Flask Landing – Learn the Python Microframework
Flask Landing – Learn the Python Microframework, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 55 lectures, based on 20 reviews, and has 179 subscribers.
You will learn about Flask Web Development SQLAlchemy & Flask SQLAlchmey Gunicorn & Production-ready Flask Project Building a Web App This course is ideal for individuals who are Python developers looking to learn to build web apps or Data scientists looking to learn to eventually have a microservice for production level machine learning or Django developers who want to build microservices without the scope of Django or Tech enthusaists looking to enrich their skills or IOT Devs looking to have a web app to help handle various sensors and electronic (ie what you learn here you can apply to a Raspberry pi to control stuff) It is particularly useful for Python developers looking to learn to build web apps or Data scientists looking to learn to eventually have a microservice for production level machine learning or Django developers who want to build microservices without the scope of Django or Tech enthusaists looking to enrich their skills or IOT Devs looking to have a web app to help handle various sensors and electronic (ie what you learn here you can apply to a Raspberry pi to control stuff).
Enroll now: Flask Landing – Learn the Python Microframework
Title: Flask Landing – Learn the Python Microframework
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Flask Web Development
- SQLAlchemy & Flask SQLAlchmey
- Gunicorn & Production-ready Flask Project
- Building a Web App
Who Should Attend
- Python developers looking to learn to build web apps
- Data scientists looking to learn to eventually have a microservice for production level machine learning
- Django developers who want to build microservices without the scope of Django
- Tech enthusaists looking to enrich their skills
- IOT Devs looking to have a web app to help handle various sensors and electronic (ie what you learn here you can apply to a Raspberry pi to control stuff)
Target Audiences
- Python developers looking to learn to build web apps
- Data scientists looking to learn to eventually have a microservice for production level machine learning
- Django developers who want to build microservices without the scope of Django
- Tech enthusaists looking to enrich their skills
- IOT Devs looking to have a web app to help handle various sensors and electronic (ie what you learn here you can apply to a Raspberry pi to control stuff)
Flask is a flexible web framework written in Python. It’s narrow in scope so that means it’s much easier to learn.
A web application with Flask can be as simple as 1 function with 4 total linesof code. Regardless of your technical background, what I want that to signal to you is that Flask can be very very small in scope which means a much smaller learning curve.
Of course, you can add all kinds of technology (such as a SQL database), to make Flask even more functional but that’s completely optional.
Here’s a few use cases of flask:
Quick and fast RESTful API service
Microservice for offloading tasks from a main app (such as a Django app) to handle all sorts of processing (creating thumbnails, running machine learning, doing web scraping, sending notifications, calculating bills and invoices, and so on)
Full fledged Web Application (user login, data storage, user sharing, etc)
Integrating into an iot device to control sensors, motors, servos, mics, cameras, and so on.
As middleman between services like Shopify and Zapier. (Ie you need to analyze some customer data from Shopify before it becomes a zap?)
Anything you can image
Flask, as with many Python Package, can almost do anything you can image. And there’s a good chance that someone has already created a package to help your project’s development time increase in a big way.
Django vs Flask
These two are compared all the time. At their core, they attempt to accomplish the same thing: web application development. But they do it in very different ways.
First off, remember that Python is flexible so Django and Flask are flexible.
Flask can be more flexible but increases development time on larger projects
Django cuts long term development time on larger projects
Flask is smaller as in file size
Django is bigger but has many security features built in (such as CSRF and clickjacking)
Django has an ORM
Flask can easily be integrated into SQLAlchemy
If you know Flask, learning Django will be easier and vice versa. In fact, once you know any python web framework it’s much easier to learn others so you can find the best library that your project needs.
Are you ready to begin?
Let’s do this!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome & Overview
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Walkthrough & Requirements
Lecture 3: Create a Virtual Environment
Lecture 4: Sublime Text & Reactivate Virtual Environment
Chapter 2: Hello World
Lecture 1: Hello World with Flask
Lecture 2: WSGI for Local Development
Chapter 3: URLs, Views, and Template
Lecture 1: URL Routing
Lecture 2: Flask App as Package
Lecture 3: Modules Driving One Purpose
Lecture 4: Render HTML Template
Lecture 5: Render Template Variables
Lecture 6: Keep Logic in Views not Templates
Lecture 7: Jinja Templates & Base HTML
Lecture 8: Render JSON
Chapter 4: Forms with Flask
Lecture 1: Landing Page Form
Lecture 2: POST Method and Request Data
Lecture 3: Validation & CSRF
Lecture 4: Python eval
Lecture 5: Adding CSRF Protection to Flask
Lecture 6: A Form with Flask WTF
Chapter 5: Form Validation with Flask
Lecture 1: Basic Form Validation with wtforms
Lecture 2: Email & Custom Validation with wtforms
Lecture 3: Render the Flask WTF Form in Template
Lecture 4: Input Class and Placeholder in Flask WTF Forms
Chapter 6: Database & Models
Lecture 1: Setup a Database.
Lecture 2: Your First Model with SQLAlchemy
Lecture 3: Save to Database
Lecture 4: Track Modification Error
Lecture 5: Database Actions in Flask Shell
Lecture 6: Convenience Methods for CRUD
Chapter 7: Create Update Retrieve and Delete with Views and Forms
Lecture 1: Saving Data to a Model via a Form
Lecture 2: Validation Form against Database with Model Lookup
Lecture 3: Database Object to Detail View
Lecture 4: First or 404
Lecture 5: Update View and Prefill Form Data
Lecture 6: Save Updates in Update View
Lecture 7: Exclude Items from SQLAlchemy Query
Lecture 8: Delete & Confirm
Lecture 9: List View and Redirects
Chapter 8: Navigation
Lecture 1: Navbar with Include
Lecture 2: Dynamic URL Paths with url_for
Lecture 3: url_for with Arguments
Chapter 9: Database and Migrations
Lecture 1: Signals
Lecture 2: Change Models with Flask Migrate
Lecture 3: Fresh Migrate and DB
Lecture 4: Migrate Again
Chapter 10: Production and Going Live
Lecture 1: Password Protect a View
Lecture 2: Prep Landing Page for Production
Lecture 3: Gunicorn Server
Lecture 4: Heroku and Live App
Lecture 5: Making Changes for Production
Lecture 6: Custom Domain
Lecture 7: Adding HTTPs with ACM
Chapter 11: Wrap up
Lecture 1: Suggested Next Steps
Lecture 2: Thank you
Justin Mitchel
Coding Entrepreneur & Teacher – 568,000+ Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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