Flask for beginners: Create Real World Interactive Apps
Flask for beginners: Create Real World Interactive Apps, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 90 lectures, based on 151 reviews, and has 34278 subscribers.
You will learn about Creating and running a simple Flask app Creating Interactive Flask Apps Working with templates Setting up and connecting to a database Using GET and POST requests in FlaskData flow in Flask Setting up an API in Flask Templating flask apps with Bootstrap Message Flashing Creating routes for our applications Passing data through forms to flask app Implementing sessions and cookies Using conditionals and loops in flask app Saving app data to PostgreSQL Database Server Setup your project with version control Create remote repository on Github Deploying your project to the cloud on heroku This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to Flask or Beginners to web development or Beginners to programming It is particularly useful for Beginners to Flask or Beginners to web development or Beginners to programming.
Enroll now: Flask for beginners: Create Real World Interactive Apps
Title: Flask for beginners: Create Real World Interactive Apps
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 90
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 89
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Creating and running a simple Flask app
- Creating Interactive Flask Apps
- Working with templates
- Setting up and connecting to a database
- Using GET and POST requests in FlaskData flow in Flask
- Setting up an API in Flask
- Templating flask apps with Bootstrap
- Message Flashing
- Creating routes for our applications
- Passing data through forms to flask app
- Implementing sessions and cookies
- Using conditionals and loops in flask app
- Saving app data to PostgreSQL Database Server
- Setup your project with version control
- Create remote repository on Github
- Deploying your project to the cloud on heroku
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to Flask
- Beginners to web development
- Beginners to programming
Target Audiences
- Beginners to Flask
- Beginners to web development
- Beginners to programming
Flask is a Python framework for building lightweight and dynamic web applications. It helps speed up tedious behind-the-scenes development work, such as URL mapping, and offers more control to the developer to build applications . This course provides the training and hands-on examples you need to get started quickly. We will create two complete interactive web applications and also deploy them to the cloud so others can interact with them. You will learn skills that professional web developers use.
Learning objectives
Creating and running a simple Flask app
Creating a Flask project
Working with templates
Setting up and connecting to a database
Working with Flask-Security
Deploying your project to Heroku
Create remote repository on GitHub
Setup your project with version control
Using GET and POST requests in Flask Data flow in Flask
Setting up an API in Flask
Templating flask with Bootstrap
Create a JSON API
Message Flashing
Creating routes for our applications
Passing data through forms to flask app
Using redirect and url_functions
Implementing sessions and cookies
Using conditionals and loops in flask app
Saving app data to PostgreSQL Database Server
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Projects we will create
Lecture 3: Downloadable Completed Project Source Codes
Lecture 4: What is Python
Lecture 5: What is Flask
Lecture 6: Pros and Cons of Using Flask
Lecture 7: Technologies we will be using
Lecture 8: Terminal Vs Command Prompt
Lecture 9: Python Modules and Packages
Chapter 2: Installations and Setups
Lecture 1: Installing Python
Lecture 2: Updating Pip
Lecture 3: Installing Atom
Lecture 4: Creating project directory
Lecture 5: Creating and activating a virtual environment
Lecture 6: Installing Virtual Environment Tool
Lecture 7: Functions | Classes | Objects | Methods
Chapter 3: Creating a minimal flask application
Lecture 1: Creating a minimal flask application
Lecture 2: Flask development server
Lecture 3: Basic components of a flask application
Lecture 4: Dynamic Routes
Lecture 5: Using development server in debug mode
Lecture 6: Rendering templates
Lecture 7: Using control structures in templates
Lecture 8: Template Inheritance
Lecture 9: Installing and initializing bootstrap
Lecture 10: Flask bootstrap template blocks
Lecture 11: Integrating bootstrap into template
Lecture 12: Creating custom error pages
Chapter 4: Project : Creating a URL Shortener and API App
Lecture 1: Creating virtual environment with venv
Lecture 2: Creating a minimal flask application
Lecture 3: Running your minimal app
Lecture 4: Creating a second route
Lecture 5: Rendering templates
Lecture 6: Passing data through forms to flask app
Lecture 7: Passing form variables to other routes
Lecture 8: HTTP Request Methods
Lecture 9: Using redirect and url_for functions
Lecture 10: Saving data to JSON File
Lecture 11: Appending data to JSON File
Lecture 12: Flashing messages to users
Lecture 13: Creating variable routes for short names
Lecture 14: Displaying custom error pages
Lecture 15: Implementing sessions and cookies
Lecture 16: What is an API
Lecture 17: Creating a JSON API
Lecture 18: Extending Templates
Lecture 19: Static Files
Lecture 20: What is Bootstrap
Lecture 21: Bootstrap Installation Options
Lecture 22: Download Bootstrap
Lecture 23: Bootstrap Dependencies
Lecture 24: Minimum Basic Bootstrap Template
Lecture 25: Basic Anatomy of an HTML Document
Lecture 26: Populating Static Directory
Lecture 27: Modifying the base template
Lecture 28: Modifying the index template
Lecture 29: Modifying the page not found template
Lecture 30: Modifying the your url template
Lecture 31: What is WSGI
Lecture 32: Installing Gunicorn Server
Lecture 33: Git and Github
Lecture 34: Creating account on heroku
Lecture 35: Creating a new app on heroku
Lecture 36: Creating a Procfile and Requirements file
Lecture 37: Creating a repository on Github
Lecture 38: Deploying app to heroku
Chapter 5: Project 2: Create an Interactive Quote App
Lecture 1: Create a virtual environment with venv
Lecture 2: Managing Python Packages
Lecture 3: Creating and activating a virtual environment
Lecture 4: Installing Flask
Lecture 5: Setting up environment variables
Lecture 6: Creating a minimal app
Lecture 7: Creating endpoints
Lecture 8: Rendering templates
Lecture 9: Using conditional statements
Lecture 10: Iterating over a list in flask
Lecture 11: Favorite quotes templates
Lecture 12: Installing PostgreSQL
Lecture 13: Creating a new database in PostgreSQL
Lecture 14: Creating a route to process form data
Lecture 15: Database Integration
Lecture 16: Database Configuration
Lecture 17: Creating a table
Lecture 18: Installing Gunicorn Server
Lecture 19: Storing form data inside database
Lecture 20: Testing Application
Lecture 21: Deploying app to heroku – Part 1
Lecture 22: Deploying app to heroku – Part 2
Lecture 23: Thank You
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 60 votes
- 5 stars: 67 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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