Everything About MySQL Database
Everything About MySQL Database, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.65, with 55 lectures, based on 14 reviews, and has 118 subscribers.
You will learn about Write MySQL queries Create and updating databases and tables Use MySQL built-in functions Store and filter data Update tables with triggers Work with subselects and views Create and use a stored function This course is ideal for individuals who are If you are familiar with the terms "database" and know their purpose or If you know want to know how SQL specifically MySQL works or If you are a little familiar with database relationships and why we need them or If you would like to know how MySQL works with your programming language of choice such as PHP It is particularly useful for If you are familiar with the terms "database" and know their purpose or If you know want to know how SQL specifically MySQL works or If you are a little familiar with database relationships and why we need them or If you would like to know how MySQL works with your programming language of choice such as PHP.
Enroll now: Everything About MySQL Database
Title: Everything About MySQL Database
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.65
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write MySQL queries
- Create and updating databases and tables
- Use MySQL built-in functions
- Store and filter data
- Update tables with triggers
- Work with subselects and views
- Create and use a stored function
Who Should Attend
- If you are familiar with the terms "database" and know their purpose
- If you know want to know how SQL specifically MySQL works
- If you are a little familiar with database relationships and why we need them
- If you would like to know how MySQL works with your programming language of choice such as PHP
Target Audiences
- If you are familiar with the terms "database" and know their purpose
- If you know want to know how SQL specifically MySQL works
- If you are a little familiar with database relationships and why we need them
- If you would like to know how MySQL works with your programming language of choice such as PHP
MySQL is by far the most popular database management system for small- to medium-sized web projects. Only the proprietary Oracle database and the small embeddable SQLite are more widely deployed. MySQL is named after the eldest daughter of Ulf Michael Widenius, the main author of the original version of MySQL whose daughter’s name is My.
MySQL routines the Structured Query Language also known as SQL to define, update and query the database. SQL is used on fundamentally all major relational database systems, on many platforms and in many applications. I will cover the necessary skills to use and program a database using MySQL. It is the nature of database management systems that there is marvellous divergence between how SQL is implemented in each system. Most of this course is keen on showing you how SQL is implemented by MySQL and how it can be used effectively in your database applications.
In this course, I will provide clear, concise tutorials that guide you through creating and maintaining a MySQL database of your own. We will start with the basic syntax of SQL as it’s implemented by MySQL. I will explain how to use the select statement, and how to create, update, and delete data from your tables. I’ll show you specifically where the MySQL version of SQL differs from the standard, and how to get the most out of MySQL specific dialect.
I also will explore the
- basic syntax,
- using SQL statements to
- Create
- Insert
- Update
- And delete data from your tables
- I will also cover creating a new database from scratch
- Data types
- Transactions
- Subselects
- Views
- And stored routines
Plus, learn about the multi-platform PHP PDO interface that will help you connect your database to web applications.
I will cover creating and deleting databases, data types, transactions, sub selects, views, and stored routines. And finally, I will show you a full working CRUD application. CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update and Delete. MySQL is one of the most widely deployed database management systems in the world. Understanding MySQL will serve you well in your database applications.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: What is MySQL
Lecture 3: Using The Files
Lecture 4: Installation Information
Lecture 5: Setup a Package Manager
Lecture 6: Setup Working Environment
Lecture 7: Changing Time Zone for MySQL
Chapter 2: MySQL Syntax
Lecture 1: SELECT, Keyword, Expressions and Functions
Lecture 2: Row Selection
Lecture 3: Column Selection
Lecture 4: ORDER BY ASC and DESC
Lecture 5: WHERE Clause
Lecture 6: LIKE and IN Clauses
Lecture 7: REGEXP and RLIKE
Lecture 8: Using INSERT INTO to Insert Data
Lecture 9: Using UPDATE SET to Update Data
Lecture 10: DELETE and DROP
Lecture 11: Strings
Lecture 12: What is NULL?
Chapter 3: Creating Database
Lecture 2: Using Tables
Lecture 3: Using Indexes
Lecture 4: Using Constraints
Lecture 6: FOREIGN KEY
Lecture 7: ALTER TABLE
Chapter 4: Data Types
Lecture 1: Data Type Introduction
Lecture 2: Numeric Types
Lecture 3: String Types
Lecture 4: DATE and TIME Types
Lecture 5: BIT
Lecture 6: BOOLEAN Types
Lecture 7: ENUM and SET
Chapter 5: Functions
Lecture 1: String Function
Lecture 2: Numeric Functions
Lecture 3: Date and Time Functions
Lecture 4: Time Zone Support
Lecture 5: DTAE_FORMAT Function
Lecture 6: Grouping Functions
Lecture 7: Conditional Function
Chapter 6: Transactions
Lecture 1: How To Use Transactions?
Lecture 2: Transactions and Performance
Chapter 7: Triggers
Lecture 1: Using TRIGGER
Lecture 2: Using TRIGGER Preventing Auto Update
Lecture 3: Triggers and Transactions
Chapter 8: Views and Subselects
Lecture 1: How To Use Subselect and SUBSTR?
Lecture 2: Searching Within a Result Set
Lecture 3: How To Create VIEWs?
Lecture 4: How To Create JOIN VIEW?
Chapter 9: Routines
Lecture 1: What Are Routines?
Lecture 2: MySQL Functions
Lecture 3: MySQL Procedures
Chapter 10: PHP Data Objects
Lecture 1: What is PDO?
Lecture 2: PDO and Prepared Statement
Lecture 3: PHP and CRUD Application
Eric Azimi
Software Engineer and Web Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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