Flutter with Firebase Bootcamp: The complete guide [2023]
Flutter with Firebase Bootcamp: The complete guide [2023], available at $74.99, has an average rating of 3.45, with 71 lectures, based on 46 reviews, and has 371 subscribers.
You will learn about Authentication[Using package and REST APIs], Realtime Database Cloud Firestore, Firebase storage Dynamic Link, Firebase Hosting Firebase Push Notification[REST APIs], Firebase In-App-Messaging This course is ideal for individuals who are Google Flutter or Android and ios developers or Mobile application developer or Firebase or Flutter Firebase or Flutter It is particularly useful for Google Flutter or Android and ios developers or Mobile application developer or Firebase or Flutter Firebase or Flutter.
Enroll now: Flutter with Firebase Bootcamp: The complete guide [2023]
Title: Flutter with Firebase Bootcamp: The complete guide [2023]
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 3.45
Number of Lectures: 71
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Curriculum Items: 72
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Authentication[Using package and REST APIs], Realtime Database
- Cloud Firestore, Firebase storage
- Dynamic Link, Firebase Hosting
- Firebase Push Notification[REST APIs], Firebase In-App-Messaging
Who Should Attend
- Google Flutter
- Android and ios developers
- Mobile application developer
- Firebase
- Flutter Firebase
- Flutter
Target Audiences
- Google Flutter
- Android and ios developers
- Mobile application developer
- Firebase
- Flutter Firebase
- Flutter
In this module, I will teach you how to use the firebase auth service to perform authentication. We will cover authentication using the following providers:
EMAIL PASSWORD AUTHENTICATION[ Signup, Sign in, Verify the user’s email, and Reset the password]
This module will teach us how to integrate firebase auth REST API with our flutter apps. We will use the provider state management helper to manage the app’s state. We will explore the following feature:
Sign up and sign in
Save user data to local storage
Auto Logging in user
Update user name and photo URL
Forget password
Change password
Exception handling
This module will teach you about the CRUDoperation using the cloud firestore database.
Read the data from the cloud firestore database.
Write the data from the cloud firestore database.
Delete the data from the cloud firestore database.
Update the data on the cloud firestore database.
In this module, you will learn about the CRUDoperation using the real-time database REST APIs.
Read the data from the real-time database.
Write the data from the real-time database.
Delete the data from the real-time database.
Update the data on the real-time database.
In this module we learn about how to work with the firebase storage feature using flutter:
Upload PDF File to Firebase Storage.
Get PDF file details from Firebase Cloud Firestore.
Download the file from firebase and view the PDF File.
In this module, we will learn how to:
Create Dynamic Link Manually using the Firebase console for Android, iOS, and desktop apps.
Share mobile app using Dynamic Link
Share the product and open a particular screen using Dynamic Link
Open the screen when it is closed using firebase dynamic links
In this module we will learn about how to work with firebase push notifications using the REST APIs:
Create an http request to send a firebase push notification.
How to send push notifications to a particular user?
How to handle notifications in various app states?
Navigate the user to a screen on notification tap
In this module, we will learn about how we can host a flutter web app using the firebase hosting service.
FIREBASE In-App-Messenging:
In this module, we will learn about how we can send an In-App-Message to our flutter application using the firebase console.
Using Firebase as the backend is really a good idea because the Firebase team officially manages the firebase API, in a survey, almost 66% of the mobile app built with Flutter uses Firebase services. Firebase provides us with services like authentication, real-time database, cloud firestore, messaging, storage, and many more.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course app preview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Firebase Authentication Demo
Lecture 3: Firebase REST API Authentication Demo
Lecture 4: Firebase Cloud Firestore Crud Operation Demo
Lecture 5: Realtime Database CRUD Operation
Lecture 6: Firebase Storage in Flutter
Lecture 7: Firebase Dynamic Link Demo
Lecture 8: Firebase Push notification
Lecture 9: Firebase In- App-Messaging
Chapter 2: Firebase setup
Lecture 1: Setup your flutter project with firebase
Chapter 3: M1: Firebase Authentication[Email/Password]
Lecture 1: Email/Password [UI & STATE MANAGEMENT]
Lecture 2: Email/Password [Authentication methods]
Lecture 3: Email/Password [Email verification]
Lecture 4: Email/Password [Reset password]
Lecture 5: Email/Password [iOS configuration]
Chapter 4: M1: Firebase Authentication[Phone]
Lecture 1: Phone[UI & STATE MANAGEMENT]
Lecture 2: Phone[Verify phone number, send OTP, sign in using credentials]
Chapter 5: M1: Firebase Authentication[Google Accounts]
Lecture 1: Google[Setup]
Lecture 2: Flutter Firebase Google sign in method
Chapter 6: M1: Firebase Authentication[Twitter]
Lecture 1: Android and iOS setup
Lecture 2: Flutter Firebase Twitter authentication method
Chapter 7: M2: Firebase REST API Authentication
Lecture 1: Firebase REST API Setup
Lecture 2: Download Resource
Lecture 3: UI and State management[ Provider ]
Lecture 4: Flutter Firebase Sign Up Signin REST API
Lecture 5: Firebase auth REST API Error handling
Lecture 6: Save user data to local storage
Lecture 7: Auto Logging in user
Lecture 8: Forget password
Lecture 9: Change password
Lecture 10: Logout
Lecture 11: Update user name and photo url
Chapter 8: M3: Cloud Firestore [CRUD Operation]
Lecture 1: UI of the app
Lecture 2: Android and iOS setup
Lecture 3: CREATE operation
Lecture 4: READ operation
Lecture 5: READ operation[Filter Data]
Lecture 6: UPDATE operation
Lecture 7: DELETE operation
Chapter 9: M4: Realtime Database[CRUD Operation using HTTP package]
Lecture 1: UI of the app
Lecture 2: Setting up the project
Lecture 3: Download resources
Lecture 4: CREATE operation
Lecture 5: READ operation
Lecture 6: Refresh data
Lecture 7: UPDATE operation
Lecture 8: DELETE operation
Lecture 9: Managing the state using PROVIDER
Chapter 10: M5: Firebase storage [ Example using PDF ]
Lecture 1: PDF Module Setup
Lecture 2: Upload PDF File to Firebase Storage
Lecture 3: Get PDF file details form Firebase Cloud Firestore
Lecture 4: Download file from firebease and view PDF File
Lecture 5: Create a custom PDF File
Chapter 11: M6: Firebase Dynamic Link in Flutter
Lecture 1: Flutter Firebase dynamic link Preview
Lecture 2: Set up for Dynamic Link
Lecture 3: Create Dynamic Link Manually using Firebase console
Lecture 4: Share mobile app using Dynamic Link
Lecture 5: Share product and open particular screen using Dynamic Link
Lecture 6: Open screen when is closed
Chapter 12: M7: Firebase Push notification
Lecture 1: Send Push notification to a particular user using REST API
Lecture 2: Handling push notification in Foreground state using local notification
Lecture 3: Navigate the user to a screen on notification tap
Chapter 13: M8: Firebase Hosting
Lecture 1: Firebase Hosting
Chapter 14: M9: Firebase In-app-messaging
Lecture 1: Firebase In-app-messaging
Chapter 15: Payment[Stripe integration]
Lecture 1: Stripe Preview
Lecture 2: Stripe setup
Lecture 3: Code
Mobile Application Developer Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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