From Excel to SQL, Master SQL Like a Pro!
From Excel to SQL, Master SQL Like a Pro!, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 96 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 12 reviews, and has 43 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop a strong foundation in SQL, mastering syntax, database concepts, and querying techniques for efficient data manipulation. Seamlessly transfer Excel skills to SQL, leveraging familiarity with formulas and functions to perform data analysis effortlessly. Execute complex SQL queries, extracting and transforming data for advanced analysis, utilizing aggregation, joins, and subqueries. Generate insightful reports and visualizations in SQL, summarizing data, creating calculated fields, and effectively communicating findings. Acquire practical knowledge of database management and best practices, ensuring efficient data retrieval, organization, and optimization in SQL This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners with no prior IT or SQL background, looking to learn SQL from scratch using Excel as a reference. or Excel users seeking to expand their data analysis capabilities by acquiring SQL skills in a beginner-friendly manner. or Professionals in various roles (finance, marketing, HR, etc.) who rely on Excel and want to enhance their data analysis using SQL. or Individuals interested in data analysis careers, wanting to start with SQL and gain a solid foundation for further learning. or Students or self-learners aiming to acquire practical SQL skills, with a focus on applying them within the context of Excel-based data analysis. It is particularly useful for Beginners with no prior IT or SQL background, looking to learn SQL from scratch using Excel as a reference. or Excel users seeking to expand their data analysis capabilities by acquiring SQL skills in a beginner-friendly manner. or Professionals in various roles (finance, marketing, HR, etc.) who rely on Excel and want to enhance their data analysis using SQL. or Individuals interested in data analysis careers, wanting to start with SQL and gain a solid foundation for further learning. or Students or self-learners aiming to acquire practical SQL skills, with a focus on applying them within the context of Excel-based data analysis.
Enroll now: From Excel to SQL, Master SQL Like a Pro!
Title: From Excel to SQL, Master SQL Like a Pro!
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 96
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 96
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 108
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 108
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop a strong foundation in SQL, mastering syntax, database concepts, and querying techniques for efficient data manipulation.
- Seamlessly transfer Excel skills to SQL, leveraging familiarity with formulas and functions to perform data analysis effortlessly.
- Execute complex SQL queries, extracting and transforming data for advanced analysis, utilizing aggregation, joins, and subqueries.
- Generate insightful reports and visualizations in SQL, summarizing data, creating calculated fields, and effectively communicating findings.
- Acquire practical knowledge of database management and best practices, ensuring efficient data retrieval, organization, and optimization in SQL
Who Should Attend
- Beginners with no prior IT or SQL background, looking to learn SQL from scratch using Excel as a reference.
- Excel users seeking to expand their data analysis capabilities by acquiring SQL skills in a beginner-friendly manner.
- Professionals in various roles (finance, marketing, HR, etc.) who rely on Excel and want to enhance their data analysis using SQL.
- Individuals interested in data analysis careers, wanting to start with SQL and gain a solid foundation for further learning.
- Students or self-learners aiming to acquire practical SQL skills, with a focus on applying them within the context of Excel-based data analysis.
Target Audiences
- Beginners with no prior IT or SQL background, looking to learn SQL from scratch using Excel as a reference.
- Excel users seeking to expand their data analysis capabilities by acquiring SQL skills in a beginner-friendly manner.
- Professionals in various roles (finance, marketing, HR, etc.) who rely on Excel and want to enhance their data analysis using SQL.
- Individuals interested in data analysis careers, wanting to start with SQL and gain a solid foundation for further learning.
- Students or self-learners aiming to acquire practical SQL skills, with a focus on applying them within the context of Excel-based data analysis.
Unlock the full potential of your data analysis skills by seamlessly transitioning from Excel to SQL with our comprehensive course, “From Excel to SQL, Master SQL Like a Pro!” Designed specifically for Excel users and beginners in SQL, this course provides a smooth and intuitive learning path to master the world of SQL.
Whether you’re an Excel power user or rely on spreadsheets for your daily work, this course will empower you to take your data analysis and reporting skills to new heights. You’ll discover how to leverage your existing Excel knowledge and apply it directly to SQL, eliminating the learning curve and accelerating your proficiency.
Through practical examples and hands-on exercises, you’ll learn how to manipulate data, perform complex queries, and generate insightful reports using SQL. We’ll guide you through each step, demonstrating how to seamlessly translate Excel tasks and functions into powerful SQL queries. You’ll gain a deep understanding of SQL syntax, database management, and best practices for efficient data retrieval and analysis.
Key Features:
Master SQL effortlessly with an Excel-like approach
Seamlessly transition from Excel to SQL with ease and confidence
Learn practical SQL skills for data manipulation, complex queries, and reporting
Gain a deep understanding of SQL syntax, database management, and best practices
Hands-on exercises and real-world examples to reinforce learning
Excel-centric teaching approach for practical application of SQL concepts
Suitable for Excel users and beginners in SQL looking to enhance their data analysis skills
Unlock the power of SQL and revolutionize your data analysis workflow. Enroll now in “From Excel to SQL, Master SQL Like a Pro!” and propel your career to new heights by combining Excel’s familiarity with the capabilities of SQL.
What you can learn from this course,
Data analysis
Database management
SQL queries
Data manipulation
Data visualization
Excel formulas
Data analytics
SQL syntax
Data extraction
Data transformation
Data aggregation
Excel functions
Practical examples
Hands-on exercises
Excel-like approach
Step-by-step instructions
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Logging to snowflake
Lecture 3: Preparation
Chapter 2: Basic
Lecture 1: Select ALL
Lecture 2: Select specific columns
Lecture 3: Select specific Rows :- Where Clause
Lecture 4: Multiple Filters :- AND, OR, IN, Between, Not In, Not Between
Lecture 5: Aggregation :- SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVG
Lecture 6: Select unique values :- DISTINCT & Group By
Lecture 7: Filters on Aggregated Data :- Having Clause
Lecture 8: Column Alias :- Use cases ( AS )
Lecture 9: Conditional Logic :- CASE, IFF
Lecture 10: Limiting records :- TOP, Limit, Sample
Lecture 11: Intro to NULL, finding NULL values, replace NULL with Coalease, NULLIFZERO
Lecture 12: Sorting the output :- ORDER BY
Lecture 13: Subquery
Chapter 3: Joins
Lecture 1: Join Concept
Lecture 2: Inner JOIN
Lecture 3: Left JOIN
Lecture 4: Right JOIN
Lecture 5: Full Outer JOIN
Lecture 6: CROSS JOIN
Chapter 4: SET Operators
Lecture 1: Set Operator – Concept
Lecture 2: UNION ALL
Lecture 3: UNION
Lecture 4: MINUS / Except
Lecture 5: INTERSECT
Chapter 5: DML
Lecture 1: Insert Into the table :- 1 row, multiple rows at a time (Manual)
Lecture 2: Insert Into the table :- From other tables
Lecture 3: Handling NOT NULL columns :- Default Values
Lecture 4: Update a specific value
Lecture 5: Update using other tables
Lecture 6: Delete Specific row in table
Lecture 7: Delete based upon reference table
Lecture 8: Truncate
Lecture 9: Merge
Chapter 6: DDL
Lecture 1: Data Types
Lecture 2: Create Table, Primary Key, Not Null
Lecture 3: Create Table with Like and Clone
Lecture 4: Alter Table :- Add a column
Lecture 5: Alter Table :- Drop a column
Lecture 6: Alter Table :- Rename a column
Lecture 7: Drop Table
Lecture 8: Create View
Lecture 9: Create Materialized View
Chapter 7: Type Casting
Lecture 1: Number to String :- to_char/to_varchar
Lecture 2: String to Number :- To_Number
Lecture 3: String to Date :- To_Date
Chapter 8: Advanced SQL
Lecture 1: Pivot
Lecture 2: Unpivot
Lecture 3: Aggregate with LISTAGG
Lecture 4: Table Functions
Lecture 5: Hierarchy
Lecture 6: Hierarchy using Connect By
Lecture 7: Recursive SQL
Lecture 8: Common Table Expression :- CTE
Chapter 9: Window Functions
Lecture 1: Windows Functions + Rank
Lecture 2: Row_Number
Lecture 3: NTILE
Lecture 4: Dense_Rank
Lecture 5: LAG & LEAD
Lecture 6: First_Value, Last_Value, NTH_Value
Lecture 7: Cumulative Sum
Lecture 8: Handling Duplicates
Chapter 10: String Functions
Lecture 1: Concat
Lecture 2: Len
Lecture 3: Substr
Lecture 4: Position
Lecture 5: Upper case, Lower case & proper case
Lecture 6: Trim
Lecture 7: Replace
Lecture 8: Reverse
Lecture 9: Contains
Lecture 10: ARRAY_AGG
Lecture 11: Translate
Chapter 11: Number Functions
Lecture 1: SUM, Count, Min, Max, AVG, ABS
Lecture 2: Arithmetic Operations
Lecture 3: Convert String to Number
Chapter 12: Date Functions
Simplifying IT
Team working to simplify IT knowledge
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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