Demystifying OOP with C++
Demystifying OOP with C++, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 138 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 171 reviews, and has 921 subscribers.
You will learn about Master principles of Object Oriented Programming You will be proficient with the concepts of C++ You will be able to comprehend and read C++ source code effortlessly Confidence to face an interview This course is ideal for individuals who are For those who want to know and understand the OOP methodology with real world examples or Those who want to know why to use OOP in C++ or Absolutely essential for engineering and polytechnic students or Those who plan to learn Java, PHP and Python in the future or Suitable for those who want to make career in Software Engineering or For those who are comfortable with C and want to learn how to code with OOP and C++ It is particularly useful for For those who want to know and understand the OOP methodology with real world examples or Those who want to know why to use OOP in C++ or Absolutely essential for engineering and polytechnic students or Those who plan to learn Java, PHP and Python in the future or Suitable for those who want to make career in Software Engineering or For those who are comfortable with C and want to learn how to code with OOP and C++.
Enroll now: Demystifying OOP with C++
Title: Demystifying OOP with C++
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 138
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 138
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 146
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 146
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: ₹5,499
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master principles of Object Oriented Programming
- You will be proficient with the concepts of C++
- You will be able to comprehend and read C++ source code effortlessly
- Confidence to face an interview
Who Should Attend
- For those who want to know and understand the OOP methodology with real world examples
- Those who want to know why to use OOP in C++
- Absolutely essential for engineering and polytechnic students
- Those who plan to learn Java, PHP and Python in the future
- Suitable for those who want to make career in Software Engineering
- For those who are comfortable with C and want to learn how to code with OOP and C++
Target Audiences
- For those who want to know and understand the OOP methodology with real world examples
- Those who want to know why to use OOP in C++
- Absolutely essential for engineering and polytechnic students
- Those who plan to learn Java, PHP and Python in the future
- Suitable for those who want to make career in Software Engineering
- For those who are comfortable with C and want to learn how to code with OOP and C++
Our objective is to take this course beyond the myths, help you learn the C++ language in a comprehensive way and demystify the C++ programming language. We teach you the why, when and where and not just how!
Learning C++ is more than just syntax. OOP is a revolutionary development in the software industry. We teach concepts of C++ from the theoretical and not merely from the coding perspective. OOP and C++ have revolutionized the ability to write computer programs that interact with the user in the real world.
Animation, voice over, and real-world examples enhance the unique style of our instructors. Using step-by-step explanations we highlight all of the features of C++ and OOP. As students, your effort and participation in the entirety of the course will help you gain the knowledge you need to be an advanced C++ programmer. As well as practicing your code; tests, quizzes and assignments will help you retain the understanding you have gained.
After learning the C++ programming language you will find that moving on to other languages will be much easier. We start with basic methodologies, general features and then go more in depth. By continually adding content, we ensure that your learning never stops.
If you want more than just a new language vocabulary, you want this course! Start today to begin to demystify C++!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Fundamental principles of Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Scope and Methodology
Lecture 3: History of C++
Lecture 4: The Road Ahead
Lecture 5: Introduction to Procedure Oriented Programming
Lecture 6: Philosophy of C
Lecture 7: Essence of being an Object
Lecture 8: History of OOP
Lecture 9: Comparison between POP and OOP
Lecture 10: Features of Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 11: Object
Lecture 12: Encapsulation
Lecture 13: Class
Lecture 14: Abstraction
Lecture 15: Inheritance
Lecture 16: Polymorphism
Lecture 17: Message Passing
Lecture 18: Dynamic binding
Lecture 19: Applications of OOPs methodology
Lecture 20: Summary
Lecture 21: Assignment
Chapter 2: Moving from C to C++
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Differences between C and C++ – Part 1
Lecture 3: Differences between C and C++ – Part II
Lecture 4: Differences between C and C++ – Part III
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 3: Reference Variable in C++
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Call by Value and Call by Reference
Lecture 3: Syntax of Reference Variable
Lecture 4: Sample Prorgam
Lecture 5: Cryptic Questions
Lecture 6: Swapping the contents
Lecture 7: Const Reference and Cryptic Solutions
Chapter 4: Default function arguments
Lecture 1: Default values in day-to-day life
Lecture 2: Syntax of default argument list
Lecture 3: Sample program with 3 different versions
Chapter 5: Dynamic Memory Allocation
Lecture 1: Introduction to dynamic memory allocation
Lecture 2: Inside memory
Lecture 3: Back to the C – the function malloc()
Lecture 4: Sibling of malloc()
Lecture 5: Insufficient memory…? Here is realloc()
Lecture 6: "New" way of Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++
Lecture 7: New and delete
Lecture 8: Single and 2-D array on the heap
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Structure – The Driving Force
Lecture 3: Difference between Structure and Class
Lecture 4: Type in C++
Lecture 5: Class Design – Part 1
Lecture 6: Class Syntax
Lecture 7: Encapsulation in C++
Lecture 8: Class Access Categories
Lecture 9: Class Design – Part 2
Lecture 10: First Crush with Class
Lecture 11: First C++ Program
Lecture 12: Back to the C
Lecture 13: Playing with the Class and Objects
Lecture 14: Inline Function
Lecture 15: Default function arguments in class
Lecture 16: Accessor functions
Lecture 17: Reference of an Instance
Lecture 18: Has-a Relationship
Lecture 19: Cryptic Class
Chapter 7: Manager functions in C++
Lecture 1: Need of constructor and destructor functions
Lecture 2: Constructor in C++
Lecture 3: Destructor in C++
Lecture 4: Default Constructor and Destructor
Lecture 5: Constructor taking one argument
Lecture 6: Sample Program on Constructor
Lecture 7: Constructor taking multiple arguments
Lecture 8: Implicit Type Conversion
Lecture 9: Default Constructor
Lecture 10: Shallow Copy
Lecture 11: Deep Copy
Lecture 12: Initialization v/s Assignment
Lecture 13: Base/Member initialization list
Lecture 14: Sample Programs
Chapter 8: Special Class features
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to "this" pointer
Lecture 3: Sample programs on this pointer
Lecture 4: Function Chaining
Lecture 5: Static Data Member – An Introduction
Lecture 6: Static Data Member – Sample Program
Lecture 7: Static Member Function
Lecture 8: Introducing Friend
Bhalchandra Gholkar
Creating innovative e-contents for programming languages -
Daryl Newell
Electronics Engineering and Programing for Over 20 Years
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 51 votes
- 5 stars: 95 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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