FullStack Vaadin (14-24+) – Practical Solutions
FullStack Vaadin (14-24+) – Practical Solutions, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 51 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 109 reviews, and has 8627 subscribers.
You will learn about Create, step-by-step, a basic single-page Vaadin application Using Vaadin @Push for websocket communication Create MS Excel files from dynamic data, use advanced formatting, embed images, etc. Create PDF files on-fly with nice formatting, images, barcodes Using MongoDB as a persistent data store(database backend) Manage file upload and download using MongoDB GridFS as data storage from your Vaadin applications Create web applications without writing JavaScript or HTML directly This course is ideal for individuals who are ‘Fullstack Vaadin’ course is targeted for individuals or small/medium teams of professional Java developers that want to be productive and competitive in this large market. You will see that Vaadin can help you to create applications that you can maintain easily for decades. It is particularly useful for ‘Fullstack Vaadin’ course is targeted for individuals or small/medium teams of professional Java developers that want to be productive and competitive in this large market. You will see that Vaadin can help you to create applications that you can maintain easily for decades.
Enroll now: FullStack Vaadin (14-24+) – Practical Solutions
Title: FullStack Vaadin (14-24+) – Practical Solutions
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 53
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 53
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create, step-by-step, a basic single-page Vaadin application
- Using Vaadin @Push for websocket communication
- Create MS Excel files from dynamic data, use advanced formatting, embed images, etc.
- Create PDF files on-fly with nice formatting, images, barcodes
- Using MongoDB as a persistent data store(database backend)
- Manage file upload and download using MongoDB GridFS as data storage from your Vaadin applications
- Create web applications without writing JavaScript or HTML directly
Who Should Attend
- ‘Fullstack Vaadin’ course is targeted for individuals or small/medium teams of professional Java developers that want to be productive and competitive in this large market. You will see that Vaadin can help you to create applications that you can maintain easily for decades.
Target Audiences
- ‘Fullstack Vaadin’ course is targeted for individuals or small/medium teams of professional Java developers that want to be productive and competitive in this large market. You will see that Vaadin can help you to create applications that you can maintain easily for decades.
Welcome to the ‘FullStack Vaadin (23+) – Practical Solutions’ course. With this course, you are going to add value to your existing JAVA and Vaadin 23+ (with SpringBoot) knowledge by getting familiar with several techniques for solving specifically selected areas of JAVA application development. Each topic involves a project configuration section but mostly covers practical solutions being split into several steps.
We will focus on several topics often useful in corporate JAVA development but not exclusively. SpringBoot is being used here as an underlying framework, but solutions presented here are not specific to this platform and can be reused e.g. with recent Quarkus support, etc. Java 11 is used in this course (required by Vaadin 23+), but the solutions provided here are Java 8 compatible and reusable with legacy applications.
The primary idea of this course is to help existing Vaadin developers to adopt certain knowledge in an easy way. The solutions presented are being used for several years in production-grade Vaadin applications and the libraries used are well-known for stability and active development. This will protect the value invested into adopting some libraries or projects.
What you’ll learn
Create interactive application using modern LiveView like programming approach
Use of Java for creating a full stack application (frontend / backend)
Use of Push techniques for updating users from backend
Create collaboration types of applications using popular LiveView approach
Increase your programming speed 5x using Vaadin for building complex UIs
Create highly maintainable and easy to read application code
Add value to your existing SpringBoot development knowledge
Topics covered by this course:
During a course, we create a basic Vaadin single-page application and each lecture will add a new enhancement to it. Eventually, we create a single application with many different features.
create a full featured single page application using VAADIN
collaboration using server Push technology
export application data in MS Excel format with formatting and some other features
export application data in PDF format with formatting, embedded images or bar-codes
including MongoDB as persistent data storage
using GridFS as an attachment/file uploads data storage
An important part of this course is to realize ‘what we don’t need to do’ when using Vaadin. Simplification can be a huge and old saying that ‘the best code is the code you don’t have to write’ is proven here.
GitHub repository:
The source code is available through the link attached to the last lecture in this course. You can clone the repo and use the code snippets we are building in this course.
Who is this course for:
‘FullStack Vaadin – Practical Solutions’ course is targeted at individuals or small/medium teams of professional Java developers that want to be productive and competitive in this large market. Techniques presented here can be reused easily in application development of many kinds.
Note: The course video quality was increased recently. Now we are running video footage in 1080p depending on your bandwidth available.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Basic ToDo application step-by-step guide
Lecture 1: Application overview – basic setup and dependencies
Lecture 2: Single page app – overview
Lecture 3: Single page app – layouts
Lecture 4: Implementing simple in-memory data storage
Lecture 5: Single page app – items view
Lecture 6: What we are not doing – overview
Lecture 7: Dynamic params from URL
Lecture 8: Adding items
Lecture 9: Removing items
Lecture 10: What we are not doing – overview
Lecture 11: Dynamic page title
Lecture 12: Selecting / deselecting all items
Lecture 13: Single Page application created
Chapter 3: Server side @Push – real time communication
Lecture 1: What is @Push about? Use cases.
Lecture 2: Vaadin @Push broadcaster implementation
Lecture 3: Using @Push broadcaster in our application – part 1
Lecture 4: Using @Push broadcaster in our application – part 2
Lecture 5: @Push – implementation summary
Chapter 4: Working with MS Excel exports
Lecture 1: MS Excel usage overview
Lecture 2: Dependencies needed
Lecture 3: Adding a export button to the screen
Lecture 4: Building a backend code for creating MS Excel file part 1
Lecture 5: Connect the backed Excel export implementation with our button
Lecture 6: Applying a simple styling for our Excel file
Lecture 7: Implementing MS Excel export of selected items
Lecture 8: What we are not doing – overview
Chapter 5: Adding PDF reporting
Lecture 1: PDF usage overview
Lecture 2: Building backend for creating PDF file part1
Lecture 3: Building backend for creating PDF file part2
Lecture 4: Adding HTML template (blueprint) for PDF
Lecture 5: Implementing button for download PDF
Lecture 6: Implementing button for download PDF part 2
Lecture 7: What we are not doing – overview
Lecture 8: Various PDF formatting
Lecture 9: Adding images to PDF
Lecture 10: Adding a barcode to PDF
Lecture 11: PDF reporting from Vaadin application overview
Chapter 6: Quiz
Chapter 7: Storing data into MongoDB
Lecture 1: Why MongoDB?
Lecture 2: In-memory storage to MongoDB migration
Lecture 3: Implementing basic application features – adding / removing items with MongoDB
Lecture 4: MongoDB implementation summary
Chapter 8: GridFS – file upload from Vaadin into MongoDB and vice-versa
Lecture 1: What is GridFS and why to use it?
Lecture 2: Storing file uploads into GridFS – backend
Lecture 3: Storing file uploads into GridFS – frontend with Vaadin
Lecture 4: What we are not doing – overview
Lecture 5: Downloading files stored in GridFS – backend
Lecture 6: Downloading files stored in GridFS – frontend
Lecture 7: Deleting files from GridFS – backend
Lecture 8: Deleting files from GridFS – frontend
Lecture 9: Using store files metadata + project source link
Chapter 9: Quiz
David Marko
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 71 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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