Miscellaneous
Lecture 1: Best-Practices-for-DL
Lecture 2: Award-winning-Architectures
Lecture 3: References-and-Updates
Chapter 6: Introduction of Deep Learning and TensorFlow 1.x
Lecture 1: TensorFlow Introduction and Prerequisite
Lecture 2: TensorFlow Training Content
Lecture 3: Deep Learning is emerging field
Lecture 4: What is TensorFlow
Lecture 5: Deep Learning – Working components
Chapter 7: Foundation of Deep Learning (TensorFlow and Keras)
Lecture 1: TensorFlow Basics code
Lecture 2: TensorFlow Placeholder code
Lecture 3: TensorFlow rank and Simple Equations
Lecture 4: Reduction and important operations
Lecture 5: TensorFlow Session
Lecture 6: Tensor segmentation
Lecture 7: TensorFlow – Various operations
Lecture 8: Eager execution
Chapter 8: TensorFlow and Keras for Regression
Lecture 1: Regression and Classifications overview
Lecture 2: Regression with Premade Estimators – code
Lecture 3: Tensorboard
Lecture 4: Regression using tf.keras model layers – code
Lecture 5: Regression by Keras
Lecture 6: linear regression using Core TensorFlow – 2 Independents only – code
Lecture 7: Core Tensorflow for multi variable regression – code
Chapter 9: TensorFlow and Keras for Classifications
Lecture 1: Classifications using Premade Estimators – code
Lecture 2: Multiclass classification using Core Tensorflow – code
Lecture 3: Multiclass classification using Tensorflow Multi level – code
Lecture 4: Multiclass classification using Keras – code
Chapter 10: Convolutional Neural Net (CNN): Image Classifications
Lecture 1: How to Teach Machines
Lecture 2: CNN Showcase of multiplications
Lecture 3: Important terms in Deep Learning
Lecture 4: The MNIST Data
Lecture 5: The MNIST Data exploration – code
Lecture 6: Using core TF for MNIST Softmax after flattening the data – code
Lecture 7: TF tf.keras model layers for MNIST Softmax after flattening the data – 1 – code
Lecture 8: TF tf.keras model layers for MNIST Softmax after flattening the data – 1 – code
Lecture 9: Building a CNN for MNIST using TF Layers without flattening the data – 1- code
Lecture 10: Building a CNN for MNIST using TF Layers without flattening the data – 2- code
Lecture 11: Keras CNN – 1- code
Lecture 12: Keras CNN – 2- code
Lecture 13: Kaggle Emotion recognition with CNNs using Keras – 1- code
Lecture 14: Kaggle Emotion recognition with CNNs using Keras – 2- code
Lecture 15: Kaggle Emotion recognition with CNNs using Keras – 3- code
Chapter 11: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for Sequence data
Lecture 1: Recurrent Neural Networks – Overview
Lecture 2: The Vanishing and Exploding Gradient – Overview
Lecture 3: LSTM and GRU Architecture
Lecture 4: LSTM using Keras with train-test mode – 1 – code
Lecture 5: LSTM using Keras with train-test mode – 2 – code.mp4
Lecture 6: LSTM using Keras with train-test mode – 3 – code.mp4
Shiv Onkar Deepak Kumar
AI Researcher and Consultant, Chief Data Scientist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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