Essential Web Developer and SQL Skills For Beginners
Essential Web Developer and SQL Skills For Beginners, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 161 lectures, based on 49 reviews, and has 18304 subscribers.
You will learn about Build Web Applications Build a calculator Build a digital clock Build a todoList Build an interactive quiz app Create HTML Document Mark Up Text Create Links ways to apply CSS Style multiple elements Change background color Where to place JavaScript Use developer Console Create Variables Use conditional statements Create Arrays Use various data types Create functions Use various operators Understand what SQL is used for Understand basic database concepts Install PostgreSQL Server Load Sample database Perform basic CRUD Operations Perform Table Joins Use various SQL operators Use Aggregate Functions This course is ideal for individuals who are Absolute beginners to Web Development or Absolute beginners to SQL It is particularly useful for Absolute beginners to Web Development or Absolute beginners to SQL.
Enroll now: Essential Web Developer and SQL Skills For Beginners
Title: Essential Web Developer and SQL Skills For Beginners
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 161
Number of Published Lectures: 161
Number of Curriculum Items: 161
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 161
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build Web Applications
- Build a calculator
- Build a digital clock
- Build a todoList
- Build an interactive quiz app
- Create HTML Document
- Mark Up Text
- Create Links
- ways to apply CSS
- Style multiple elements
- Change background color
- Where to place JavaScript
- Use developer Console
- Create Variables
- Use conditional statements
- Create Arrays
- Use various data types
- Create functions
- Use various operators
- Understand what SQL is used for
- Understand basic database concepts
- Install PostgreSQL Server
- Load Sample database
- Perform basic CRUD Operations
- Perform Table Joins
- Use various SQL operators
- Use Aggregate Functions
Who Should Attend
- Absolute beginners to Web Development
- Absolute beginners to SQL
Target Audiences
- Absolute beginners to Web Development
- Absolute beginners to SQL
Web development and SQL knowledge is a must-have 21st century skill. The ability to read,write,and understand code as well as interacting and querying databases has never been more-important,useful,or lucrative as it is today.Computer code has forever changed our lives .
Some people can’t even make it through the day without interacting with something built with code.
If you’re ready to learn the magic behind web and app development
and interacting with databases but don’t know a style sheet from a string , this course is
the perfect place to start.Explore the basics of HTML,CSS,JavaScript and SQL.
What You Will Learn
Anatomy of an HTML Element
Creating HTML Document
HTML Attributes
Marking Up Text
Creating Links
ways to apply CSS
styling multiple elements
The Box Model
Margin and Padding Property
changing Background Color
Where to place JavaScript
Using developer Console
Data Types
Conditional Statements
Building Web Applications Projects
Build a calculator
Build a digital clock
Build a todoList
Build an interactive quiz app
Database Concepts
Installing PostgreSQL
loading sample database
Filtering data
Sorting data
Querying data
Removing duplicate records
Table Joins
CRUD Operations
Using Operators
Aggregate Functions
By the end of this course you would have acquired enough skills to get creative building web based applications and interacting with databases .
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Professional Web Developer Tools
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Core web development languages
Lecture 3: Introduction to Text Editors
Lecture 4: Installing ATOM Text Editor
Lecture 5: Installing Brackets Text Editor
Lecture 6: Installing SublimeText Editor
Lecture 7: Installing Visual studio code
Lecture 8: Installing Web browsers
Chapter 2: Online Web Development Playgrounds
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Codepen
Lecture 3: JSBIN
Lecture 4: JS Fiddle
Lecture 5: Dabblet
Lecture 6: Liveweave
Lecture 7: Plunker
Chapter 3: Planning a web project
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Sketching your design
Lecture 3: Creating files and folders
Lecture 4: Choosing your assets
Chapter 4: Building a webpage content with: HTML
Lecture 1: What is HTML
Lecture 2: Anatomy of an HTML Element
Lecture 3: Basic structure of an HTML document
Lecture 4: Create a basic HTML document structure
Lecture 5: Create a basic HTML document structure- Part 2
Lecture 6: Create a basic HTML document structure -Part 3
Lecture 7: The Source Code
Lecture 8: HTML Attributes
Lecture 9: Marking UP Text
Lecture 10: Creating Links
Lecture 11: HTML Comments
Chapter 5: Styling a webpage with – CSS
Lecture 1: What is CSS
Lecture 2: Ways to apply CSS
Lecture 3: Styling multiple properties
Lecture 4: Styling multiple elements
Lecture 5: Modifying CSS
Lecture 6: Basic CSS Selectors
Lecture 7: CSS Comments
Lecture 8: The Box Model
Lecture 9: Margin and Padding Property
Lecture 10: Changing background color
Lecture 11: The border Property
Lecture 12: Positioning and styling page title
Lecture 13: CSS Display Property
Lecture 14: CSS Font Property
Lecture 15: Using Google Fonts
Chapter 6: Adding interaction with – JavaScript
Lecture 1: What is JavaScript
Lecture 2: Where to place JavaScript
Lecture 3: The developer console
Lecture 4: The Syntax
Lecture 5: What are statements
Lecture 6: Expressions
Lecture 7: Executing a program
Lecture 8: The Output
Lecture 9: The Input
Lecture 10: What are variable
Lecture 11: Variable naming convention
Lecture 12: Arrays
Lecture 13: Data Types
Lecture 14: Mixing Data Types
Lecture 15: Operators
Lecture 16: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 17: Assignment Operators
Lecture 18: Operator Precedence
Lecture 19: String Operators
Lecture 20: Comparison Operators
Lecture 21: Logical Operators
Lecture 22: Conditional statements
Lecture 23: Functions
Lecture 24: Javascript Comments
Lecture 25: Linting Tools
Lecture 26: Events
Lecture 27: Adding image changer to webpage
Lecture 28: Fixing JSLINT error – Part 1
Lecture 29: Fixing JSLINT error – Part 2
Lecture 30: Adding welcome message to webpage
Chapter 7: Web App Project: Build a Calculator
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: What we will build
Lecture 3: Creating directories and files
Lecture 4: Creating the structure
Lecture 5: Styling the app
Lecture 6: Adding interaction
Chapter 8: Web App Project: Build a Clock
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: What we will create
Lecture 3: Creating project directory and files
Lecture 4: Creating the structure
Lecture 5: Styling the app
Lecture 6: Adding functionality
Chapter 9: Web App Project: Build TodoList
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: What we will create
Lecture 3: Creating directory and files
Lecture 4: Creating the project structure
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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