Go Full Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular & Typescript
Go Full Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular & Typescript, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 75 lectures, based on 76 reviews, and has 426 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a Full Stack Application that will manage users Understand how to structure a Spring Boot Application in different modules Learn to code by creating an application in a step-by-step manner Get an introduction to Spring Data JPA Analyse Spring Security concepts Implement custom Spring Security authentication mechanism Build both back-end and front-end projects in one course Work with Angular Learn to work with MDBootstrap framework (for building the UI project) Get to work with Typescript – superset of Javascript Create a graphical user interface using Java Swing Define several Swing related components and understand how to work with them Learn to build desktop apps in Java This course is ideal for individuals who are Students that want to build a fully functional full stack application or Any person that has a passion for programming It is particularly useful for Students that want to build a fully functional full stack application or Any person that has a passion for programming.
Enroll now: Go Full Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular & Typescript
Title: Go Full Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Angular & Typescript
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 75
Number of Published Lectures: 75
Number of Curriculum Items: 75
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 75
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a Full Stack Application that will manage users
- Understand how to structure a Spring Boot Application in different modules
- Learn to code by creating an application in a step-by-step manner
- Get an introduction to Spring Data JPA
- Analyse Spring Security concepts
- Implement custom Spring Security authentication mechanism
- Build both back-end and front-end projects in one course
- Work with Angular
- Learn to work with MDBootstrap framework (for building the UI project)
- Get to work with Typescript – superset of Javascript
- Create a graphical user interface using Java Swing
- Define several Swing related components and understand how to work with them
- Learn to build desktop apps in Java
Who Should Attend
- Students that want to build a fully functional full stack application
- Any person that has a passion for programming
Target Audiences
- Students that want to build a fully functional full stack application
- Any person that has a passion for programming
Hello there,
As part of this course you will build 2 big complete systemsas from scratch (entire flow presented) – as a step-by-step guide
System 1: Full Stack (back-end to front-end) REST based app – Spring Boot, Angular
Course structure:
Section 1:
short introduction about me
detailed explanation of the prerequisites for this course (Java JDK 1.8, Maven, Spring Tool Suite, Postman)
Section 2:
create the initial project structure for a Spring Boot RESTful Java Application
will learn how to include dependencies under our Maven based project
understand the correct way to structure an application based on its components
create a REST API to handle 5 main operations (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, SEARCH, DELETE) by working with User as the conceptual resource
work with Postman in order to create collection and invoke REST APIs
Section 3:
offers an introduction to Spring Data JPAand H2 In Memory Database support
will learn how to migrate a simple User model class to an Entity concept that will be handled by H2 Database
understand the step-by-step process to migrate all operations for the the User RESTful resource to Spring Data JPA storage
learn the correct way to refactor code in stages
Section 4:
introduces Spring Security basic concepts
add a custom Spring Securityimplementation to handle basic authentication and access to resources
learn how to encode passwords in Spring Boot
introduce Spring Data JPA pagination support for Find All UsersAPI
implement a mechanism to provide an alternative search for Find Userbased on specific criteria
Migrate from H2 In Memory Database to MySQL Database
Move application to run under Docker environment
Section 5:
create an Angular 10 based application as the front-end section for our course
transform the course to a Full Stack application
implement Authorization Mechanism
include Login and Users components
add support of working with Angular Guards
include different UI components as part of integrating MDBootstrap UI framework
create Angularservices and main infrastructure of communicating with the Spring Boot back-end application
System 2: Build a fully functional contact form (back-end to front-end) + GMAIL integration
Course structure:
Even if you are new to this topic, or have some experience in the vast Web Development world, I will guide you on this step by step process of building this system.
So…what will we build?
We will create a complete and responsive contact form that will be capable of sending emails by using the GMAIL service integration support
What technologies/frameworks will we use for Front-end integration?
We will useAngular 10, Typescript and MDBootstrap Framework
What technologies/frameworks will we use for the Back-end integration?
Will work withSpring Boot, Spring Boot Mail Integration, and configure a testing GMAIL account that we can use for testing
What is the outcome of following this class you might ask?
You will understand the basic principles of working on aFull Stack Web Application(understand how the communication is made between a front-end app to a back-end server) – by following a real working example ->Building a contact form for a website
Added a new section related to Java Collections Framework – Fast Interview Preparation
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: REST Architecture Principles
Lecture 3: Install Java JDK
Lecture 4: Setup Maven
Lecture 5: Configure Spring Tool Suite IDE
Lecture 6: Install Postman
Chapter 2: [Back-end REST API] – Create a Spring Boot RESTful Java application
Lecture 1: Create a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializer
Lecture 2: Add spring-boot-starter-web dependency
Lecture 3: Create initial package structure
Lecture 4: Initial implementation for Find All Users API
Lecture 5: Create random list of users
Lecture 6: Use Postman to invoke Find All Users API
Lecture 7: Initial implementation for Find User By Id API
Lecture 8: Introduce ResponseEntity
Lecture 9: Implement Add User API
Lecture 10: Create the Delete User API
Lecture 11: Implement Update User API
Chapter 3: Introduction to Spring Data JPA
Lecture 1: Introduce Spring Data JPA and H2 Database
Lecture 2: Update User model class to an entity
Lecture 3: Change Find All Users API
Lecture 4: Modify Add User API
Lecture 5: Improve Delete User API
Lecture 6: Modify Find User By Id API
Lecture 7: Improve Update User API
Lecture 8: Create mechanism to store users in database on application startup
Chapter 4: Spring Security basics and bonus features
Lecture 1: Introduce Spring Boot Starter Security
Lecture 2: Implement customizable basic security
Lecture 3: Add PasswordEncoder mechanism
Lecture 4: Add username and password fields to our User model class
Lecture 5: Encode passwords for users created on application startup
Lecture 6: Encode passwords for users created under Add and Update User APIs
Lecture 7: Introduce pagination for Find All Users API
Lecture 8: Implement custom search for an user, based on different criteria
Lecture 9: Migrate from H2 In Memory Database to MySQL Database
Lecture 10: Run under Docker Environment
Lecture 11: Prepare the server for UI interaction
Lecture 12: Source code of the back-end application
Chapter 5: Front-End REST API – Angular 10, MDBootstrap and Typescript
Lecture 1: Install Node.js
Lecture 2: Configure Angular CLI
Lecture 3: Setup Visual Studio Code IDE
Lecture 4: Create and configure the Angular project
Lecture 5: Implement an authentication mechanism
Lecture 6: Add Login Component
Lecture 7: Find All Users UI Components
Lecture 8: Adding main UI cards
Lecture 9: Add new user support
Lecture 10: Find User By Id
Lecture 11: Implement a filter process
Lecture 12: Find By Criteria
Lecture 13: Support for editing and deleting users
Lecture 14: Delete User in UI
Lecture 15: Update existing user
Lecture 16: Source code of the front-end application
Chapter 6: [Bonus] Build a contact form [back-end to front-end] with GMAIL integration
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setup Angular Project
Lecture 3: Configure MDBootstrap
Lecture 4: Generate Contact Component
Lecture 5: Typescript Business Logic
Lecture 6: Build the HTML form
Lecture 7: Setup Spring Boot Server
Lecture 8: Create Email Infrastructure
Lecture 9: GMAIL Security
Lecture 10: Create the Email Service
Lecture 11: Add CORS Filtering
Lecture 12: Small updates and final test
Lecture 13: Source Code for bonus section
Chapter 7: Bonus – Java Collections – Fast Interview Preparation
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Collection<E> interface
Lecture 3: List<E> interface and implementations
Lecture 4: List<E> examples
Lecture 5: Set<E> interface and implementations
Lecture 6: Set<E> examples
Lecture 7: Map<K, V> interface and implementations
Lecture 8: Map<K, V> examples
Chapter 8: Final words
Lecture 1: Thank you
Alexandru Rosu
Senior Java Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 21 votes
- 5 stars: 37 votes
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