Flutter UI Certification-Your Complete UI Masterclass
Flutter UI Certification-Your Complete UI Masterclass, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 70 lectures, based on 5 reviews, and has 96 subscribers.
You will learn about Build beautiful mobile and web UI with Flutter and Dart Learn how to implement basic and advanced Flutter widgets Design and implement your own custom widgets Visualize data with Flutter Flutter UI Development Flutter UI basics Flutter component Usage How to make ui's in flutter Flutter project building Flutter ui project building This course is ideal for individuals who are Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skills or Flutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets or Beginner Flutter developers or Flutter developers or Intermediate Flutter developers or Flutter UI developers It is particularly useful for Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skills or Flutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets or Beginner Flutter developers or Flutter developers or Intermediate Flutter developers or Flutter UI developers.
Enroll now: Flutter UI Certification-Your Complete UI Masterclass
Title: Flutter UI Certification-Your Complete UI Masterclass
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Published Lectures: 70
Number of Curriculum Items: 70
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 70
Original Price: ₹2,499
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build beautiful mobile and web UI with Flutter and Dart
- Learn how to implement basic and advanced Flutter widgets
- Design and implement your own custom widgets
- Visualize data with Flutter
- Flutter UI Development
- Flutter UI basics
- Flutter component Usage
- How to make ui's in flutter
- Flutter project building
- Flutter ui project building
Who Should Attend
- Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skills
- Flutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets
- Beginner Flutter developers
- Flutter developers
- Intermediate Flutter developers
- Flutter UI developers
Target Audiences
- Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skills
- Flutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets
- Beginner Flutter developers
- Flutter developers
- Intermediate Flutter developers
- Flutter UI developers
Hey there.
Are you looking to learn how to build beautiful Android and iOS apps with Flutter and Dart or having trouble building out mobile designs?
This course will teach you how to build the UI of ten amazing mobile apps all from scratch!
Login-Sign up UI with Animation
Carousel App UI
Artistic App UI
Buying Frames App UI
Online Course Seller App UI
Donation App UI
Food Booking App UI
Music Player App UI
Shopping cart and Checkout UI
Cleaner App UI
As a mobile app developer, you must understand the importance of implementing clean and intuitive UI. It is essentialto crafting the best user experience possible. It is because of this fact that apps like Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram keep on making changes to their app’s UI frequently on the basis of the feedback to improve the user interactivity.
You will learn how to:
Implement basic and advanced Flutter widgets
Write your own custom widgets
Write classes for representing screens
Animate widgets
Use stack-based screen navigation
Debug your code
Add packages to enhance your UI
Use native widgets in a better way
Build responsive user interfaces for mobile and web
And much more!
I hope you enjoy this course, and I’m looking forward to seeing the amazing apps you create!
Who this course is for:
Flutter developers who want to improve their UI skills
Flutter developers who want to learn basic and advanced Flutter widgets
Beginner Flutter developers
Flutter developers
Intermediate Flutter developers
Flutter UI developers
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Ask your Questions
Chapter 2: Login-Sign up UI with Animation
Lecture 1: Creating the Initial Widgets
Lecture 2: Adding Right Slide Animation and the initial part of Login Sign Up switcher
Lecture 3: Adding some widgets in Login Sign Up switcher screen
Lecture 4: Adding Left Slide Animation and Completing the Login sign up switcher screen
Lecture 5: Working on the Sign up screen
Lecture 6: Working on the Login screen
Chapter 3: Carousel UI
Lecture 1: Creating the Initial Widgets
Lecture 2: Implementing the Carousel Package
Lecture 3: Mapping the items and Making the Components
Lecture 4: Starting with the on boarding carousel screen
Lecture 5: Working with the Components and Final Output
Chapter 4: Artistic UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Working on Screen1
Lecture 3: Working on Screen 2
Lecture 4: Working on Screen 3
Lecture 5: Final Output
Chapter 5: Buying Frames UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Working on the Main Screen
Lecture 3: Working on the Catalog Screen
Lecture 4: Working on the makeItem Widget
Lecture 5: Working on the Product Detail Screen
Lecture 6: Final Output
Chapter 6: Online Course Seller UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Starting with the HomeScreen
Lecture 3: Working on appBar of Homepage Screen
Lecture 4: Working on the body of Homepage Screen
Lecture 5: Working on initial part of Courses Screen
Lecture 6: Working on overlay widget for Courses Screen
Lecture 7: Working on the Video Screen
Lecture 8: Final Output
Chapter 7: Donation App UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Initial Setup and Appbar
Lecture 3: Starting with the body of HomeScreen
Lecture 4: Working on the GridViewItem Widget
Lecture 5: Working on the final Widget
Lecture 6: Final Output
Lecture 7: Access the Code
Chapter 8: Food Booking App UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Starting with the body widgets
Lecture 3: Creating the Food Item Widget
Lecture 4: Working on children's for the Column
Lecture 5: Final Output
Chapter 9: Music Player App UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Working on appBar and body of Homepage Screen
Lecture 3: Working on multiple widget for home screen
Lecture 4: Working on song operation widget
Lecture 5: Working on remaining widgets
Lecture 6: Final Output
Chapter 10: Shopping cart and Checkout UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Working on the Home Screen
Lecture 3: Working on Screen 2
Lecture 4: Working on Circular Tab Indicator
Lecture 5: Working on Screen for Tab 1
Lecture 6: Working on Screen for Tab 3
Lecture 7: Updating the Home Screen
Lecture 8: Final Output
Chapter 11: Cleaner App UI
Lecture 1: UI Overview
Lecture 2: Initial Setup and Working on Screen 1
Lecture 3: Working on Screen 2
Lecture 4: Final Output
Lecture 5: Access the Code
Chapter 12: What's next?
Lecture 1: Test-ui1
Lecture 2: Images for Test UI-1
Lecture 3: Test UI-2
Lecture 4: Images for Test UI-2
Chapter 13: Thank you for Watching
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Lecture 2: Bonus-Seek support
Chapter 14: Updates
Lecture 1: Updates
Harsh Kumar Khatri
Flutter Developer | Founder, Hexhybrids
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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