Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours
Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 320 lectures, 33 quizzes, based on 875 reviews, and has 4900 subscribers.
You will learn about Android This is the most comprehensive Android course. Learn Android app development with practices and build your android development skills. Due to its open-source nature, working with the Android platform necessitates constantly learning about the Android platform. My Android development course on Udemy keeps you ahead of this learning curve with hands-on lectures on Android operating systems and more. Learn the most used operating system on the planet Learn the new version of Android. Here it is: Android 11 (Android R) Learn Publishing Android App on Google Play Start from scratch and become a Professional Android App Developer In this course, we will build 14 different real Android Apps from scratch together Android applications' levels in this course are from easy to difficult Learn how to develop modern Android Apps in the simplest way and improve your self-confidence You will reinforce your existing Android information by applying Using SQLite database, you will understand how to work with external databases You will be able to develop Android applications with powerful architecture using Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room). With Firebase, you will be able to develop real-time applications You will learn how to make a messaging app using Firebase You will be able to develop user-friendly interfaces using Material Design principles and components You will be able to develop modern Android apps This course is built to help beginners to start making applications in Android You will learn to develop games using Java Programming Language and Android Studio You will learn to develop applications by getting real-time data from the Internet You will have 14 different applications that you will publish on Google Play You can enroll this course if you want to develop advanced Android Applications using web integrated, online database. android app development android development android studio Learn the key concepts of the Git Learn the entire Git workflow Learn create branches, resolve conflicts, undoing things etc. Create and fork repositories on GitHub and push changes back after locally Learn how to collaborate a GitHub project Android 11 This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who want to develop an Android mobile application or Who wants to improve their existing android knowledge or Those who want to develop applications using the Java programming language or Those who want to develop modern applications and applications with a user-friendly interface or Those who want to develop applications with Firebase Real-Time Database, Architectural Components (View Model, Live Data, Room) and SQLite or Those who are curious about the Android Mobile game World or Those who want to improve their application development skills using Android studio and java programming language or A total beginner, with a curious mind and wants to be an app developer or Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become an Android developer It is particularly useful for Those who want to develop an Android mobile application or Who wants to improve their existing android knowledge or Those who want to develop applications using the Java programming language or Those who want to develop modern applications and applications with a user-friendly interface or Those who want to develop applications with Firebase Real-Time Database, Architectural Components (View Model, Live Data, Room) and SQLite or Those who are curious about the Android Mobile game World or Those who want to improve their application development skills using Android studio and java programming language or A total beginner, with a curious mind and wants to be an app developer or Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become an Android developer.
Enroll now: Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours
Title: Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 320
Number of Quizzes: 33
Number of Published Lectures: 320
Number of Published Quizzes: 33
Number of Curriculum Items: 353
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 353
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Android
- This is the most comprehensive Android course. Learn Android app development with practices and build your android development skills.
- Due to its open-source nature, working with the Android platform necessitates constantly learning about the Android platform.
- My Android development course on Udemy keeps you ahead of this learning curve with hands-on lectures on Android operating systems and more.
- Learn the most used operating system on the planet
- Learn the new version of Android. Here it is: Android 11 (Android R)
- Learn Publishing Android App on Google Play
- Start from scratch and become a Professional Android App Developer
- In this course, we will build 14 different real Android Apps from scratch together
- Android applications' levels in this course are from easy to difficult
- Learn how to develop modern Android Apps in the simplest way and improve your self-confidence
- You will reinforce your existing Android information by applying
- Using SQLite database, you will understand how to work with external databases
- You will be able to develop Android applications with powerful architecture using Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room).
- With Firebase, you will be able to develop real-time applications
- You will learn how to make a messaging app using Firebase
- You will be able to develop user-friendly interfaces using Material Design principles and components
- You will be able to develop modern Android apps
- This course is built to help beginners to start making applications in Android
- You will learn to develop games using Java Programming Language and Android Studio
- You will learn to develop applications by getting real-time data from the Internet
- You will have 14 different applications that you will publish on Google Play
- You can enroll this course if you want to develop advanced Android Applications using web integrated, online database.
- android app development
- android development
- android studio
- Learn the key concepts of the Git
- Learn the entire Git workflow
- Learn create branches, resolve conflicts, undoing things etc.
- Create and fork repositories on GitHub and push changes back after locally
- Learn how to collaborate a GitHub project
- Android 11
Who Should Attend
- Those who want to develop an Android mobile application
- Who wants to improve their existing android knowledge
- Those who want to develop applications using the Java programming language
- Those who want to develop modern applications and applications with a user-friendly interface
- Those who want to develop applications with Firebase Real-Time Database, Architectural Components (View Model, Live Data, Room) and SQLite
- Those who are curious about the Android Mobile game World
- Those who want to improve their application development skills using Android studio and java programming language
- A total beginner, with a curious mind and wants to be an app developer
- Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become an Android developer
Target Audiences
- Those who want to develop an Android mobile application
- Who wants to improve their existing android knowledge
- Those who want to develop applications using the Java programming language
- Those who want to develop modern applications and applications with a user-friendly interface
- Those who want to develop applications with Firebase Real-Time Database, Architectural Components (View Model, Live Data, Room) and SQLite
- Those who are curious about the Android Mobile game World
- Those who want to improve their application development skills using Android studio and java programming language
- A total beginner, with a curious mind and wants to be an app developer
- Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become an Android developer
Hi there,
Welcome to the “Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours” course
The most comprehensive Android app development course, learn android development with Android Studio & Java and level up
Android tablets and phones are very popular, and apps created for this operating system can reach a large audience Whether you are interested in a career in mobile app development or looking to develop a game or app of your own design independently, let our top rated instructors on Oak Academy help prepare you with an Android development course
Android is a prevalent mobile operating system in the smartphone and tablet markets It is used for games, business apps, and many other types of products for mobile devices A growing number of companies are developing for the Android user market As a result, the industry is seeing a greater need for Android developers An Android development course can get you started on this path or sharpen your existing skills in the field
Android development is a software creation process that focuses on applications, better known as apps, that are compatible with devices running the Android operating system (OS) Because Android is an open-source project, developers have easy access to the Android software development kit (SDK) Many use this kit in conjunction with Kotlin, Java, and C++ programming languages to make their apps The Android SDK tools compile your code along with any data and resource files into an APK, or Android package, which is an archive file that uses an apk suffix One APK file contains all Android app contents used by devices to install your app When the app is complete and ready for release, Android developers can upload their apps to the Google Play Store for users to download
Due to its open-source nature, working with the Androidplatform necessitates constantly learning about the Android platform My android development course on Udemy keeps you ahead of this learning curve, with hands-on lectures on Android operating systems and more
The Androidplatform is increasingly popular with developers and a dominant force in the global smartphone market As more businesses develop mobile apps for customer engagement, Android development skills are likely to stay in high demand
Do you want to improve your career options by learning android?
Do you want to learn android app development from Scratch?
Do you want to learn android development from Scratch?
Do you want to be an android studio master?
Do you want to build your first app?
If your answer is “yes” , you are at the right place!
This is the most comprehensive Android course Learn Android app development with practices and build your android development skills
Android is the most used operating system on the planet In fact, it’s almost omnipresent in the mobile ecosystem With millions of Android devices in use, and an incredible 500,000+ new Android devices activated daily, the popularity of Android applications is increasing exponentially – and with it, the demand for Android mobile application developers is soaring
If you’re interested in developing new and innovative applications for the world’s mobile platform, this course is a perfect match for you
This “Full Android 11 Masterclass Course | 14 Real Apps – 45 Hours” course will take you from beginner to advance level
Our passion is to carry our experience with the right examples to anyone who will enroll in this course In this course, you will learn Android app development step-by-step While doing kind of show and tell in our lectures we are also explaining whys During the lectures, we will be practicing with more than 10 examples and we will be learning to build and publish 14 major apps
What’s important
This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to professionals as a refresher
In this course you will learn;
Android Environment Setup – Download, install and configure the necessary software
Creating a New Project
Android Studio
Android Components
Components and Life Cycles
Publishing Your App on Google Play and more
You will reinforce your existing android information by applying
You will learn to develop games using Android Studio
You will learn to develop applications by getting real-time data from the Internet
Using SQLite database, you will understand how to work with external databases
You will be able to develop applications with powerful architecture using Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room)
You will learn how to make a messaging app using Firebase
With Firebase, you will be able to develop real-time applications
You will be able to develop user-friendly interfaces using Material Design principles and components
You will be able to develop modern Android apps
At the end of this course, you have following apps in the Google Play Store:
To-Do List
Math Game
Number Guessing Game
My Information Book
Note Take App
Photo Album
Quiz Game
Chat App
Weather App
Flag Quiz
MP3 Player
Balloon Burst Game
Help the Innocent Bird
What is Android Development?
Android development is a software creation process that focuses on applications, better known as apps, that are compatible with devices running the Android operating system (OS) Because Android is an open-source project, developers have easy access to the Android software development kit (SDK) Many use this kit in conjunction with Kotlin, Java, and C++ programming languages to make their apps The Android SDK tools compile your code along with any data and resource files into an APK, or Android package, which is an archive file that uses an apk suffix One APK file contains all Android app contents used by devices to install your app When the app is complete and ready for release, Android developerscan upload their apps to the Google Play Store for users to download
What are some of the important tools for Android Development?
The tools you will use for Android developmentdepend on how you would like to focus your career as an Android developer If you plan on focusing on native Android app development, you should know one or more of three programming languages: Java, Kotlin, and C++ Java and Kotlin are popular with a number of organizations that build their app natively C++ is the popular choice amongst developers who build high-performance games or plan on doing entry-level SDK work Some employers seek out Android developers that can create multiple platforms at the same time using programming frameworks like Flutter or React Native If you are working with Flutter, you will also need to know Dart If you are working with React Native, you will most likely also need JavaScript programming knowledge
Is Android Development a good career?
With over 2 5 billion active Android users globally, Android developmentis a valuable skill that can help you enhance your career Android development skills are in-demand around the world with various organizations across a broad range of industries When these organizations build Android apps natively, the top three programming languages are typically Java, Kotlin, and C++ You can also look for a job in Android development that uses cross-platform solutions like Flutter or React Native Whether you’re inspired to add a new language to your repertoire or prepare for an interview, you can find a ton of online resources on sites like OAK Academy to keep your Androidskills well-rounded
Is Kotlin or Java better for Android Development?
If you are building new Android apps, Kotlinis better suited because it is the recommended programming language for Android If you are a first-time programmer, Kotlin android is also a better choice as it has safety features and concise syntax that will help you focus on learning core program fundamentals You should note that in some cases, employers may seek out Android developers that have Java programming skills For example, if you plan on joining an organization that already has an Android app, they may already be using Java If they already have an app written in Java, it is unlikely they will want to redesign the app in a different language, such as android kotlin Therefore, you should look at the job requirements to see if the job posting you are interested in lists Java as a required skill
Why would you want to take this course?
Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching
OAK Academy based in London is an online education company OAK Academy gives education in the field of IT, Software, Design, development in Turkish, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and a lot of different language on Udemy platform where it has over 1000 hours of video education lessons OAK Academy both increase its education series number by publishing new courses, and it makes students aware of all the innovations of already published courses by upgrading
When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers’ expertise
This course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level
We will take you from beginner to advance level You will learn step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations
Fresh Content
It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate New tools are released every day, Google updates androidand it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge With this course, you will always have a chance to follow the latest trends
You’ll also get:
Lifetime Access to The Course
Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section
Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
Dive in now “Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours” course
The most comprehensive Android app development course, learn android development with Android Studio & Java and level up
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro to Full Android Development Masterclass | 14 Real Apps-46 Hours
Lecture 1: Android Ecosystem
Lecture 2: Installing Android Studio – Part 1
Lecture 3: Installing Android Studio – Part 2
Lecture 4: Creating a New Project on Android Studio
Lecture 5: Project Files and Course Documents
Lecture 6: FAQ About android app development
Chapter 2: Android Studio Interface
Lecture 1: Android Studio Interface
Lecture 2: Installing Android Virtual Device (AVD – Emulator) in android studio
Lecture 3: Enabling Virtualization (VT-x or AMD-V, SVM) in BIOS
Lecture 4: Installing Genymotion Emulator
Lecture 5: Gradle Build System in android development
Lecture 6: Introduction to Manifest File in android app development from scratch
Lecture 7: Introduction to Resource in android app development course
Lecture 8: R Java File
Chapter 3: Components of Android
Lecture 1: Layouts in android development from scratch
Lecture 2: Textviews in for android developer
Lecture 3: Buttons in android from scratch
Lecture 4: Edittexts in app development
Lecture 5: Image View in android course
Lecture 6: Checkbox in android app
Lecture 7: Radio Buttons in android app development
Lecture 8: Toggle buttons for android developer
Lecture 9: Spinner in android from scratch
Lecture 10: Creating Top App Bar (Toolbar – Action bar)
Lecture 11: Adding Menu Items to Toolbar
Lecture 12: All Codes for Section – 3
Chapter 4: User Interactions in android app development from scratch
Lecture 1: Toast Messages in android development course
Lecture 2: Snackbar Messages in android developer course
Lecture 3: Dialog Messages in android course
Chapter 5: Lists & Views in android development from scratch
Lecture 1: Constraint Layout
Lecture 2: ListView
Lecture 3: Recycler View – Part 1
Lecture 4: Recycler View – Part 2
Lecture 5: Grid View
Lecture 6: Scroll View
Lecture 7: WebView
Chapter 6: Components and LifeCycles in Android App Development
Lecture 1: Application Lifecycle
Lecture 2: Activity & Lifecycle
Lecture 3: Fragment & Lifecycle
Lecture 4: Services
Lecture 5: Receivers
Lecture 6: Intents in android app development
Chapter 7: Shared Preferences and data Saving
Lecture 1: Shared Preferences Class
Lecture 2: Saving Data Local Memory
Lecture 3: Calling Back Data
Chapter 8: Device Compatibility in android app development
Lecture 1: Multiple Language Support in android development
Lecture 2: Supporting Different Pixel Densities
Lecture 3: Support Different Screen Sizes
Chapter 9: Android Project 1
Lecture 1: To Do List
Chapter 10: Publishing Your App on Google Play
Lecture 1: Apk Release Version
Lecture 2: Building APK Files
Lecture 3: Google Play Developer Account
Lecture 4: Release Your App
Chapter 11: Android Project 2
Lecture 1: Math Game Part 1
Lecture 2: Math Game Part 2
Lecture 3: Math Game Part 3
Lecture 4: Math Game Part 4
Lecture 5: Math Game Part 5
Lecture 6: Math Game Part 6
Chapter 12: Introduction to Git
Lecture 1: What is GIT and Why We Use It?
Lecture 2: Project Files
Lecture 3: Installation
Lecture 4: Let’s learn how to use Git?
Lecture 5: Creating a Repo
Lecture 6: Staging and Unstaging Files
Lecture 7: Making Commits
Lecture 8: Undoing Things
Lecture 9: GIT Revert
Lecture 10: Branches
Lecture 11: Merging Branches
Lecture 12: Fixing Conflicts
Chapter 13: GitHub
Lecture 1: Intro to Github
Lecture 2: Creating Repo on GITHUB
Oak Academy
Web & Mobile Development, IOS, Android, Ethical Hacking, IT -
OAK Academy Team
instructor -
Mehmet ÖNGEL
Android Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 19 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 70 votes
- 4 stars: 254 votes
- 5 stars: 524 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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