Design & Build Test Framework with Python Pytest | API Tests
Design & Build Test Framework with Python Pytest | API Tests, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.28, with 77 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 100 reviews, and has 968 subscribers.
You will learn about Design & Building a Test Automation Framework from Scratch Test Automation With Python & Pytest Automated Software Testing With Python Software Test Framework modules and components Rest API Testing and Automation Effectively use Python and Pytest framework for Automation Writing better and structured test automation This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn software testing and automation or Software development, testing, or quality assurance professionals curious about Test Frameworks or Beginner to intermediate level test automation developers or Anyone who wants to learn software test automation with Python It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn software testing and automation or Software development, testing, or quality assurance professionals curious about Test Frameworks or Beginner to intermediate level test automation developers or Anyone who wants to learn software test automation with Python.
Enroll now: Design & Build Test Framework with Python Pytest | API Tests
Title: Design & Build Test Framework with Python Pytest | API Tests
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.28
Number of Lectures: 77
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 77
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Design & Building a Test Automation Framework from Scratch
- Test Automation With Python & Pytest
- Automated Software Testing With Python
- Software Test Framework modules and components
- Rest API Testing and Automation
- Effectively use Python and Pytest framework for Automation
- Writing better and structured test automation
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn software testing and automation
- Software development, testing, or quality assurance professionals curious about Test Frameworks
- Beginner to intermediate level test automation developers
- Anyone who wants to learn software test automation with Python
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn software testing and automation
- Software development, testing, or quality assurance professionals curious about Test Frameworks
- Beginner to intermediate level test automation developers
- Anyone who wants to learn software test automation with Python
Test frameworks are tools that software developers and quality assurance professionals use to automate the process of testing software applications. These frameworks provide a set of predefined rules, guidelines, and features that help in organizing, executing, and reporting the results of the tests.
Some of the key features of test frameworks include the ability to define test cases, assertions, and fixtures, which are reusable components that simplify the process of testing. They also often provide integration with other tools, such as continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, to automate the testing process and improve the efficiency of the development process.
Test frameworks are typically designed to support different types of testing, including unit, functional, API, Usability, Integrationand performance testing. They can also support different programming languages and platforms, allowing developers to choose the one that best suits their needs.
Examples of popular test frameworks include JUnitfor Java applications, NUnitfor .NET applications, and Pytestfor Python applications. There are also specialized test frameworks available for specific types of testing, such as Selenium for web application testing and Appium for mobile application testing.
In this course we are going to learn how to Design and Build a Test Automation Framework. The underlying framework will be PYTESTand we will build a Hybridkind of framework which will be:
Data-driven, & also
Library/Utils Driven Architecture.
This framework will be extensible and scalable where in you extend to any types of tests like e.g. DB testing, UI testing and others. We will structure our test project framework to be able to handle complex scenarios also.
Some of the modules or components we will have in our Hybrid Test Framework are as:
– Test Runner: This is the module responsible for executing tests and reporting the results. Pytest is what we will be using here, to take the benefits of Python.
– Utils/Library module: Will contain all reusable functions such as databases, generic functions, application functions etc.
– Config Management module: Separate config files and config manager to enable different config files.
– Data Management module: Should support Data Driven capability. Handle Scripts and Data separately.
– Logging & Reporting: Separate the logging code from the main code, making it easier to maintain and update the test code base.
These are some of the modules found in test frameworks we will talk about in this course. And also how to incorporate them in our framework and build a structured framework that will be easy to maintain and flexible enough to add new test scenarios or new functions.
Of-course the specific modules you need in your test framework will depend on the needs of your testing process, such as the types of tests you need to run, the technologies you’re using, and the size and complexity of your testing infrastructure. But this course will give you a really good start towards your automation journey, and also make it easier for you to design a test automation framework.
After taking this course you will:
Have the skills and knowledge needed to build and implement a successful test framework that can improve the quality and reliability of software applications.
Be able to easily start adding test scripts functions and modules in a test framework.
Be able to design and build your own test framework from scratch.
Understand the components in any testing framework.
Be able to suggest changes to existing frameworks your team might be using.
Design organize your tests properly in any test automation project.
Learn API testing automation as well.
Be able to take test automation interviews easily.
And, Improve your career prospects
Finally, take another big step towards Test Architect.
Overall, taking the course on “Building a Test Framework” can be a great investment in your professional development and can help you build the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the software industry.
Sign in and lets learn to build test automation frameworks and write tests in a structured way.
Thank you and see you in the course!
Tags: Python Test Framework, Pytest Framework Automation, API Testing, API Automation, Integration Testing,Software Testing
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installs & Setup
Lecture 1: Python Install(Windows)
Lecture 2: Pycharm Install(Windows)
Chapter 3: Pytest Basics
Lecture 1: About Pytest
Lecture 2: Pycharm: Create Project & Virtual Env
Lecture 3: Pycharm: Installing Python Modules
Lecture 4: Pytest: First Test and Test Naming
Lecture 5: Pytest: Test Execution
Lecture 6: Using Python Assertion
Lecture 7: Pytest: Test Discovery
Lecture 8: About
Lecture 9: Pytest: Markers
Lecture 10: Pytest: Cmd line options
Lecture 11: Pytest: Parametrized Tests
Lecture 12: Pytest: Fixtures
Lecture 13: Imp Note & Handouts
Lecture 14: Code link
Chapter 4: Python Modules For TestAutomation
Lecture 1: Files Ops
Lecture 2: About JSON
Lecture 3: Json Ops: Data to Json
Lecture 4: Json Ops: Json to Data
Lecture 5: Json Ops: Validate JSON
Lecture 6: Free/Public API URLs
Lecture 7: Request Module: Simple Requests
Lecture 8: Requests Ops: with params
Lecture 9: Requests Ops: Post method
Lecture 10: Requests Ops: Custom headers
Lecture 11: CSV Ops
Chapter 5: Rest API Concepts
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: API and Webservices
Lecture 3: What is RestAPI
Lecture 4: API Request composition
Lecture 5: API Response composition
Lecture 6: API testing and Strategy
Chapter 6: Test Automation Framework
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: About Test Frameworks
Lecture 3: Test Framework Outline
Lecture 4: API Test/Automation: Basic Approach(1/2)
Lecture 5: API Test/Automation: Basic Approach(2/2)
Lecture 6: Design/Build Framework: Utils/Lib(1/2)
Lecture 7: Design/Build Framework: Utils/Lib(2/2)
Lecture 8: Design/Build Framework: Why Config
Lecture 9: Design/Build Framework: Configparser
Lecture 10: API Test/Automation PUT Request
Lecture 11: API Test/Automation DELETE Request
Chapter 7: Test Framework – Logging
Lecture 1: Design/Build Framework: Logging(1/2)
Lecture 2: Design/Build Framework: Logging(2/2)
Chapter 8: API Server
Lecture 1: About API server
Lecture 2: API server in GitHub
Lecture 3: CURL Cmd(1/3)
Lecture 4: CURL Cmd(2/3)
Lecture 5: CURL Cmd(3/3)
Chapter 9: Framework & Test Scenarios
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Framework: Adding Tests(1/3)
Lecture 3: Framework: Adding Tests(2/3)
Lecture 4: Framework: Adding Tests(3/3)
Lecture 5: Scenario Parameterized Test
Lecture 6: TestData – Request Data From File
Lecture 7: API Authentications
Lecture 8: Scenario API Auth Tokens(1/2)
Lecture 9: Scenario API Auth Tokens(2/2) [Use Fixtures]
Chapter 10: Framework & Scenario – DataDriven
Lecture 1: DataDriven Test – Basic Approach(1/2)
Lecture 2: DataDriven Test – Basic Approach(2/2)
Lecture 3: DataDriven Test – Parameterized(1/4)
Lecture 4: DataDriven Test – Parameterized(2/4)
Lecture 5: DataDriven Test – Parameterized(3/4)
Lecture 6: DataDriven Test – Parameterized(4/4)
Chapter 11: Framework & Scenario – Setup TearDown
Lecture 1: Why Setup/Teardown
Lecture 2: Setup/Teardown: Doing Setup
Lecture 3: Setup/Teardown: Writing Tests
Lecture 4: Setup/Teardown: Doing Teardown
Lecture 5: Setup/Teardown: Execute & Validate Diff Conditions
Lecture 6: Setup/Teardown: With Fixture Scope
Chapter 12: Test Reporting – Allure
Lecture 1: About Allure
Lecture 2: Allure Installation(Windows)
Lecture 3: Allure Reporting
Chapter 13: Thanks
Lecture 1: Bonus
Kumar S
SDET, Lead Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 57 votes
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