Deploy a Django web app with Nginx and Amazon ECS – 2024
Deploy a Django web app with Nginx and Amazon ECS – 2024, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 82 lectures, based on 60 reviews, and has 545 subscribers.
You will learn about How to deploy your website using the Amazon ECS – EC2 launch type Learn how to make use of IaaS – (Infrastructure as a Service) Configure Nginx as a reverse proxy Dockerize Nginx Dockerize your Django application Register a domain name and provision an SSL/TLS certificate Host a PostgreSQL database with Amazon RDS Deploy your static files (CSS + JS) on Amazon S3 Secure your sensitive data with environment variables Create a basic application This course is ideal for individuals who are Django developers who want to learn how to deploy their website or Mid – advanced Python developers with a basic knowledge of Django or Deployment enthusiasts! It is particularly useful for Django developers who want to learn how to deploy their website or Mid – advanced Python developers with a basic knowledge of Django or Deployment enthusiasts!.
Enroll now: Deploy a Django web app with Nginx and Amazon ECS – 2024
Title: Deploy a Django web app with Nginx and Amazon ECS – 2024
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to deploy your website using the Amazon ECS – EC2 launch type
- Learn how to make use of IaaS – (Infrastructure as a Service)
- Configure Nginx as a reverse proxy
- Dockerize Nginx
- Dockerize your Django application
- Register a domain name and provision an SSL/TLS certificate
- Host a PostgreSQL database with Amazon RDS
- Deploy your static files (CSS + JS) on Amazon S3
- Secure your sensitive data with environment variables
- Create a basic application
Who Should Attend
- Django developers who want to learn how to deploy their website
- Mid – advanced Python developers with a basic knowledge of Django
- Deployment enthusiasts!
Target Audiences
- Django developers who want to learn how to deploy their website
- Mid – advanced Python developers with a basic knowledge of Django
- Deployment enthusiasts!
Welcome! I’m here to help you to master the basics of deploying a Django web application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) whilst utilizing Nginx and Docker.
— Please read carefully —
This course is primarily intended for individuals who have a basic knowledge of Django and AWS. Knowledge on Docker would be helpful, but it isn’t mandatory for this course.
To put it simply, if you have some background in Django and AWS and want to learn about how to deploy your web application then this is definitely the course for you!
I want to help YOU deploy your Django web app to AWS.
The Deploy a Django web app with Nginx and Amazon ECScourse has been structured in a simple and logical order. Everything that has been designed from the styling to the graphics and topics covered is crafted with the absolute duty of care towards the student.
The main focus of the course is to teach you how to deploy your Django web application to Amazon ECS with Docker and Nginx.
In this course we will NEED to purchase a domain name from AWS Route 53.
We will only focus on deployment and NOT delve into making use of any automation tools or focus on intricate use cases. This includes the AWS CI/CD tools for continuous integration and delivery.
You will learn how to utilize several AWS services such as Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Route 53, Certificate Manager, Elastic Container Service (EC2 – launch type) etc.
You will also learn how to attach a domain name and SSL certificate to your web application.
It is mixed with theory and practical hands-on demonstrations.
The course is structured in a logical and cohesive way – not just random slides plastered everywhere.
It starts off very simple and then builds on gradually throughout the course.
You will also learn about the basics of Docker and containerization
This course is jam-packedwith lecture slides, PDF walkthroughs, code snippets/references and comes along with the full project source code – as a zip file.
All 150 + slides are available as a downloadable PDF.
The Deploy a Django web app with Nginx and Amazon ECS course is a highly practical course and allows you to apply your knowledge:
There is a wealth of hands-on lectures throughout this course.
You will be able to deploy your Django web application by containerizing it.
We will configure Nginx as a reverse proxy and bind it to our Django application with Gunicorn
Your instructor:
My name is Arno Pretorius. I’m a qualified IT teacher who has taught programming both in-person and online. My main passions are teaching and technology, so I thought why not just combine the best of both worlds to create something truly amazing and valuable. Over the years, I have created and deployed many real-world Django-based applications, including a job portal for university graduates and an exclusive social network.
I’m a Software developer, an AWS Solutions Architect and Developer associate. I have a keen interest in cloud computing, web development and everything that relates to programming and technology.
So, let’s go and become fluent in Django deployment, along with an extra service or two.
Trust me you are in good hands!
This course also comes with:
– 6.5 hours of on-demand video
– Full lifetime access
– A Udemy certificate of completion
– Several downloadable resources
– Access on mobile and TV
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course overview
Lecture 2: Course prerequisites – [Important]
Lecture 3: Course support
Lecture 4: Thought process
Chapter 2: Project resources
Lecture 1: Final project code – Download
Lecture 2: Final project code – Important information
Chapter 3: Create a basic application – [Optional]
Lecture 1: Python and Visual Studio Code – Installation – Windows
Lecture 2: Django project setup – Windows
Lecture 3: Configure the Python interpreter – Windows
Lecture 4: Virtual environment – Deep dive
Lecture 5: Django app setup
Lecture 6: Setup a basic template, url and view
Lecture 7: Configure static files
Lecture 8: Add styling to our webpage
Lecture 9: Main application structure setup
Lecture 10: User registration
Lecture 11: User authentication – Login
Lecture 12: User authentication – Logout
Lecture 13: Navigation setup and dashboard creation
Lecture 14: Test our basic application
Chapter 4: AWS setup and IAM configuration
Lecture 1: Create an AWS account
Lecture 2: Create and set a designated budget on AWS
Lecture 3: Cost reminder – Deployment Phase I
Lecture 4: Amazon IAM – [Theory]
Lecture 5: IAM – Create a user and a group
Lecture 6: IAM – Utilise our unique URL
Lecture 7: IAM – Secure your AWS accounts with MFA
Lecture 8: IAM – Generate access keys
Lecture 9: IAM – Add ECR and ECS permissions
Lecture 10: AWS CLI installation and setup – Windows
Chapter 5: Cloud storage and Database Integration
Lecture 1: Amazon S3 – [Theory]
Lecture 2: Create and setup an S3 bucket
Lecture 3: Integrating S3 with our application
Lecture 4: Amazon RDS – [Theory]
Lecture 5: Configuring our PostgreSQL database settings
Lecture 6: Create an RDS instance with PostgreSQL
Chapter 6: DNS Management
Lecture 1: AWS Route 53 – [Theory]
Lecture 2: Register a domain name with Route 53
Lecture 3: Amazon Route 53 – Domain name issues
Lecture 4: Amazon Certificate Manager – [Theory]
Lecture 5: Provision and assign an SSL certificate
Chapter 7: Styling our basic application – [Optional]
Lecture 1: Adding styling to our forms
Chapter 8: Dockerization with Django
Lecture 1: What is Docker? – [Theory]
Lecture 2: Installing and setting up Docker
Lecture 3: Examine Docker desktop
Lecture 4: Docker desktop – Troubleshooting guide – [Optional]
Lecture 5: Docker preparation
Lecture 6: Creating our docker files – [Theory]
Lecture 7: Create a docker file for a Django image
Lecture 8: Create a dockerignore file – [Optional]
Chapter 9: Dockerization with Nginx
Lecture 1: Nginx: A short introduction – [Theory]
Lecture 2: What is a reverse proxy? – [Theory]
Lecture 3: Create a docker file for an Nginx image
Lecture 4: Link our Django application with an Nginx Reverse Proxy
Lecture 5: Improving the performance of our containers – [Optional]
Lecture 6: Build our docker images
Lecture 7: Running our docker containers
Lecture 8: Docker resource cleanup
Chapter 10: Deployment – ECS – EC2 launch type
Lecture 1: Managing docker containers on AWS – [Theory]
Lecture 2: Running docker containers on Amazon ECS – [Theory]
Lecture 3: Deployment preparation
Lecture 4: Configure our environment variables – Part 1
Lecture 5: Configure our environment variables – Part 2
Lecture 6: Docker resource clean-up check
Lecture 7: Create a docker image for production
Lecture 8: Amazon ECR push issues – [Important]
Lecture 9: Cost reminder – Deployment Phase II
Lecture 10: Push our docker image to Amazon ECR – NB!!
Lecture 11: Push our docker images to Amazon ECR
Lecture 12: Configure our load balancer and DNS records
Lecture 13: Create a security group for our ECS container
Lecture 14: Define a task definition
Lecture 15: Setup our ECS cluster and service – Part 1
Lecture 16: Setup our ECS cluster and service – Part 2
Chapter 11: Managing user sessions
Lecture 1: Amazon ElastiCache – [Theory]
Lecture 2: How to manage user sessions? – [Theory]
Lecture 3: What is a sticky session? – [Theory]
Lecture 4: How to enable sticky sessions
Lecture 5: AWS resource cleanup
Chapter 12: Bonus content
Lecture 1: Allowing CIDR ranges – [Bonus]
Chapter 13: Thank you!
Lecture 1: Thank you! – A final message
Lecture 2: Bonus lecture!
Arno Pretorius
Software Developer | AWS Certified Solutions Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 49 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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