ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!
ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.51, with 74 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 1237 reviews, and has 6595 subscribers.
You will learn about Know a basic timeline of ECMAScript and the JavaScript language Use the new methods and options available in modern releases of JavaScript Differentiate between the versions of JavaScript Transition easier between JavaScript and other programming langauges This course is ideal for individuals who are New JavaScript programmers or CodeSchool students who need a review or Anyone who's been using JavaScript for a long time and wants an update or Java, C#, Python (etc.) developers who are being forced to write JavaScript and want it to look/behave more normal than what's on StackOverflow It is particularly useful for New JavaScript programmers or CodeSchool students who need a review or Anyone who's been using JavaScript for a long time and wants an update or Java, C#, Python (etc.) developers who are being forced to write JavaScript and want it to look/behave more normal than what's on StackOverflow.
Enroll now: ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!
Title: ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.51
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 75
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Know a basic timeline of ECMAScript and the JavaScript language
- Use the new methods and options available in modern releases of JavaScript
- Differentiate between the versions of JavaScript
- Transition easier between JavaScript and other programming langauges
Who Should Attend
- New JavaScript programmers
- CodeSchool students who need a review
- Anyone who's been using JavaScript for a long time and wants an update
- Java, C#, Python (etc.) developers who are being forced to write JavaScript and want it to look/behave more normal than what's on StackOverflow
Target Audiences
- New JavaScript programmers
- CodeSchool students who need a review
- Anyone who's been using JavaScript for a long time and wants an update
- Java, C#, Python (etc.) developers who are being forced to write JavaScript and want it to look/behave more normal than what's on StackOverflow
If you have spent anytime coding in JavaScript, you have heard about ES6, ECMAScript, or ES2015. Maybe it was an obnoxious co-worker trying to put you down, another Udemy course keeps mentioning it, or you saw it on a Stack Overflow answer. If you’re not familiar with it, or are still wondering what the difference is between ECMAScript and Javascript, it’s the update that occurred in 2015 and subsequent years. Considering the history of JavaScript (which started in 1995), there was no update between 2000 and 2008, then again after that from 2008 until 2015, ECMAScript 2015 it is a BIG deal. It modernizes JavaScript. Smaller, but still important changes were released in ES7 (2016) and ES8 (2017).
I will take you through all the changes, one at a time in a modular approach. This means that you can do chapters as needed, out of order, etc. without serious issues. There is a significant history lesson in order to place JavaScript and ECMAScript in context and we’ll do comparisons to other languages so you get a feel for why certain things were added or changed. I also do frequent comparisons between JavaScript and other languages like C, Java, and Python. You do NOT need to know these languages to appreciate the nuances; they are simply helpful at understanding the reasons behind the ECMAScript standard, JavaScript, and update.
I am still adding challenges for the various sections. Challenges that are already in, are in all caps (i.e., CHALLENGE) and are a great way to apply and practice! This course will challenge your JavaScript as you learn many new features, but also as you learn how JavaScript and ECMAScript relates to other languages (C, Java, etc.).
Course Layout
ES6 Easy Wins
Array Changes
Map Constructor and Weak Map
Set Constructor and Weak Set
ES8 (Async)
Proxy Constructor and Reflect Object
Generators and iterators
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Github link
Lecture 3: Visual Timeline of JavaScript and ECMAScript History (Full Version)
Lecture 4: Visual Timeline of JS and ES (SHORT VERSION)
Lecture 5: Course Overview
Chapter 2: ES6 (2015) – The Easy Wins
Lecture 1: How JS compares to other languages
Lecture 2: Let/Const – How JS vars compare to other languages (C, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python)
Lecture 3: Let/Const (Short)
Lecture 4: Template Literals
Lecture 5: Tagged Templates
Lecture 6: Tagged Template CHALLENGES
Lecture 7: Tagged Template Challenge walkthrough
Lecture 8: Function Updates – default and rest operator
Lecture 9: Spread Syntax
Lecture 10: Arrow Function
Lecture 11: Object Literals and Destructuring
Chapter 3: ES6 (2015) – Classes
Lecture 1: Intro to Classes
Lecture 2: Classes – basic syntax
Lecture 3: Setters and Getters
Lecture 4: Static Methods
Lecture 5: Sub classes and prototypal inheritance (extends and super)
Chapter 4: ES6 (2015) – Array upgrades
Lecture 1: for…of
Lecture 2: .from()
Lecture 3: .of() and .fill()
Lecture 4: .find() and .findIndex()
Chapter 5: ES6 (2015) – Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet, & Symbols (and how JS stores stuff)
Lecture 1: Reference vs. value – how JS stores variables
Lecture 2: Intro to Hashmaps/Map
Lecture 3: Java Hashmaps –> JavaScript Map
Lecture 4: Map methods
Lecture 5: Weak Map vs Map
Lecture 6: Intro to the Set constructor
Lecture 7: Weak Set vs. Set
Lecture 8: Intro to the Symbol Data Type
Chapter 6: ES6 (2015) – Promises
Lecture 1: Review on what it means to be async
Lecture 2: Callbacks review
Lecture 3: What is a promise (and why should I care)?
Lecture 4: Promise Syntax and Breakdown
Lecture 5: API key and link for the next lecture
Lecture 6: Some real fun (and use) with Promises (AJAX style)
Lecture 7: Promise.all CHALLENGE Solution
Lecture 8: Chaining Promises (using AJAX)
Lecture 9: Challenge Starter code
Lecture 10: CHALLENGE – Promises and file IO (Requires
Lecture 11: Challenge File IO Walkthrough
Chapter 7: ES8 (2017) – Async and Await (and a few extras)
Lecture 1: Async and Await intro
Lecture 2: Async with a SQL example
Lecture 3: Challenge Starter code
Lecture 4: CHALLENGE – Movie API chaining –> Asnyc/Await and walkthrough
Lecture 5: ES8 Easy Wins
Chapter 8: ES6 (2015) – Proxy Constructor and Reflect Object
Lecture 1: Intro to the Proxy Constructor
Lecture 2: Proxy CHALLENGE
Lecture 3: Proxy CHALLENGE Explanation and Walkthrough
Lecture 4: Reflect Object
Lecture 5: Reflect Object – continued
Chapter 9: ES6 (2015) – Generators, iterators, iterables and for…of
Lecture 1: – Intro to generators and iterators
Lecture 2: Generators (and how you really read the docs)
Lecture 3: Iterators, Iterables and for..of
Lecture 4: Iterators, Iterables and for..of (Continued)
Lecture 5: Tying back into generators
Chapter 10: ES7 – ES2016 – Easy wins
Lecture 1: ES7 – Exponentiation, Includes, and Rest parameter destructuring
Chapter 11: ES10 – EcmaScript 2019
Lecture 1: Array – flat()
Lecture 2: Array – with()
Lecture 3: Array – toSorted()
Chapter 12: ES15
Lecture 1: groupBy
Robert Bunch
Code school instructor, software architect and engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 111 votes
- 4 stars: 427 votes
- 5 stars: 682 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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