Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master
Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.59, with 98 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 2046 reviews, and has 16528 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to understand how Docker works, integrate it into your daily work and make your life a fun place with Docker. You will be able to Dockerize any application. You will be able to design productive and efficient strategies that will ease the creation and deployment of your applications. You can instruct your colleagues about the use of this tool. This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to get in touch with Docker or System Administrators willing to learn about containers or DevOps Engineers looking for faster processes It is particularly useful for Developers who want to get in touch with Docker or System Administrators willing to learn about containers or DevOps Engineers looking for faster processes.
Enroll now: Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master
Title: Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.59
Number of Lectures: 98
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 98
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to understand how Docker works, integrate it into your daily work and make your life a fun place with Docker.
- You will be able to Dockerize any application.
- You will be able to design productive and efficient strategies that will ease the creation and deployment of your applications.
- You can instruct your colleagues about the use of this tool.
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to get in touch with Docker
- System Administrators willing to learn about containers
- DevOps Engineers looking for faster processes
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to get in touch with Docker
- System Administrators willing to learn about containers
- DevOps Engineers looking for faster processes
Tired of wanting to learn Docker? Do you find it very difficult? Have you heard it but do not know what it is about? All that came to an end, at the end of this course you will be an expert!
There is no better way to learn than practicing, so this course offers many exercises where you can learn how to create your own applications in Docker. You will learn how to create tons of apps such as MySQL, Postgres, Jenkins, WordPress, PrestaShop, Mongo, Nginx, Apache, SSL, Tomcat, Drupal and many more!
You will learn important bases such as:
– Images
– Containers
– Volumes
– Networks
– Docker Compose
And more!
What are you waiting for?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction – What is Docker?
Lecture 1: Introduction – What is Docker?
Lecture 2: What is a container?
Lecture 3: What is an image?
Lecture 4: Containers vs Virtual Machines
Lecture 5: Basics of a Dockerfile
Lecture 6: Docker's Architecture
Lecture 7: Layering in Docker
Lecture 8: References
Lecture 9: Bonus
Chapter 2: Installation
Lecture 1: Installation on Ubuntu
Lecture 2: Installation on Debian
Lecture 3: Installation on CentOs
Lecture 4: Installation on Windows & Mac OS
Chapter 3: Resources for this course
Lecture 1: Where can I get the samples used in this course?
Chapter 4: Docker Images – Your first touch
Lecture 1: What is a "Official Docker Image"?
Lecture 2: Where are my local images?
Lecture 3: Create your first Docker Container!
Lecture 4: What is a Dockerfile?
Lecture 5: Build your first Image using a Dockerfile
Lecture 6: Test your image by creating a Docker Container
Chapter 5: Docker Images – Learn about Dockerfiles
Lecture 1: The FROM instruction – Take any image as a base!
Lecture 2: The RUN instruction rocks!
Lecture 3: Copy files with COPY
Lecture 4: Download files from Internet using ADD
Lecture 5: Want to build like a pro? Use the ENV instruction
Lecture 6: Being organized matters! Understand the WORKDIR instruction
Lecture 7: Metadata on the way! Use LABELs to follow the best practices
Lecture 8: Quick Tip: Browse the content of an image by creating a container
Lecture 9: Keep it up! Handle USERs in your Dockerfile
Lecture 10: Make your images flexible! Use ARGs in the build process
Lecture 11: What is the CMD?
Lecture 12: Understand the output from the CMD
Chapter 6: Docker Images – Build advanced images
Lecture 1: Be careful with the context!
Lecture 2: Dockerignore – Start ignoring the things you don't need!
Lecture 3: Let's talk about best practices when building images
Lecture 4: Building an Image with HTTP + SSL/TLS + PHP – I
Lecture 5: Building an Image with HTTP + SSL/TLS + PHP – II
Lecture 6: What is a dangling image?
Lecture 7: Removing dangling images!
Lecture 8: Note: Did you see 502 errors in nginx?
Lecture 9: Back to building! Create an image with Nginx + PHP 7
Lecture 10: Do you like challenges? Let's keep building our NGINX image
Lecture 11: Let's solve the challenge from the previous lesson!
Lecture 12: Basics for MultiStage Build in Docker
Lecture 13: Got the idea? Now let's build a real image with MultiStage!
Lecture 14: Check your knowledge!
Chapter 7: Docker Containers – Learn how containers work in depth
Lecture 1: What is a Docker Container?
Lecture 2: Listing and creating containers
Lecture 3: Remove and Rename Containers
Lecture 4: More tips… Start, Stop, Map Ports!
Lecture 5: Understand the Container's FileSystem
Lecture 6: Do you like variables? Let's learn how to create them in Containers
Lecture 7: Let's launch a MySQL Container for the first time
Lecture 8: Mapping ports in MySQL!
Lecture 9: More databases? Let's create a PostgreSQL Container
Lecture 10: DevOps Style? Jenkins as a container!
Lecture 11: For hungry containers only 😀 Learn how to apply limits
Lecture 12: Copy files from your host to your container – Docker cp
Lecture 13: Turn a container into an image with one command!
Lecture 14: Tip: Override the CMD when running a container!
Lecture 15: More tips: Destroy containers automatically
Lecture 16: Just one more tip: Change the Docker Root Directory
Lecture 17: Check your knowledge!
Chapter 8: Docker Volumes – Persist data in containers
Lecture 1: What is a Docker Volume?
Lecture 2: Why are volumes so important? Let's check it using MySQL
Lecture 3: Bind Volumes: Map folders to your container
Lecture 4: "Normal" Volumes: Manage your volumes with the Docker CLI
Lecture 5: Anonymous Volumes: Be careful if you want to use them!
Lecture 6: Understand some differences when using volumes
Lecture 7: Back to the Dockerfile! Understand the VOLUME instruction
Lecture 8: Dangling volumes. Yes, here we have more dangling stuff
Lecture 9: MongoDB – Persist data in a NoSQL container
Lecture 10: Jenkins again! Persist your Jobs and configurations
Lecture 11: Developing a website? Share your data with a Docker Nginx Container
Lecture 12: Go deeper! Share volumes between containers
Chapter 9: Docker Networks – Learn how to get containers communicated
Lecture 1: Introduction – Networking in Docker
Lecture 2: What's the default network in Docker?
Lecture 3: Ping containers in the default network
Lecture 4: Create your own network
Lecture 5: Embedded DNS! Ping containers by name in the same network
Lecture 6: Connect and disconnect networks
Lecture 7: Assign a static IP to a container
Lecture 8: The Host Network
Lecture 9: The None Network
Chapter 10: Docker Compose – Put everything you learned together!
Lecture 1: Resources for this section
Lecture 2: Introduction – Why Compose?
Lecture 3: How do I install Docker Compose?
Ricardo Andre Gonzalez Gomez
Linux System Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 21 votes
- 2 stars: 18 votes
- 3 stars: 194 votes
- 4 stars: 754 votes
- 5 stars: 1059 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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