Essential Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists
Essential Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.64, with 46 lectures, based on 7 reviews, and has 663 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain expertise in core ML concepts: supervised/unsupervised learning, classification, regression, clustering, and feature engineering. Implement various ML algorithms: linear/logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, SVM, KNN, and neural networks. Evaluate models using accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score; fine-tune hyperparameters for improved performance. Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems through hands-on projects, covering data preprocessing, model training, and deployment. This course is ideal for individuals who are Data science enthusiasts eager to dive into machine learning and expand their knowledge. or Analysts seeking to apply machine learning techniques to extract insights from data. or Professionals transitioning into data science roles or looking to upskill in machine learning. or Students and researchers interested in understanding the theory and practical implementation of machine learning algorithms. It is particularly useful for Data science enthusiasts eager to dive into machine learning and expand their knowledge. or Analysts seeking to apply machine learning techniques to extract insights from data. or Professionals transitioning into data science roles or looking to upskill in machine learning. or Students and researchers interested in understanding the theory and practical implementation of machine learning algorithms.
Enroll now: Essential Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists
Title: Essential Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.64
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain expertise in core ML concepts: supervised/unsupervised learning, classification, regression, clustering, and feature engineering.
- Implement various ML algorithms: linear/logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, SVM, KNN, and neural networks.
- Evaluate models using accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score; fine-tune hyperparameters for improved performance.
- Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems through hands-on projects, covering data preprocessing, model training, and deployment.
Who Should Attend
- Data science enthusiasts eager to dive into machine learning and expand their knowledge.
- Analysts seeking to apply machine learning techniques to extract insights from data.
- Professionals transitioning into data science roles or looking to upskill in machine learning.
- Students and researchers interested in understanding the theory and practical implementation of machine learning algorithms.
Target Audiences
- Data science enthusiasts eager to dive into machine learning and expand their knowledge.
- Analysts seeking to apply machine learning techniques to extract insights from data.
- Professionals transitioning into data science roles or looking to upskill in machine learning.
- Students and researchers interested in understanding the theory and practical implementation of machine learning algorithms.
Are you ready to unlock the power of machine learning and elevate your data science skills? Welcome to “Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists,” a comprehensive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in the field of data science.
Introduction to ML In this introductory section, we’ll lay the foundation for your journey into machine learning. You’ll gain an understanding of the types of machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning, setting the stage for deeper exploration.
Linear Regression Delve into linear regression, a fundamental algorithm for predictive modeling. Learn how to evaluate linear regression models and witness its application through a hands-on demonstration. By the end of this module, you’ll grasp the intricacies of linear regression and its significance in data science.
Logistic Regression Explore logistic regression, a powerful tool for binary classification tasks. From model training to prediction, you’ll discover the nuances of logistic regression and its regularization techniques. Get ready to harness the predictive power of logistic regression for various real-world applications.
Decision Trees Uncover the versatility of decision trees in data analysis. Learn how to handle missing data, explore decision tree algorithms through practical demonstrations, and evaluate their pros and cons. Gain insights into decision tree applications across diverse domains.
Random Forests Dive into the world of ensemble learning with random forests. Master hyperparameter tuning, witness the feature selection capabilities of random forests, and understand their limitations. By the end of this module, you’ll be equipped to leverage random forests for robust predictive modeling.
Support Vector Machines (SVM) Unlock the potential of support vector machines for classification and regression tasks. Through hands-on demos, you’ll learn to handle imbalanced datasets, evaluate SVM performance, and harness SVM’s capabilities for data-driven insights.
Naive Bayes Discover the simplicity and effectiveness of Naive Bayes classifiers. Explore their applications, learn the essentials of training a Naive Bayes model, and weigh their pros and cons for different use cases.
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Delve into the intuitive approach of K-Nearest Neighbors for classification and regression. Understand distance metrics, witness KNN in action through a practical demonstration, and grasp its significance in pattern recognition tasks.
Clustering Algorithms Embark on a journey into clustering algorithms, including K-means and hierarchical clustering. Learn how to evaluate clustering results, explore real-world applications, and understand the role of clustering in unsupervised learning.
Enroll now in “Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists” and unlock the keys to mastering essential machine learning techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned professional, this course will empower you to tackle real-world data science challenges with confidence. Let’s embark on this transformative learning journey together!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to ML
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Types of Machine Learning
Lecture 3: Supervised Vs Unsupervised Learning
Lecture 4: Summary
Chapter 2: Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Linear Regression
Lecture 2: Evaluating Linear Regression
Lecture 3: Demo: Linear Regression
Lecture 4: Summary
Chapter 3: Logistic Regression
Lecture 1: Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Evaluating Logistic Regression
Lecture 3: Training & Prediction with Linear Regression
Lecture 4: Training & Prediction with Linear Regression
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 4: Decision Trees
Lecture 1: Decision Trees
Lecture 2: Handling Missing Values in Decision Trees
Lecture 3: Demo: Decision Trees
Lecture 4: Pros and Cons
Lecture 5: Applications of Decision Trees
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 5: Random Forests
Lecture 1: Random Forests
Lecture 2: Tuning hyperparameters
Lecture 3: Demo: Random Forests
Lecture 4: Feature selection in random forests
Lecture 5: Limitations of random forests
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 6: Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Lecture 1: Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Lecture 2: Demo: SVM
Lecture 3: Handling Imbalanced Datasets with SVM
Lecture 4: Evaluating SVM Performance
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 7: Naive Bayes
Lecture 1: Naive Bayes
Lecture 2: Applications of Naive Bayes
Lecture 3: Training Naive Bayes Classifier
Lecture 4: Pros and Cons
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 8: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
Lecture 1: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
Lecture 2: Distance metrics in KNN
Lecture 3: Demo: KNN
Lecture 4: Summary
Chapter 9: Clustering Algoritims
Lecture 1: K-means clustering
Lecture 2: Demo: K-means clustering
Lecture 3: Hierarchical clustering
Lecture 4: Demo: Hierarchical Clustering
Lecture 5: Evaluating clustering results
Lecture 6: Applications of clustering
Lecture 7: Summary
Techjedi LLP
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