Develop a perfect ORM like Laravel Eloquent
Develop a perfect ORM like Laravel Eloquent, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 48 lectures, based on 13 reviews, and has 102 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to simulate Mysql tables and relations in PHP You will learn how to create optimized queries and eager load relations You will learn how to do all types of database operations with classes and methods You will learn how to create a powerful ORM from scratch This course is ideal for individuals who are PHP developers who want to learn how to use mysql in an efficient and optimized way in their apps or Laravel developers who want to master Eloquent or Programmers who want to enhance object oriented skills It is particularly useful for PHP developers who want to learn how to use mysql in an efficient and optimized way in their apps or Laravel developers who want to master Eloquent or Programmers who want to enhance object oriented skills.
Enroll now: Develop a perfect ORM like Laravel Eloquent
Title: Develop a perfect ORM like Laravel Eloquent
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Published Lectures: 48
Number of Curriculum Items: 48
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 48
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to simulate Mysql tables and relations in PHP
- You will learn how to create optimized queries and eager load relations
- You will learn how to do all types of database operations with classes and methods
- You will learn how to create a powerful ORM from scratch
Who Should Attend
- PHP developers who want to learn how to use mysql in an efficient and optimized way in their apps
- Laravel developers who want to master Eloquent
- Programmers who want to enhance object oriented skills
Target Audiences
- PHP developers who want to learn how to use mysql in an efficient and optimized way in their apps
- Laravel developers who want to master Eloquent
- Programmers who want to enhance object oriented skills
If you ever wanted to develop a powerful Object relational mapping system (ORM) and enhance your object oriented skills, then this course helps a lot. Having basic knowledge of object oriented programming, the course is designed for programmers who are tired of writing short and long SQL queries in PHP applications and want to learn how to query database in a structured and optimized way with object oriented classes and methods. This is specially beneficial for beginner Laravel developers who struggle working with Eloquent ORM. Learning how to create a powerful ORM, it will be fairly easy for developers to work with Eloquent or any other ORM. In this course you will learn how to build and execute most complicated queries with classes and methods in PHP without writing long boring SQL queries. We will implement a library of classes that will help us from creating and executing any type of query to optimizing queries and loading complex data and relations. All in details. Course will be updated to introduce more complicated query methods and also execution of a list of complicated queries will be instructed.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & server configuration
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Download & install tools
Lecture 3: Configure server and restrict user access
Lecture 4: Code index file and autoload classes
Chapter 2: DB class implementation
Lecture 1: Implement constructor & query methods
Lecture 2: Implement fetch & insertGetId methods
Lecture 3: Implement insert, update and delete methods
Lecture 4: Prevent multiple database connections
Chapter 3: CommandBuilder class implementation
Lecture 1: Create class fields
Lecture 2: Implement select & buildSelectCommand methods
Lecture 3: Implement where method and test class
Lecture 4: Implement orWhere method
Lecture 5: Implement whereIn method
Lecture 6: Implement join method
Lecture 7: Implement get & avg methods
Lecture 8: Implement other aggregate function methods
Lecture 9: Implement buildInsertCommand method
Lecture 10: Implement buildDeleteCommand method
Lecture 11: Implement buildUpdateCommand method
Chapter 4: Model & Builder classes implementation
Lecture 1: Introducing Model & Builder classes
Lecture 2: Delegate table level operations to Builder with __callStatic
Lecture 3: Implement Builder query methods – Part 1
Lecture 4: Implement Builder query methods – part 2
Lecture 5: Implement Builder first, find and create methods
Lecture 6: Implement Builder mass update and mass delete methods
Lecture 7: Implement single model update and delete methods
Lecture 8: Implement single model save method
Chapter 5: HasManyRelation class implementation
Lecture 1: Introducing relations
Lecture 2: Create posts table for has many relations
Lecture 3: Implement constructor & initiateConnection methods
Lecture 4: Test relation class
Chapter 6: BelongsToRelation class implementation
Lecture 1: Implement belongsTo and initiateConnection methods
Chapter 7: HasOneRelation class implementation
Lecture 1: Create profiles table
Lecture 2: Implement hasOne and initiateConnection methods
Chapter 8: Loading relationships
Lecture 1: Eager loading and lazy loading explained
Lecture 2: Implement With method of Builder class
Lecture 3: Implement Get method of Builder class for eager loading – Part 1
Lecture 4: Implement Get method of Builder class for eager loading – Part 2
Lecture 5: Implement HasMany and BelongsTo relations abstract methods
Chapter 9: BelongsToManyRelation class implementation
Lecture 1: Create ratings table and fix left issues
Lecture 2: Implement belongsToMany and constructor methods
Lecture 3: Implement initiateConnection method
Lecture 4: Implement buildRelationDataQuery method
Lecture 5: Add pivot table columns to relation data
Lecture 6: Implement addRelationData method
Lecture 7: Implement attach method
Lecture 8: Implement detach method
Lecture 9: Fix left problems
Danial Mohamadnejad
Programmer and developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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