DevOps Crash Course: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL
DevOps Crash Course: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL, available at Free, has an average rating of 4, with 25 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 1310 reviews, and has 33245 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the basics of the Jenkins architecture. Understand the concept of the Job DSL Plugin on Jenkins and its features. Utilize Jenkins DSLs to achieve efficiency in your day-to-day automation and development projects. Implement CICD Pipelines With Jenkins DSL. This course is ideal for individuals who are DevOps Engineers or Automation Enthusiasts or CxOs or IT Administrators or Software Engineers or Cloud Engineers and Architects It is particularly useful for DevOps Engineers or Automation Enthusiasts or CxOs or IT Administrators or Software Engineers or Cloud Engineers and Architects.
Enroll now: DevOps Crash Course: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL
Title: DevOps Crash Course: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 25
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 25
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 27
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 27
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the basics of the Jenkins architecture.
- Understand the concept of the Job DSL Plugin on Jenkins and its features.
- Utilize Jenkins DSLs to achieve efficiency in your day-to-day automation and development projects.
- Implement CICD Pipelines With Jenkins DSL.
Who Should Attend
- DevOps Engineers
- Automation Enthusiasts
- CxOs
- IT Administrators
- Software Engineers
- Cloud Engineers and Architects
Target Audiences
- DevOps Engineers
- Automation Enthusiasts
- CxOs
- IT Administrators
- Software Engineers
- Cloud Engineers and Architects
Take a Sneak Peek into Jenkins DSLs with the Mini Course: Optimizing Jenkins Deployments with DSLs!
Software companies are constantly innovating development strategies to bring new products and services to the market quickly and more efficiently. They look for consistent solutions to increase stability, quality, and profits. With DevOps and its Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery principles, companies have witnessed exponential business and technological growth. Most progressive startups and mature companies routinely implement the CI-CD principles in their automated software build pipelines. This ensures that their code is cleaner, deployments are faster, and delivery is reliable. As a result, business growth is guaranteed.
Software enterprises that implement the CI CD strategy in their regular development lifecycle, gain higher profits and an edge over others. They are able to display their scale of innovation and growth in the field of technology.
Which tool underlines the significance of continuous integration and delivery in software development? Jenkins!
Just look at these amazing numbers:
According to a new research by TechBeacon, 2018, there is a strong demand for DevOps professionals as a growing number of organisations are implementing the development model in their organisations.
According to recent data from jobs site Glassdoor , the national median salary for a DevOps engineer in the US is $110,000.
60% of hiring managers are looking to fill DevOps engineer positions, according to the 2017 Open Source Jobs Report, a study conducted by The Linux Foundation and tech jobs site Dice.
42% of companies responding to the Open Source Jobs study want to add DevOps skills across their hiring portfolio
DevOps engineer ranks #2 on Glassdoor’s 50 Best Jobs in America rankings
There is already a shortage of cloud talent and this gap is growing rapidly. Simply put, there’s a massive opportunity for people like you to equip yourself with the right skillset so that you can:
Join talent-hungry tech companies and be at the forefront of global innovation
Launch unique businesses or cloud application development services for the next generation
Enjoy plush paying cool DevOps projects
Whatever your choice may be, cloud computing is going to be YOUR KEY to financial success and growth and for the success of the community as a whole!
Jenkins is a vast, highly efficient automation platform. You can accomplish a lot with Jenkins, and it requires minimal configurations. A dynamic, stable tool that gives you the freedom to explore and automate a wide variety of tasks. Using Jenkins, you can simplify sophisticated software processes through automated builds and test executions. You receive immediate feedback on the automation processes on Jenkins. This approach efficiently reduces turnaround time for code repair and deployment!
With the rising demands of the digital market for on-the-go software deployment, Jenkins makes your lives easier by taking up the responsibility of automation. You are free to focus on other criticalities of the development process.
Jenkins is the ultimate platform for implementing the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery principles. You can use Jenkins as an automation hub to run and monitor the continuous integration and delivery phases of your project with ease! Since the builds are automated, the source code is continuously integrated with the latest version for deployment. With the entire process automated, human intervention is minimal, risks are low, and the product is delivered on time!
What Sets Us Apart?
Complete beginner to expert Jenkins skills – This course does not assume any expertise in Jenkins or Groovy script. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you. So you can follow along and understand exactly how everything comes together and what each step means.
Practical demo tutorials – Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. That’s why we focus on building up your understanding of the inner working of the Jenkins for infinitely better results down the line.
Real-world knowledge – We work with real startups and real projects every day. We know first hand the problems engineers and architects face on daily basis. All this real-world experience is passed on to you in the courses. Each module comprises of in-depth demos and walk-throughs, meaning you’ll garner enough skill to build your own container application adaptable to any environment, rather than just passing a glorified memory “test and forget” like most other courses. Practice truly does make perfect.
Student support – We’re fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven Jenkins course on the planet. So we are there for our students whenever you need our help. You can contact us any ask any question at any time – you’ll get a response from us within 48 hours.
What if I don’t have any need for Jenkins course right now? – As the statistics and figures show – Cloud Computing and DevOps is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using Jenkins right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably. Can you imagine when Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity and people around him ignored it as an irrelevant phenomenon – how much the world will be missing out on? Same thing goes for tech – you would have been puzzled by the need for a “Smartphone” ten years ago, yet now we can’t imagine our lives without one. The true potential only becomes apparent in time, do you want to risk missing out?
Is it too difficult for me to understand? – Not at all. We’ll take you step by step from a novice level to an expert on Jenkins. We work as technology leaders and mentors to several engineers every day. We know how to explain things and use the lingo. We just choose to teach in ways that are a lot more fun (and less headache-inducing). By the end of this course, you’ll be able to job scheduling and much more with Jenkins in your project and achieve amazing results.
I am not an engineer, will this course still benefit me? – Whether you are a startup founder, a product manager or a project manager – it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. Going through these courses will give you a deeper understanding about how your engineering team is using all the new technologies. You will be able to discuss the pros and cons of their technical approach with higher confidence.
Is your IT career on the right track?
Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.
So, if you’re ready to make a change and learn how to simplify sophisticated software processes through automated builds and test executions get instant feedback, click the “Add to Cart” button below.
Let’s do this together!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Becoming an online instructor
Lecture 2: Welcome & Introduction
Lecture 3: Course Overview
Lecture 4: Why Learn Jenkins
Lecture 5: Who Uses Jenkins
Lecture 6: Download Resources
Lecture 7: Get Ready for Jenkins
Chapter 2: Jenkins – Installation And Configuration
Lecture 1: Get Started with Jenkins
Lecture 2: Introduction To CI/CD
Lecture 3: Benefits Of CI/CD
Lecture 4: Introduction To Jenkins
Lecture 5: Install Pre-Requisites For Jenkins
Lecture 6: Install Jenkins
Lecture 7: Configure Jenkins
Lecture 8: Recap : Jenkins – Installation And Configuration
Lecture 9: Download Resources – Handout
Chapter 3: Building Robust Jobs With Jenkins DSL
Lecture 1: Introduction to Jenkins DSLs Jobs
Lecture 2: Get Started with Jenkins DSLs
Lecture 3: Introduction to Jenkins DSL
Lecture 4: Jenkins Playground
Lecture 5: Jenkins DSL Plugin
Lecture 6: Jenkins DSL Example Job
Lecture 7: Conclusion
Lecture 8: Download Resources – Handout
Chapter 4: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Thanks! (Bonus Lecture)
TetraNoodle Team
Manuj Aggarwal
From $2/day to boardrooms of the Fortune 500. Read my story
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 96 votes
- 2 stars: 93 votes
- 3 stars: 287 votes
- 4 stars: 462 votes
- 5 stars: 372 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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